Picking up seth , is it still worth it?

I’ve mained Seth without a sub since Vanilla, but between the system changes and the nerfs he doesn’t feel worth playing anymore. Decapre has been pretty fun, but I don’t think I’ll stick with her since her anti-airs are so bad. I’m gonna give Cammy, Fei, Elena, and Yun a try now :frowning:

Are you freaking serious… using the dark blue/black Seth on that stage to gain an advantage when it goes dark. Holy fucking shit that’s ridiculously, outrageously funny. That is all.

Jesus. Sorry guy. Didn’t realize asking him why he thought Bison was godlike would turn into this nonsense.

Anyway… Do any of you guys use RFA combos? Trying to incorporate that into my game lately…

Not at all. It does very little for Seth. Even when I stun I find myself opting to save the two bars (on regular red focus) because I need cr.MK xx Boom FADC.

After having my Guile ass-whooped 25 matches to 1 on PSN by a 2.5k or 3kpp Seth, I decided to give the character a try. I suppose that since I never got to try 2012 Seth and, only having played SF4 for a couple months (years of Marvel though), I might not be able to appreciate all that he lost going to Ultra, but he still feels super strong. After only a couple hours of practice, I have all his bnbs down and know a few resets and have been able to get quite a few wins.

People’s main complaints seem to revolve around his comparative weaknesses (eg. Worse than Yun against lots of the cast etc.) but does that honestly mean he is no longer competitively viable as a character? His vortex seems to be less harmed by dwu than any other vortex character (except for maybe Akuma, if you’ve seen Xian’s tech or Tokedo at SEAM) and his full screen game and mobility are amazing. I’d love some feedback on this though and maybe some tentative guesses as to his viability. I am new and inexperienced after all…

My GT on XBL is Shervin if anyone wants to play. I main Bison but Seth is a close sub for me. Would love to play with anyone if you are in the east coast so it doesnt lag.

If there is a character that is just better than your character, that means that your character is not competitively viable, yeah. Can you win with Seth? Definitely. But you’ll lose games you’d win if you picked other characters.

The biggest problem with Delayed Wakup is that it messes up his SPD setups. Seth used to get a REALLY good left/right 50/50 after an SPD. If they delay wakeup, you end up right next to them with only enough time to do a meaty.

SPD was always good only because of the mixups after it. Jab SPD does measly 130 damage and 150 stun now, but opponents can get 400 damage if they guess right and neutral jump your tick attempt. It’s really not worth it to go for the SPD anymore, especially considering Seth’s low health. In addition, Seth doesn’t have any way to continue pressure. His walkspeed is so slow that he can’t do stagger strings, and now he can’t cancel into Tanden. Seth’s mixup can be broken down into “When does he try to SPD me?” And really, the risk/reward here is not that awesome. The loss of safe SRK FADC hurts a lot too because that was a good way to make people respect your pressure.

I’ll officially unmain seth, I am sticking to akuma now. seth will always be my favorite but akuma takes it in solidness.

@Kikuichimonji‌ That makes sense. I appreciate the in-depth response. I suppose I will just play Seth for fun then and keep maining Guile. He seems like he would still be a solid choice in some matchups but I can agree that he is outclassed as a vortex character by Akuma and is overall probably weaker than Yun.

The combination of boom + stretchy arms + walljump gives Seth advantage vs the big grapplers where Yun struggles. Apart from those few though, I don’t think there’s any MUs where Yun doesn’t do equally well or better than Seth (maybe boxer and elf?).

Just remember, when you say things like ‘Seth can win, you just have to adapt’. That argument can be said about EVERY character.

Also, Zarga, wtf. Did you really just say it’s not about combos? Now I know you’re just a troll that doesn’t know Seth or fighting games.

Edit: Holy shit, I just watched that video of you and that Fei Long. You’re playing pure idiots, and you’re playing like an idiot. If you tried that shit offline you’d get destroyed by mediocre players.

I didn’t have the possibility to hit the lab with ultra yet so i was wondering if the ex tandem glitch after crumple was still a thing in ultra street figter 4 seth is dead edition

also, since tandem cancels are gone and hp dp fadc isn’t that reliable anymore to catch people jumping away, do you guys thinks it is worth it to save meter and actually use close fierce xx ex tandem? iirc close fierce has enough frame advantage to catch people out of their prejump frames, and with the right spacing i’m pretty sure could beat some dps (like cammys)

I’d rather save meter for combo extension or (ex)dp FADCs. Burning bar for pressure doesn’t seem worth it to me since all of Seth’s relevant closeup options are weaker now. In that situation (blocked cl.hp) it’s better to go with the flow and accept that you’re resetting to neutral. Story of Ultra Seth’s life, rushdown is a bonus, not the gameplan, you have to be really comfortable playing the neutral game vs everyone now.

It really sad when poongko switch from Seth in tourney. Seth is hot garbage. Leave his stuns alone. Hard to stun nowadays. One of the reason I liked Seth.

You should never ever use cl.hp in blockstrings, you should use cl.mp now because at least it’s plus on block.

CH s.hp/s.mp xx EX Tanden actually combos, but it’s impossible to confirm.

You can’t beat Cammy’s uppercut with Tanden unless it is far enough to whiff on the first active frame. So cl.hp xx EX Tanden is still free to uppercut. Or jab. Or throw.

i totally see you point there, i just thought ex tandem was actually legit and 2 meters were a smart meter investment.

well if we do the math:
cl.strong (2 active, 10 recovery frames) xx ex tanden ( 24 startup ) = 12 frame gap
cl.fierce (4 active, 20 recovery frames) xx ex tanden ( 24 startup ) = 0 frame gap
logically you can delay the cancel so you get a tiny frame gap to catch backdash/jumps and other shit

however, i’m well aware that ex tanden, is a weird ass move,so i probably just said the dumbest thing here lol

i was thinking something like tanden, then cr.short - st.jab - close.fierce ex tanden to space it out. But again i’m no seth expert, i’m just trying to find something for this poor character in ultra. I’m kinda interested into playing him, since hes a bit more fair now (pls don’t kill me lol)

nevermind close fierce xx ex tanden is never a true blockstring, i’m never gonna understand that fucking thing

Somebody pls revoke Zargas’ posting privileges.

Not sure how familiar you are with Seth, but it’s basically EX DP has the most invincibility and combo-ability (after ex tandem). Delayed wake-up is a secret nerf for Seth since a big part of his strength was in his selection of good OS. So this means we have to earn our wins more; but a nerf is a nerf. You can still OS (even on delayed wake-up) but you pretty much have to guess if somebody’s going to do delayed wake-up then get your safe jump timing, then do your OS right.

Dudley and Yang are solid picks, but Seth is pretty different from both of those characters. If you haven’t used Seth in awhile, I don’t think he’d be worth relearning essentially. IMO he’s bottom 20 now. I don’t think I’m going to drop him for good from the characters I use (I like repping low tier) but if you want a good 3rd, try out Hawk or Ken or maybe even Guy.

found a cute little setup. After normal tanden (spaced properly logically) cr.jab/cr.short - st.jab - close fierce xx ex tanden beats jumps most backdash and most vertical dps. The st.jab into close fierce is the hard part, because if done properly it’s a true blockstring, but needs 1 frame timing to be so. Also you have all the time in the world to hitconfirm the lows if they are holding up from the beginning of the string and replace ex tandem with roundhouse legs

I hope i’m not bothering you guys with some old tech i’m just not aware off