Planet Zero SBO qualifiers are Rigged

Sponsors don’t ruin everything, they just want advertisement oppurtunities more often than not. Anyone can be an advertising whore, not just a PZ regular.

You know, it’s funny you mention this because of what Emogear said a month before the event when everyone was on his ass about the whole “interview” process. I remember him saying that SBO reps wanted to do interviews on the American team and they asked “Do they know what to say?” They didn’t, so no interview ever took place (how true all of this is is unknown). He tries to paint the picture that SBO staff really gives two shits about some Americans that come into the tournament, but why was it that almost any time an American team came up to play they cut to interviews? :rofl:

USA lost off camera right? Yeah that was fucked up…but I suppose if anyone repping U.S.A. made it far enough they’d HAVE to have thrown them up on broadcast.

I remember seeing a small amount of their match, but from what I heard it was over pretty quick.

LOL @ people thinking Emotear is a Patriot. Given his creepy-ness over Race Car girls, I’d say he’s Psycho Mantis.


EmotiCONS shirts at evo, with a big frown icon on the back!

Someone needs to do an edit of the mgs logo w/ emogear’s pic on it.

I’d do it, but I lack the skill to do so =(

lol thats what this scandal should be called

You guys should be aware of whats going on this thread… its a bit silly

He sure does post a lot for being to busy to go on aism

Choi already said he would help us out and even through in money. We have to man up and agree on a location where everyone (or most people) can meet up to particaipate. Somewhere where both the east coast and west coast (or a super major where a lot of the GG scene will pull together) can play and compette for the spot. Dont make him regrete helping us guys. Enough of the emotional gear hating at least until the 30th where the final decision is supposed to be made. After that its whatever, but Im gonna foccus away from this problem and more towards getting a good and fair location for next years quals where everyone can participate.

Might be unrelated but they do have to sell as many copies of the DVD as possible. Cutting out key parts of a foreign team’s performance seems to make sense from a business standpoint since more people might import the DVD to fill in the gaps of what happened. A lot of important Japanese matches were butchered as well and I didn’t notice a clear discrepancy between how much they showed of Japanese or foreign matches.

Sorry to those affected by this, can’t say much else since I don’t know all the details.

I’m not defending the behavior, I’m merely being realistic. Real life ain’t the movies and people play politics. No matter how in the wrong your friends are you will support them in 99% of all cases. Why? Because they are your friends. Is it right? No. But that’s what he’s going to do and only a fool would think otherwise.

I’m just saying it’s a dangerous line of thinking to start banning/harassing people over this. Not to mention the fact that no one is going to have the balls to do it anyways. I’m merely pointing out the impracticality of this whole thing. Also look at my previous posts in the thread before you start to think I’m defending PZ or anyone related to that entity.

@ Gaijin: True. I’m sure that was part of it but it was over so quick you think they’d just let us see it and then go to the interview. I’m sure a good bit of the DVD is already on YouTube any ways. YouTube pwns a lot of shit like that.

Oh and banning people over video games is stupid unless they’re threatning to kill people over them or have some mental disease that compells them to secretly handicap their opponent in every match they play (changing damage settings, random stuff like that). Fighting games just aren’t that serious and there isn’t much anyone in the scene so strict as to do something like that. It’s idealistic…but it’s not gonna happen cuz it’s the fighting game community.

This is all very confusing, I mean if the rules state one thing and players expect another you’re going to have problems. Watching the scene grow I always thought that if you went to an SBO qualifier and you won, that granted you the right to go. That sounds like earning the spot. I guess I’m just trying to say that people ruined it for other people “apparently” and now it has to be based on not only winning but by character and blah blah blah.

I donno I still think it’s garbage. When it came to competitive fighting games the winner was always awarded with a prize, now if you win that doesn’t garantee you getting such prize.

Sounds like something outta the Twilight Zone. Ight I’ma go study now.

So I take it AnonymousB is Latif, since that was Pozer’s teammate. They talked about not having a strong 3rd member and that guy certainly is strong to say the least…

Now that I think of it, didn’t FlashMetroid’s team have to play Latif’s in the 1st round? Seems AWFULLY sketchy to me…also note how they stacked the top two Texas teams on the same side of the bracket to increase the chances that one of them makes the finals.

I’ve also heard they tried to stack the brackets against Arturo last year in Arcana, though I have no idea just how true that is.

Latif and Pozer’s teammate (faultydefense on DL) isn’t terrible, but he’s fairly inexperienced tournament-wise and he’s not really a stick player either. In any other context, I wouldn’t mind having him as a teammate; just for a major with top-notch out-of-state players, he’s not a relatively strong player for the level you’d hope for, especially since we thought SC would be a good chance at SBO at the time. I had planned on teaming with Pozer/Latif for Showdown Championships, but didn’t precisely because I didn’t feel like wading through a con just to play in some tournament that was a maybe-fier for SBO. I felt kinda bad for Pozer/Latif/Darren 'cuz it wasn’t really fair to Pozer/Latif to have to essentially be a two man team and it wasn’t fair to Darren to have to feel like dead-weight when he could easily have made an impact for another team.
Still, after all this, I’m glad AnonymousCD didn’t join AnonymousA and AnonymousB for Showdown.

As for stacking the bracket against Arturo for AH quals… I dunno if there was a way to stack the brackets against him… the quals were really small (I know I skipped because quals cost like $30 or something and I was already half-broke from entering GG with a bunch of random dudes that year) and even with only like 10 people, only about 4-5 of them were serious contenders (Arturo, Ryan, Stone, Marn, woof/Eric, Sanchez).
Plus Art was just way better than TX at that point, I don’t think I took a game off him even in casuals.

Gene couldve won AH, he didn’t want to go to Japan.

Man this thread continues to keep going and going like the energizer bunny.

i decided to boycott pz. :wgrin: