
I stood in a line of people doing the running man for a while. I don’t know why. It was really stupid and funny. My 4 year old was watching me play, and he started trying to do the dance.

Funny random quotes:
“You don’t see this on Xbox 360!!”
“This is how I spend my Friday nights”
“I’m too black for this”
“This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time”
"…but it’s also very retarded"

I actually spent 49 cents from my wallet on a toy robot for my living room.

SRK club?? I shoulda known there was one made already lol I want in too!

I sent an request…i think

club is SRKGDALPHA right?

If not could i get an invite?

I was on the line when there was 5-6 people.

But then I had to leave :rofl:


Have you guys seen that? Watch near the end. lol… too funny.

So Jac, theviktor, Arkayne & I were chilling, dancing around, when this dude started following us & started stalking Ark. :rofl:
Good times guys! :lol:

Funny vid Shin! :lol:

i got an email for the beta havent put it in though…

Invite me please. Nismo07

That is too damn funny. :rofl:

I made a female character & everybody & their dad is all up on my nu…boobs! :rofl:
I can’t get back into my pad. It always says error. Some hacker is robbing me! :looney:

The Asian/JPN Home is cooler, here’s why:


EDIT: I’d love to see some Street Fighter cabs, along with any Arcade game made by Sega.

i’m on psh

Damn, RayBlade! That Namco Shit is tight as hell. thanks for the invite.

It looks like people from other regions can invite you to their home.
I just invited Final_Cut and he was able to see (but not play) the Arcade cabs in my Home.

I’ve got those cabs in my apartment already. You just have to download the Namco Beta from the Hong Kong store get achievements and you unlock them and clothes for your avatar. Works on the Euro and US versions too.

It would be a great feature for games that you bought from the PSN store especially arcade style PS1 games. If you had the game you got a cab that would load to savestate in the arcade mode.

Street Fighter 2 in the lobby of the Street Fighter 4 area would rock. Even the SNES version. Just for something to do while waiting to launch games or tourneys with your friends.

How bout those sweet lookin’ BASKETBALL BOOTS?

I made the video posted…

Can you explain how I can use these items in the US Home? I can’t seen to find the Namco Arcade games here (US Home).

Did you use the Hong Kong version?

Apparently the Japanese version doesn’t work. You need the Hong Kong version with Hong Kong saves linked to your account There’s a whole guide to it here:

Once you unlock the prizes by playing the beta outside home they are linked to your PSN account and can be used in home.

Linking acheivements/trophies to prizes in home is a great idea

Found a wierd glitch too:


Penny Arcade are sort of infamous for Xbox fanboyism, though.

I figured it out. Didn’t know the Namco Beta was also a game sampler that could be played outside of PS Home.

Unlocked everything again. Will probably do the same for the UK Home.