Pocket Rumble: 2D indie fighter - Discussion

She went all Kris Kross and started wearing her cap backwards.

what’s the chance of those crossover characters ever becoming playable?

I think that’d be pretty sick

Well it’s still Terry’s cap.


Is Naomi’s long distance hop really called a “Hype Hop”, or is that a typo, with it really being called a “Hyper Hop”?

It’s not clear to me from reading the KS page whether this thing will get a Mac/Linux port or if it’s just a stretch goal or if it’ll come with the Geiger DLC. I would be 1000% more likely to back this if it were to get a Linux port.

Mac/Linux port + Geiger is a stretch goal if they reach $35k.

I just pledged. Not going to lie, I’d love for you guys to sneak a PS4 version with that Vita one and make it cross buy/cross save. I really do hope you meet all your stretch goals. I love my NGPC and it’s fighting games.

I assume there’s not going to be voice acting? I think there should be voices in the game. I understand the idea that it’s supposed to be an NGPC game and thus it wouldn’t have voices, but honestly that just seems like kind of a cop-out to me…

^How about just grunts and what not? I don’t think anyone should actually, talk.

Now I totally demand a Julia among the unlockable characters!

Jokes aside, I backed it just now, I wish you a great Kickstarting adventure the following days!

we didn’t want to actually call it “hyper hop,” because it has different properties from KoF hyper hop. So yeah, “hype hop” is intentional lol.

Some of them, yes! Depends on how the boss fight comes out and how interested the person who owns the IP is with making them a full character. Kick and Fencer will NEVER be playable in local/online vs, though. Sorry if that’s a little disappointing, but we’d never balance them properly without completely betraying their source material.

Looks fun. Threw some money your way. :wink:

Good luck on this, definitely looks good so far.

Backed for $25, looks fun

I’m still waiting for River City Ransom Underground…I just don’t trust kickstarter funded games…too many turn to vaporware after the devs take the cash and run.

Developing games take a long ass time, dud. RCR:U has been in constant development and has had a ton of work done. They’re looking to get a playable build out to backers this month even.

I wasn’t the least bit interested in this game at first glance, especially with me not being used to the art style, but after reading through the Kickstarter page, my initial opinion changed drastically almost immediately. I love how the game is a love letter to different styles of fighting games and how unique every character is compared to each other.

This is certainly going to be the first game I ever back and I can’t wait to see it come to fruition.

Here’s hoping this gets featured on SRK’s front page. Please oh please.

I’d love to, but Kickstarter campaigns are usually reviewed by Ian and Pat.

Go bug them about this.