Plaza Bonita TilT

good games on wednesday. finally played fernando after all these years or months. hes been practicing, with dif teams as well. good!

Seen some good matches yesterday night, and im finally buying a dreamcast through my friend. All I need now is just the stick and the game. I’ll be at tilt again today.

nice. real good sticks are gonna be kinda pricy. which guy were you at tilt? the one with the black hat on the side?

anyone feel like going today friday?

today around 5 or so it gets packed for marvel


i’ll be there =]

lol… you smashing till dawn or what?

…ps. DA—> :tdown:

Yeah that was me. Im one of Ernesto’s friends.

gg’s everyone.

Safe as hell style as usual haha. Against you I can’t be so agressive. There were a couple times in our match where we just ducking haha.

Mexican from GT:
Stick with Cable haha.

Did we get to play?


so who was winning after I left?

thx chris. i think i officially suck on those sticks in my opinion. maybe i need to practice more on them during week when no ones around. or wait till they are fully broken in. i dunno who was winning. i think each person had like 2 wins b4 they lost and stuff.

So over all what do you think of South Bay’s skill level? I think it’s pretty good, this is the closest in terms of I guess equity of skill level between everyone that it’s ever been. Looks like you guys been practicing since GT closed! Good shit…keep it up.

But yeh, our overall skill level is good w/ Ernesto leading the pack.

good games all 2 of them .

hah ‘oh yeah’

anywho…we figured out something with the MvC1 machine…it works fine when only one person is playing, but when 2 people are playing, thats when it gets fucked up. so i dunno if thats something that can be fixed :sad:

3rd Strike

when’s next time eybody is goin?

someone teach me comando/sent./cable plz


i go thursday, friday and sunday off. whats the plan.

friday for sure for me

chris;we played, i just rushed ur msp like no one should ;/
you sell yourself way to short in terms of mvc2 skill, told you this 10000000x

told you chris, doubt yourself