Phantom Breaker: Extra - Available in Arcade, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (in Japan)

The Magic Box - Makai Senki Disgaea 4 Preview (Page 1 of 11)


Looks like 3D

Oh boy! One dude!

Oh god another loli fighter

cant ā€¦

still trying to understand how this is labeled as a ā€œloli gameā€ when all the chars are 14 and up

does anyone even know what a loli is anymore or is it a buzzword for people that canā€™t stand games with a lot of girls in it

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Thereā€™s official art, too! Main girl (Mikoto) is voiced by Nana. Hmmā€¦:smiley:

Mei and M look cool too, tho.

people think that nymphets = lolis or moe = lolis these days

Well that one dude just ruined this game for me. Sorry, but I canā€™t play this.

Seriously though, Iā€™m reserving any sort of judgement until thereā€™s a lot more information.

fucking signed

I suspect itā€™s a mental shortcut to one of two (or both?) things:

lolifightan = games that predominantly feature women under the age of 18, which, in this country, is associated with pedophilia. (If nothing other than a legal way, in some cases.)

lolifhgitan = games that predominantly feature fetish-driven moe-archtype character designs, which this game most certainly DOES fall under imo

I think SRK just flips its shit in general at any FG where the male/female ratio even approaches being under 1.

Lolifighter is easier to say than Basementdwellingmanbabyfighter.

Iā€™ve been trying to figure that out for ages.
I think people have gotten the impression that anything that looks like AH is loli.
Even though the majority of the girls in there arenā€™t loli.
Itā€™s probably become one of those words people use without knowing the actual meaning. like dork. :bluu:

Got to get this early so i can practice hardcore and win tournaments. =D

PSā€¦Look up the word loli before using it.

Words used way to broadly on the internet: loli, emo, furry

I guess itā€™s a bit like a witchhunt. Some real fanatics start seeing witches everywhere, and it goes from there. ā€œomg you have a pointy hat?! witch!ā€

ā€œomg anime girls?! loli!ā€

Well, what can you do. People are stupid, words change. :coffee:

Canā€™t we just call it cuntfighter? Or maybe Bitch-Battler?

Yep. We need better pictures though, hopefully soonā€¦

^ I like those suggestions. They both sound badass :rock:
Letā€™s see if it catches on.

I still think these are not sprites, but 3D.

I didnā€™t give a fuck about this game until I noticed one of the characters is a maid with a giant fucking bullet on a metal stick.

Sign me the fuck up.

Basically, but thatā€™s the internet for you.

Man, you have inspired me! Iā€™m fuckinā€™ pumped now! That just made me want this game with reckless abandon.

Maids and weapons make everything better.