w ultra I feel is good for someone who plays at a fast versatile pace that may need to change out ultras constantly cuz their always in different situations. I love u1 though for seth cuz it punishes alotttttt of stupid things people do and it does a substantial chunk for being so versatile for situations/punishes it can be connected off of cr.hp easily. u2 I have not tried yet does it get better damage off of ex uppercut?
I think Seth just needs his crossup HK and his wall jump back and he’s good.
Indeed. This JP. MK is kinda garbage is it is very predictable to block. JP. HK got very tricky to block due to the active frames.
He wouldn’t even be OP with it back. IF not that then give his stun back. His stun is what made this character interesting. Not many talk about it here but it was a huge nerf to Seth. I didnt realize how much I miss it till I actually played. Watch some of Poognko vids and see him Stun people all day. Guess Cap got pissed at this. They felt he was very OP.
All that said I still say he is around Mid Tier. He still has alot of tools in a character that other characters don’t have.
i personally didn’t pick up seth till ultra so I really don’t know much differences but I have played his previous version and the hk cross up to mk cross up thing plus his wall jump were really nerfed but I see it like this you switch out the mk cross up for hk to confuse which side it’ll land then its ambiguous again. was stun changed that much? I guess for him thats what was his real strength.
He lost a lot of stun on cross-ups by losing j.HK, but the stun nerfs on SPD and Hyakuretsu add up too. Tanden cancel just hurts too much compared to not stunning people though. If they give this game another look, I hope they at least try something else instead of just giving back j.HK. Namely things that help him on the ground…like making his dive kick travel as fast as it did in Vanilla. Or give back his SSFIV j.HP instead of the Ultra pushback (…I don’t like safe Ultras in this game at all.)
Well, one can dream. Just gotta adapt … or start playing Yun/Viper/Makoto :^)
I doubt they will do any of that for him but if they did id love it so we can dream as you said just played edition select enjoy vanilla seth he is a beast. is there a specific amount of the cast you can get headstomps on in the corner
Hyakuretsu - stomps works on all characters, try it for yourself. It’s more difficult on Guy but with the added frame it should make it easier.
Regarding Seth in Ultra, it’s frustrating playing him now having experienced how good he was in previous versions. I’ll use him for my bad matchups, mainly Guile and Dhalsim.
It’s depressing to see how even Poongko can do so little with Seth now
I don’t understand why they nerfed Seth’s stun though. In fact they should have slightly increased it for some of his moves now that he can’t keep you in his vortex (so his risks might be a little worth it). E. Ryu and Yun do ridiculous stun output in comparison…
I feel that Seth is better than before, but in a different type of way. Not better in a linear way; better as in different with different types of advantages. You just need to change your play style a bit to something more defensive for him to be more effective.
You should get your feelings looked at.
More impressions, stuff I noticed, etc:
- Magneto loop appears be dead. Sometimes j.MK doesn’t even hit, other times you can mash out now…if not dead, inconsistent at least.
- Dive kick hurt box nerf is a thing. It is more difficult to make the move avoid DPs after a knockdown. It isn’t too bad though, you just have to pay attention to your timing.
- You can combo into a headstomp off counter hit cr.MP. huehuehue
- cr.MP, cr.MP as a hit confirm is pretty legit. Just plink always and you can react to the second one connecting in time for MK Hyakuretsu.
- W Ultra is still useless. There aren’t many applications for using RFC either. Picking Ultra 2 is a better idea now though if your opponent doesn’t have a fireball. With cr.MP, cst.HP and Hyaku you break 500 fairly often. Still not enough time to get much of a set-up after U2 but you can move into range for SPD in the corner. Or use U2 as a weakish fireball trap.
- If you have some goofy style combo with U2 that dropped before U2 animation ended, chances are it works now.
- They didn’t fix Seth’s Super. He’s still nigh unassailable from behind and often from in front until it ends.
- Don’t forget about cr.HP xx EX Tanden. Probably the only way to get stuns with Seth frequently now.
- I’m having a character crisis. :*(
Sure, Bob, I will, just for you, man!
I do agree with Seth being better in this version.
He can’t do random J.HK crossups into heavy stun & damage combos, but if you play him in a different way it doesn’t matter.
I think after a few months when we find our feet, people will still be complaining how ‘BS’ or ‘OP’ he is.
He’s definitely not done though.
Few notes: WUltra is very good imo, U1 for punishes/jump ins into boom mixup afterward, U2 for damage after legs in corner if needed/chip setups. DP nerf sucks, needs health buff.
Seth isn’t “dead.” And I can see why W Ultra would be appealing - I don’t like it, but I can see it. But Seth is better? Better in this version?
How close to the edge is too close???
…well, better off looking for new set-ups than sticking around…
I find it interesting that there is such a gap in Seth’s perceived strength in Ultra so far especially for those that think he is better in ultra. Although I haven’t been following SF4 since super so take that for what it is worth. It does seem like the pace of the game has changed in ultra for all characters and even though Seth is weaker overall maybe he will still end up better off than other characters?
DWU seems like it will help as it is one more defensive option to allow Seth to escape while nerfing vortex characters but less stun means more chances for the opponent to kill Seth. Cant wait to see how things start to look when everyone gets used to the game or if the patches start to roll in.
You guys are crazy to think Seth is better in this version did you see Poongko and Kaz’s matches with Seth?
I find it interesting that there is such a gap in Seth’s perceived strength in Ultra so far especially for those that think he is better in ultra. Although I haven’t been following SF4 since super so take that for what it is worth. It does seem like the pace of the game has changed in ultra for all characters and even though Seth is weaker overall maybe he will still end up better off than other characters?
DWU seems like it will help as it is one more defensive option to allow Seth to escape while nerfing vortex characters but less stun means more chances for the opponent to kill Seth. Cant wait to see how things start to look when everyone gets used to the game or if the patches start to roll in.
Seth’s defense was nerfed severely with the FADC change and the reducing the invincibility of his srks. It is more risky than ever to wake up srk with him and you have to wait for 3 meters if you want to make it safe. But hey if you guys think he’s better than more power to you and I look forward to people finding tech to close the gap… But it’s not like he really was that complicated of a character to begin with in terms of tech so I’m not too optimistic about tech surrounding him because they didn’t add much to compensate for his nerfs. I’ll probably just pick him to counter-pick grapplers with Yun.
Poongko against one of the best Yun in Japan, he did pretty good, he won most of the games. Tho I wonder why he’s sticking with Seth, he could be playing the next top tier and have better success, is he a character loyalist or some shit?
At 15:46 you can really see the nerf to Seth’s stun.
I think he beat Fentamu more often than not because Fentamu plays just like Poongko, except…well, not as good as Poongko. #ReadsErrywhere
As for why Poongko is sticking with him, eh. He didn’t start as a loyalist but maybe he is now. Still has pocket twins if he doesn’t think Seth can handle a MU.
Really wanna see how Tony is adapting but there’s only one video of him up…
So, who wants to play against my Seth? I also use Dictator if you want to practice with Seth against Dictator.
The people whom think Ultra Seth is better than his previous incarnation were not skilled with the character in the first place.