Planet Zero SBO qualifiers are Rigged

So… if SBO rules require a tournament, then either SC was that tournament, or the tournament is still to come. PZ local to decide SBO spots, this weekend?

Unless they’re really just picking spots. In which case, I’d like to nominate myself. I don’t play GG, but I’m a really nice guy. No problems from me!

I notice everyone is still saying “who ever that guy is” better do the honorable thing and give the spot back maybe I didnt make my post clear enough so here we go

Me and a bunch of others who were at the tournament knew this was gonna happen after what happen to KENSOU all that work he did was not gonna go in vain lol

KENSOU and friends rigged the brackets so KENSOU could have any chance at the tourney because KENSOU is still mad that last year he got raped last year because he fucking sucks and of course doesn’t play the game lol

SO if you guys wanna tell someone that they should give him the spot back ill save your time you dont have to wait for shit


of course this is just pure speculation im not 100% because I dont work with PZ but im positive and everyone who was there agrees with me

PS - even if in the future im wrong im sure this post had something to do with it because I know hes in the discussion for this spot and if this post ruined his chances

FUCK YOU KENSOU :tup: thanks for being an old friend

Resorting to the same sort of tactics makes you the same. A ban is different- it’s a clear example you don’t want to associate with the person anymore. And no, I don’t consider it overboard. Baseball suspends people for “conduct detrimental to the game”, this would be the FG equivalent.

If legal action is considered, small claims court would be the best venue, and looking at it, I can see ground for a case of around $2,000 in damages (trip to Japan+hotel). Dunno what the cost to file in Small Claims court is in Texas, but here I think it’s about $15, so it shouldn’t be much. This also would be the only real way to hurt Emogear- since the community taking their business way only works if the community is a large part of the business, which it isn’t.

I know that emogear has “protected” himself in this whole situation but I just don’t see the logic in thinking that winning an SBO qualifier tournament (or being a on a winning qualifier team) isn’t enough of a requirement to actually be a competitor at SBO. I mean what else does someone have to do? Mop the floors at PZ? Like I said before Emogear obviously planned this out…I guess I can look at it 2 ways:

  • I feel sorry for Zinac putting some much effort in money into travelling and competing only to have an opportunity ripped away.

  • Its been know that emogear has arguably questionable protocols for how his tournaments are ran–so maybe he should’ve seen this coming?

All in all, I think its a pretty messed up situation.

That’s just my opinion.

He wouldn’t be allowed at any tournament I ran.

Or if he was, and won, instead of giving him the prize money, you’d give it to one of your pre-selected homies.

US Guilty Gear is beastly.

I wasn’t serious about the not giving them their money thing. It was just a hypothetical “what if” situation that would make them feel the same way as Zinac feels. Then again, a tournament prize money can’t compare the feeling of going to Japan.

Legal action?? That sounds so crazy to me. This is why we cant have nice things. Emotiongear comes when there was nothing, and gives us something. It might not have been how or what we would have prefered, but it was still a hell of a lot better then what we had before, which again…was nothing.

If someone offers you something, I was tought to either take it and say “thank you” or not accept it. Not bitch about how they are not giving it they way we want. or how they are giving it to the wrong people.

Im sure emotiongear will have no problem returning the status quo and not giving the US a spot. Then what will you tell the children when they ask why there is no SBO spot??

Kids: Why is there no SBO spot for us??
You: Trust me kid you wouldnt want this spot. Winning diddnt even gaurantee you a spot.
Kids: But there is still a chance right? I want to try :frowning:
You: NO KID! just trust me we did you a favor.
Kids: WHy couldnt you just have not supported it if you didnt like it…why did you have to ruin it for everyone? :frowning:

Of course this is all assuming that all the negative press is actually negativly effecting emotiongear in the slightest. Otherwise if he can still do it, and its making him money, of fourse hes going to keep doing it.

i dont see why this is so hard to understand for everyone. An SBO spot was not ripped away from Zinac, because he never had one to begin with. Just because he won did not gaurantee him anything, as was stated several months ago.

Well i think ive said all i can say without going in circles. I think enough information is here to have an opnion on the issue, whatever it may be.

Was the prize money, or was it being sent to Japan? Might be able to get specific performance out of him, ie a spot on the team he send to Japan.

Don’t think you guys who are talking about ‘court’ understand the 100 posts that have said that the tournament was not the qualifier and the prize money was the prize for the tournament, not an SBO spot. So there is no claim.

Someone else who won’t cause theese things to happen can host the sbo qualifier.

You don’t seriously believe the entirety of the gg community is dependent on the machinations of enemagear ?

Wasen’t there even someone here or on DL that said they would buy a cab if necessary ?

Furthermore as have been stated.


And your anology is retarded.

Although brief, I did acknowledge that Emogear’s contract states that winning doesn’t guarantee you a spot in SBO (which doesn’t make sense to me)–I’m just saying its pretty weird that winning a tournament made specifically to determine the qualifier for another tournament doesn’t guarantee the winners their SBO spot. Normally, that would be enough so I guess nowadays you gotta be an employee of the arcade of cause obviously that gives you a one-up over everyone else. Contractual or not–this shit is retarded.

It would turn me off from competing, period.

Make up your minds.

Was it sbo tourny + interview
or just random tourny.

If it was just a random tourny then there needs to be held a SBO tourny.

Since sending people without a qualifier i doubt even with the hands off approach they seem to have SBO would be okay with.

I think the issue lies in that SBO apparently gave Emogear and PZ an exception to the rule in terms of entering a team. According to an email sent to Emogear, the SBO staff allowed for an interview process to be used (although this fully contradicts the email that was sent to John Choi).

Someone is lying, or the SBO staff are trying to avoid a conflict. Something has got to give.

As UltraDavid pointed out, courts do not take kindly to provisions made up to weasel one’s way out of honoring a contract. And clearly, that is what the “interview” process is; their given reason for it is based on events that never happened, and there never was a formal interview!

Furthermore, the “one team member must be from PZ” requirement was NOT in the original set of rules. People who read the rules before Emogear deleted them can attest to this, and even guys like Ranma & Kensou came out and admitted it IIRC.



Japanese culture is big on not doing anything to disturb the collective “wa” (spirit, harmony, etc.) of an organization or alliance. This is why they often don’t give direct answers, either.

i dont respect ur lifestyle choices but im still proud of u, son:karate:

Will be too late for that- the proper remedy would be reimbursement for the false claims of PZ. (Trip to Japan+hotel stay), as SBO would already have occured. $2,000 in cash should cover that I think.

In which case, the burden would have to be on PZ why the interview was failed, as there is plenty of precedent that winners go, and no one can name a case where it didn’t happen on moral grounds, especially in a civil case where the standard is just preponderance.

I had a little talk with someone who met up with Emotiongear before Showdown.

[13:53] PozerTheMonkey: well…
[13:53] PozerTheMonkey: check this out
[13:53] PozerTheMonkey: before showdown I did talk to him about this
[13:54] PozerTheMonkey: PZ was closed and i was invited into PZ while they were moving the arcades
[13:54] PozerTheMonkey: it was me and AnonymousB
[13:54] PozerTheMonkey: kensou allowed us in to talk to PZ John, and we discussed things about the
community and how showdown would work
[13:54] PozerTheMonkey: the plan was…
[13:55] PozerTheMonkey: they said the person winning the tournament may not be able to go
[13:55] PozerTheMonkey: I pointed out that this would out-rage the community, but advise us not to
worry because they expected me and AnonymousB to win
[13:55] PozerTheMonkey: knowing we had no strong 3rd team-mate, they encouraged us to win
[13:55] PozerTheMonkey: this is why kensou was so excited everytime we won a match
[13:56] PozerTheMonkey: when we didn’t win, they went ahead to Plan B
[13:56] PozerTheMonkey: me and AnonymousB knew what the out come was going to be
[13:56] PozerTheMonkey: when AnonymousB lost against jan, we were saying that Jan should’ve let us win…
but at the sametime it just should we were not ready
[13:57] PozerTheMonkey: we only wanted to have Jan let us win so we wouldn’t have to see the out come
that it is right now
[13:57] PozerTheMonkey: a few months later…
[13:57] PozerTheMonkey: we asked who the SBO team was going to be this year from the houston
community (not the PZ people)
[13:58] PozerTheMonkey: and talked about who was actually going
[13:58] PozerTheMonkey: they asked about me and AnonymousB, but I told them we didn’t win… so in the
end we decided it would be best to have the person who won 1st place at showdown to be the best thing
to do
[13:58] zn4k: I see
[13:59] PozerTheMonkey: in general, when i said “its best to have 1st place go”, i actually said it
in a confused way… mainly because we all knew someone was going to get kicked out, we just didnt
know who
[13:59] PozerTheMonkey: someone that is not a PZ rep knows who the judges are
[14:00] PozerTheMonkey: but…
[14:00] PozerTheMonkey: even with all this info, its not going to help too much
[14:00] PozerTheMonkey: just more of a “behind the scenes”
[14:00] PozerTheMonkey: kind of thing
[14:00] PozerTheMonkey: so yes, we knew the out come, but we didn’t expect it to go this bad
[14:00] zn4k: I see
[14:01] PozerTheMonkey: However, when you guys did win SBO…

[14:04] zn4k: why didn’t kensou just join your team, or jan?
[14:04] PozerTheMonkey: well…
[14:04] PozerTheMonkey: they had 2 ways in going about this
[14:04] PozerTheMonkey: plan A: Have me and AnonymousB win
[14:04] PozerTheMonkey: Plan B: He won, dont worry about me or AnonymousB
[14:05] zn4k: I see
[14:05] PozerTheMonkey: I was actually surprised kensou beat me at showdown, but he abused the one
weakness i have… that im really paitent lol
[14:05] PozerTheMonkey: but thats another story, lol
[14:05] PozerTheMonkey: anyways…
[14:05] PozerTheMonkey: marn actually knew what was going down
[14:06] zn4k: I see
[14:06] zn4k: yeah I kinda figured that
[14:06] PozerTheMonkey: he even told me something like “you know why kensou is so excited about you
winning? He wants to goto SBO!” which at the time i thought he was full of shit, but…
[14:06] PozerTheMonkey: looking at it now… yeah…

Wow this is fucking conspiracy at its FINEST…

What have we come to??? :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: