Planet Zero SBO qualifiers are Rigged

Well if the team lacks the integrity to do it couldn’t the community just treat them the same way they have considered treating the guy who takes Zinacs spot ?

That’s a pretty faulty analogy. A better analogy would be “That’s like if some seedy guy offered to give him a winning lottery ticket, but only on the grounds that he fuck a stranger in the ass. Specifically, the guy the winning lottery ticket was stolen from.”

What’s dangerous is people who want friends like that, and people like you for defending that sort of behavior.

Honestly, I was thinking about going to PZ to check out their arcade later this year, since I’m going to Texas (I’m from there) since Einstein’s (the arcade I used to hang out at) shut down. But, uh, apparently it’s run by a total dick. I guess you can’t trust someone with a name like EmotionGear, after all. Btw, yeah, I’m not going to even visit that place. Even if I still lived in Texas I wouldn’t. Being able to play GG on arcade hardware is a rare treat these days, but there’s no way I would even consider supporting a twisted fuck like this. He’s exactly the kind of self-serving person I hate the most. Those people are the type who justify shit in their mind so that they think everything they do is right, no matter how much they fuck other people in the ass. As long as they’re happy, and they can keep justifying their foul misdeeds to themselves, fuck everyone else. “I’m supporting the community!” Nope, you’re just straight goat fucking it, son.

Here’s another awesome analogy: It’s like the dirty old man who offers the loli girl a piece a candy, then rapes her afterward and tells her that’s just how the world is supposed to work. I don’t know how much you like GG, but is it worth the kind of anal rape this guy dishes out and says is “good for you”!?

I’m with this guy here. He knows what’s up. If the tournament wasn’t for SBO quals, then what was the point?

like i said before, tournies are the new scam. Dude used sbo’s name to get people to fly out and pay money for something they weren’t gonna get.

This is correct. As stated months prior the tournament, winning did not = going. Nothing was gauranteed to anyone as far as SBO spots go. SO i still dont see how people are complaining when they knew the conditions before hand.

Absolute truth. If somoene else puts their time, recorces, and effort into runing this, and not be primarly motavated by money, then things would defintly be better. I would certanly support a fair tournament where winning = going, regardless if weather or not anyone thinks they would make good ambasaders for america or the person responsible for sending them.

But until then its pretty useless to try to tell someone else how to run their own tournament / buisness.

I believe it was for some kind of prize. (money i think) for 1st through 3rd places. And of course for consideration on getting the SBO spot.

That doesn’t make any sense at all. Per SBO rules, there is no “consideration” process for sending teams.

No it makes perfect sence. Thats definitly what it was for.

(Weather its against the rules or not is another story. Im not aware the detials , clauses, fine print, or conditions of the deal emotiongear had with SBO, so i cant say for sure. But yeah It could very well be against the rules, but that doesnt change the fact that thats what it was for.)

Alex -

If SBO rules dictate that Process ABC is not allowed, yet a tournament is run solely for the purpose so that Process ABC takes place, how does that make any sense?

I dont know see his logic behind his actions if thats what you mean. I personaly would not do it that way. I agree its crazy. I dont know what emotiongear is thinking. Had i been runing the tourny you can bet things would be different.

But again, that doesnt change the fact that emotiongear ran the tourny, and he ran it his way (and rightfully so), which included no gauranteed spots for winning. which is why alot of people diddnt go

I don’t know if many of you remember, or were involved, but right after the announcements were made there was alot of criticism of how the SBO qualifiers were being run. Everytime Emogear responded it went basically like this. “You’re not going to come to my tournament anyway, so why should I listen to you?” Now certain people went, and Emogear doesn’t want to listen to them. He will NOT accept critcism. It usually ends up with him touting his money, without justifying why he’s setup everything so he can send over his PZ people. Another argument his pets are trying to make is that he’s responsible for reviving the SBO spots. Why should it matter to any of us outside of his PZ clique if its just rigged to send his people?

The point is, if we want a fair tournament, we must take actions to prevent this from happening again. I support John Choi and DreamTR’s ideas.

How many people believed that winning= a spot? That would be a good indication of the reasonable person standard in a fraud case.

Having money/resources doesn’t give you the right to change the rules of the qualifier. The only reason he will get away with it is SBO staff not enforcing their rules. Just because rules aren’t enforced doesn’t mean you should not follow them.

Well again i dont know the detials and all the conditions of the emotiongear/ SBO deal. So i dont think anyone can say for sure if he did in fact break any rules. Even emotiongear said that he would not have accepted the agreement if he was not allowed to run things his way.

But if we assume that he is guilty of breaking agreed upon rules. Then yes i agree, thats not moraly right.

But still its many months too late for this hooha. if the rules were broken, they were broken the day he posted the tourny rules and that winning did not = getting the spot. I doubt SBO is going to go out of its way for forign plitics.

I think Its best for the comunity to focus their time now and actually work on the future.

Case and point. Nothing can be done about it NOW but I hope this is a big lesson to everyone here and they try to a) Get the GG SBO qualifiers away from PZ or b) Avoid PZ when they’re holding SBO “qualifiers” since everyone now knows it will be automatically gifted to his “PZ buddies/customers”.

I wonder though, with emotiongear’s rap for spinning the truth on things, is his responce from the SBO organizers about running the GG qualifiers to his desire actually legit? Since Choi spoke to apparently the same guy who said “Team that won should be sent, that is OUR rules”. I think emogear has more important things to tattle with though, like not paying the japanese players who won at Showdown last year.

Also keep in mind, guys:

Planet Zero said they would not announce the team until June 30. That just so happens to be the day when the final Japanese qualifiers are announced, meaning that he can claim Jais/Raekwon/PZ Rep “won” and there will be no time left to argue anything.

Also, while the “interview” and other bullshit was announced ahead of time in the rules, the PZ rep requirement was not. As a matter of fact, Emotiongear had the rules posted on mashharder then deleted them after the tournament was over, hoping people wouldn’t figure this out.

To quote Keits from Alphaism, “this guy is the least sneaky sneaky motherfucker ever.”

Hmm, I wonder…a couple months from now, would old mashharder posts show up in the Wayback Machine?

The thing is, everybody knew the odds were stacked against non-PlanetZero teams from the get-go, which is why the rest of the Guilty Gear scene didn’t even bother with trying to qualify. But for the teams that did go, especially non-PZ teams, the chance for a shot at an SBO spot was too good for them to pass up, and even with all the wacky rules there in the first place, they thought if they could beat the deck that was stacked against them at the time, they would surely have a shot at the spot.

Let’s review the supposed “rules” taken from the site.

Since the tournament was obviously not a round robin affair, someone was bound to get screwed in the winning team from the get-go. It was reported that Zinac had the fewest wins within his team, and they tried to use this as justification that Zinac shouldn’t be on the team (in addition to another special rule which will be mentioned later). No shit that Zinac would have the fewest wins on the team; their team had quite a number of OCV’s in which Zinac didn’t (or more like couldn’t) have to play, especially in the grand finals in which raekw0n swept the 2nd place team.

If anything, the team played the tourney like it was a traditional team tournament; if they had thrown some matches in order to let their teammates play, I imagine the number of wins per person would have been more balanced out. Blah, why am I trying to make sense of this? Anyway…

According to Zinac, the “interview” happened to only be a meet & greet with Emotiongear, with assurances from some people that they were on the “safe side”, or so to say. None of the 3 winners are known troublemakers, so Emotiongear was in a tight spot.

Sorry, just had to :lol: at this quote. Anyways, fast forward to the apparently recently instituted rule Zinac and apparently the rest of the non-PlanetZero world has just heard about a few days ago.

So not only did that rule eliminate Zinac’s odds, but the odds of all the other non-PlanetZero players that attended the tournament. Plus, it gave a PlanetZero member hope that they can still go to SBO even after the tournament has ended and they had failed to win the tournament. Never mind the fact that there are some non-PlanetZero players who should also get consideration due to their performances as well (i.e. Latif eliminating Marn/Alex G/Flash’s team, and steamrolling his way to 3rd place); their chances at earning an SBO spot have been dashed as well.

Bottom line: Even if you managed to beat the odds, PlanetZero is like a Vegas casino; the house always wins. :wtf:

sry to go off topic but thats the most fucked up rendition of the word resources i have ever seen…unless its a joke

A legal perspective:

Well, I haven’t read everything in this thread, so sorry if I get some of the facts wrong, but from what I have read it seems like Emogear might be in breach of contract in regards to the qualifying player.

Offering a prize for something is an offer of a unilateral contract, and that offer can be accepted by any of the people it was made to if they perform what the contract requires. In this case it seems like Emogear offered a prize of being sent to SBO to Guilty Gear players if they won his tournament, and this team of Guilty Gear players won that tournament, so they should get sent to SBO.

It’s fine to put a condition on a contract, like saying, “the contract will only be binding if x happens,” and it seems like Emogear might have tried to do that here with his interview process, saying that you can only get the prize if you win the tournament and also pass the interview. But courts don’t take kindly to someone making a condition that’s really just a way to weasel out of an otherwise-fulfilled contract, and if someone does do that a court call exercising that “condition” a breach of contract instead. And that seems like the case here. This interview thing might just be some nonsense way for Emogear to weasel out of this contract, and that seems especially true considering the SBO rules that the team who wins the tournament is the one that has to go. Given the rules that SBO set for what is basically a surrogate tournament, I don’t think that condition would stand up.

Courts also don’t like conditions that aren’t clearly made, like if you make some semi-secret condition, that’s probably not gonna stand up either.

Anyway, I doubt anyone’s considering legal action, but it might be available if you wanted to try it.

I think banning them from tournaments is a bit overboard, but I’m pretty sure the community is going to hate their guts for as long as they’re a part of the scene. Now, I’m not normally a vindictive person, but this whole situation makes me sick to my stomach. Like I said, I’m going to be disgusted with this person if they actually accept Emogear’s dirty invitation to go to Japan. It’s going to show they have no integrity and respect for the game’s competitive nature, and someone like that doesn’t deserve my, or anyone else’s, respect.

Actually, it’d be even better if they’re allowed to enter a tournament. That way if they get top 3, we can give their winnings to someone else that didn’t deserve it. I wonder how that would make them feel.

sounds like the SBO guys are just saying different things to different people to try and avoid any conflict, which is some typical japanese shit from what i hear