Planet Zero SBO qualifiers are Rigged

The plot thickens.


That’s all I can say. :rofl:

Zinac: That’s some ultra shady shit. Wow. I feel for ya, man.

Lol, reading the conversation, it’s obvious that Anonymous A is Pozerwolf.

cant wait for this to be made into a graphic novel

Emogear is just too strong. He’d make a great politician.

Emogear is the final boss.
Ranma is the sub-boss.
And Kensou is the mid-boss.

This thread = next Kojima game.

Damn Emo gear is employed by the Patriots :(.

Emo Gear Solid

Zinac is the new Solid Snake.

what someone got screwed at a planet zero tournament no way

This is a sneaking mission, Zinac.


Yeah but they killed him.


Edit: Gah! You idea-stealing, faster-posting bastard.

Now you just sound like an apologist. Under the guise of a ‘safety net’ type interview process, hes basically has given himself the final say on who goes or who doesn’t. What’s to stop someone who has the money to just buy a spot to SBO if they can run things however they want? If he was just running local tournaments it would be one thing, but this kind of behavior tarnishes the legitimacy of the American competitive fighting game scene, which probably hasn’t earned much respect among the Japanese as it is. I understand we shouldn’t support this guy, but I think people have a right to be pissed off when such a high profile person acts in a manner that reflects poorly on our scene just to make a buck. Don’t say we are better off with corrupt shitty qualifiers because that is just not true.

let niggas play for spots.


Wow I’m a fucking idiot, I actually did a search for AnonymousB. I didn’t even catch on at first -_-

yo why is this shit coming out now lol

There is some " La Li Le Lu Lo" goin’ on in this thread.

Howdy, I just popped in to improve this already awesome analogy

Kids: Why is there no SBO spot for us??

You: Well children, in the days of yore there was an evil, evil man by the name EmotionGear; he had razor teeth and crooked eyes and lived in the darkest shadow of Planet Zero Mountain. Trust me children you did not want this spot. Winning his dark tournament did not even guarantee you the SBO spot you would have earned.

Kids: WAIt what do you mean WINning didn’t earn you the prized spot?

You: Well you see there was a second condition to earning the prize. Not only would you have to win the dark tournament, you would also have to surrender the chastity of your anus to the Dark Lord EmotionGear.

Kids: WhAT?!?! My BUM!?! But, wait, after i did that THEN would I get my prize?

You: Of course not, you see children all that really mattered was that you had relinquished your integrity and self-respect and become one of the Dark Lord’s minions. Only those with the most wicked souls that had agreed to such a malign pact could really win the prize. Winning the dark tournament and surrendering your bum were completely arbitrary to who actually got the prized SBO spot. And that is why so many years ago that us elders banded together to drive out the dark lord, and imprison him for eternity in the shadow of Planet Zero Mountain.

Kids: WHOoaoaoa!?! You are so wise and brave elder. THank you for saving us all.

You: Anytime little dudes, anytime.

Zinac: "What? Emogear?!"
Otacon: "That’s right, Snake! Emogear! If you don’t stop him, the FGC will be doomed! He’ll plunge the world into a state where competitive games, be they video games or sports, aren’t decided with winning but with who your friends are!"
Zinac: "grunts in displeasure Otacon, how do I beat this thing? No matter what I do he just hides behind a veil of money and loyal minions! Is there any way to beat this guy?"
Otacon: "Hmmm… I’m not really sure, Snake, but try to think! … Wait, I remember! Hit him where it hurts, Snake! Use logic and those conversation logs to expose his weakness to everyone! By doing that, you can not only expose his weakness to you, but to everyone else that wants him gone! With the world backing us, there’s no way we can’t beat Emogear and the PZatriots!"
Zinac: “Good idea, Otacon. Thanks.”

wow shenanigens,

that is all