Pittsburgh: We got balls for days!

If a bi-weekly Saturday event could happen that would be awesome but in all honesty I’d settle for even a monthly one. I’m just wondering how things went from every Friday at AIP to every Thursday at CMU. I know that at AIP they were getting pissed about the ratio of students to guests so that’s why that fizzled. But what made you guys decide on Thursdays?

Saturdays would be more convient for me too, last CMUken i didn’t get home until 2am, got about 4 hrs of sleep that night before work x.x. totally worth it though haha. Not to mention i have to take a class next semester which ends at 9pm on thursday night.

Perhaps if we made it alternate between thursdays and saturdays it would be convient for more people?

I like that, it might work out well. Well, the rooms are booked already for next semester so I can’t do much about that.

Why not Fridays? Because I didn’t like the idea of losing my Friday nights. Especially if I need to show up to every single meetup, I wanted to pick a day I definitely could do it. And objectively, it seems to have worked well, we’ve got a whole lot more people showing up.

I’m also planning on an extra session this Saturday. More details as I make them up.

i’ll see what i can do about making this for the first time tomorrow, are these events still starting at 7? i’d like to be sure since i’m off work in robinson usually around 4 so i could try to come downtown and kill time with folks before these events start vs. driving home then driving up downtown again

if folks can find a use for it i’ll try to bring a PS3 with AE (DLC version), 13, VF5FS, AH3, T6 and SG and possibly an extra stick, would it be more useful to bring connections for composite output or HDMI? i don’t have a PS2 stick now but i could bring some PS2 fighters too

This is exactly why I don’t think I’m gonna be able to make it tomorrow. Today. Whatever.

But hey! Saturday session this week! Fuuuuuuck yes!

Still, I think I prefer weekday meets to Friday/weekend. My weekends tend to fill up with family or girlfriend stuff, and if we switched to just Fridays or just Saturdays I can all but guarantee I’d make it out much less. I’ll take a horrible morning at work over not being able to make it at all.

Would it be too difficult to have weekly Saturday sessions? I’m off every other Saturday so I could make it twice a month as long as something would be happening on the Saturdays that I have off. I’d love to attend some of your sessions but I work full time and with my schedule I can never make it on Thursdays.

Recently me and superscience have been conversing back and forth a bit about having a tournament here in pittsburgh around late sept or early october.I spoke to the head of game on(which is a local lan center here in pit) and he said he is more than willing to help us run the event and supply equipment(tvs consoles projector etc).I just wanted to know what games the community would like to play,since this should be a total community effort any and all input is good input.Would late sept early oct be a good time for the event?So please post your feedback here I do know for certain ae umvc3 and kof are forsure in the rotation and I imagine the long awaited arrival of p4u will find a home as well,but let me know what you think and let’s work together to make this shit happen.

Something that we should think about also is how long this event should be, whether it should span two days or just one day, how we plan on running jt and what not

I was thinking two like Saturday and Sunday unless we can gurantee the heads and event exhibitions on Friday or some pool play maybe even?

How big a tourney are we talking here, guys? I’ve got every weekend off now, so count me in for KoF. I can do whatever to help make this thing a reality.

Obviously the intent is to put pittsburgh on the map but realistically we are thinking within the limits of an inaugural tournament for a ever growing scene

Sounds awesome. Be sure to keep us posted on what’s happening and what you need from the community.

Def any input works (games,what console we’re playing on,where to have it,hell even names for the event)…its our tournament so let’s try to make a name for our community.

How many games can we realistically run? I know we should definitely play AE and UMvC3. KOF13 would also be a good choice. Based on our last Ranbats, I think these 3 are safe choices. I would also like to run P4A at that time as well, but we’ll have to see how many people we can draw first.

Everyone keeps complaining to me about PS3, so I assume we should at least play AE on 360.

I think 360 across the board on the big 3 is safe so if we go that route if we do persona that should also be 360,does anyone play scv or vf5

Yeah, I’d like to have a 3D game in there. We have a few VF5 players and even less SC5 players. Our last Ranbat had only 6 VF5 players enter though.

I play Soul Cal, though I never practice. I’d be down for that at a bigger tourney, too. But yeah, we have like…3 people who care about SC5?

KoF is a must, seeing as it’d give our best player the best opportunity to strut his stuff. Plus it’d give me something to work towards. I can bring a PS3 and copies of all the games for it, but if the scene is bitching and moaning to 360-exclusive, I’m no good. I still need to buy an adapter…

Any clue how we’d draw in folks from further away, though? Last ranbat was pretty good size for a college campus ranbat, but $5 for third place is a far cry from a Major. I mean…we are kinda talking a Major, right?

crosses fingers major maybe eventually lol now what console is most used for kof? Maybe tonight jason try to have a round table about the consoles for use at the tournament and maybe discus entry fees and what not,since hopefully this will be a larger event then ranbats maybe up the ante for fight money

Ranbats were $5 per game, so I guess it would only make sense that a real tourney would be $10 games minimum. I think the last major I went to had the Big Two at like $20 per. That alone would generate much more respectable prize pools.

Since I won’t be there tonight I’ll just say I’m totally ok with playing on 360, I just need to buy a pad adapter so I can play effectively. System doesn’t matter to me, but PS3 is what I have and can offer to bring to an event.

And a PS2 and Dreamcast if we feel like getting some kind of crazy poverty side-tournies/exhibitons going.

I believe that the majority of people in our community prefer or have 360 so I think that would be what we use.