Phantom Dance & Dimension Slash

Is there a definite way to block these? I’ve been testing things out & all I’ve come up with is advancing guard to keep me in block stun longer.
I usually don’t get crossed up by Phantom Dance if I’m on the ground but in the air & not in the corner it gets me about half the time.

The only thing I know about phantom dances cross up property is that it has something to do with wesker hitting the wall behind you then it becomes a cross up.
This maybe a good time to investigate using training mode.

They don’t call it a random cross up for nothing.

Though I’ve never actually hear of or seen it happen with Maximum Vergil. Only Wesker.

That’s because smart players don’t use it randomly lol. It definitely has the ability to cross up though.

With Vergil why would you do a random dimension slash(it can cross up and I believe it is the same story as weskers) when he has spiral swords
and can do intentional cross ups.

Dimension Slash’s crossup is very random and it’s pretty frustrating. It’s a lot more random/ambigious than PHantom Dance’s crossup ability.

It has something to do with your position and wesker/vergil’s position on the screen. I remember jago demonstrating a while back that he found a way to make maximum wesker crossup more often by activating it on certain parts of the screen.

Yeah, both cross up pretty randomly at certain times and from what I’ve found, Dimension Slash does this more than Phantom Dance. I suppose because it’s faster or because there are more hitboxes on the screen at once.

I find that if some one superjumps mid screen and i max wesker and the first hit misses always seems like a good chance of a cross up.

Best option (against Maximum Wesker) is to stay on the ground and stand up so you are less likely to get crossed up. Crouching tends to make you more susceptible to the cross up unless you play a really small ass character. If you are air blocking maximum wesker…good fucking luck.

No guarantee that you won’t get crossed up, but the chances are much less likely. The main reason why people shouldn’t do random max weskers is mainly due to the lack of invincibility and how they will have to spend another meter to keep it safe on block any way. If it randomly crosses up that’s just one of the small benefits it gets for the many issues it has as a super. The super is more or less useless vs. the more hit box heavy teams.

Dimension Slash’s only cross up is point blank and if you TK it. It cannot cross up any other time.

No it doesn’t only crossup at point blank. I’ve had it crossup at all sorts of positions on the screen, air and ground.

I really wonder how often people here play this game.

The weakness of Phantom Dance/Dimension Slash is that they have shitty priority, you are not forced to block them. They lose to disjointed/high priority hitboxes, and projectiles that stay active on the screen.

Sometimes Raw Tag(Raw Tag have retarded priroity) can beat both Dimension Slash/Phantom Dance at the same time.

If you must block those stay on the ground, stand, and just pushblock.

I don’t think I’ve ever been crossed up by them.

I think airblocking phantom dance usually prevents it from crossing up…since it more often prevents Wesker from hitting the wall behind you before he touches you (which is one of the main reasons why it crosses up). Doesn’t seem to work against Vergil though.

Phantom dance typically always goes straight ahead of wesker for the very first part of the super. After that, it will track the opponent, starting the bouncing. Thus, if your opponent is lets say…in a corner and you jump above their height from mid screen, you will hit the wall directly above them, and bounce to hit them. Phantom dance crosses your character up several times, it’s just blockstun keeping it from hitting you. Force blockstun to occur less often and you get the random cross up.

Air blocking its the easiest way to be crossed up from my experience. While we’re talking about Phantom Dance, how do you punish it on block?

I don’t block them, I bionic arm them

Easy. He’s vulnerable to be hit before the animation of the super even finishes. When the last one or 2 Weskers start flying around the hit box for the super goes away and you can either dash up and punish if you know he’ll be close enough or just do a long range attack into super or straight super or whatever. Long as he doesn’t have a DHC ready it’s a pretty easy punish for anybody with a longer ranged punish tool…

I find that if I’m closer to the corner I am less likely to get crossed up.