I find that jump back j.HK xx back air dash seems to be a good way to create some space. I do it even while calling an assist to cover the ground, because some characters can get around j.HK (Cerebella’s HK run and Valentine with her dash move, for example). The assist may not necessarily avoid the attack, but it will absorb the hit and take up physical space like a wall at least momentarily.
Scrubbin’ out with Dave featured a few of my matches.
Some unfortunate lag and lots of mistakes there. I missed a teleport through AA’s gap, failed to punish his AA startup with my own, and didn’t punish his teleports well enough. Tons of input errors. Still, it’s an okay display of my playstyle. Lots of running away and the occasional good combo, when I get the chance.
Here’s some of my Peacock footage if there’s someone here that hasn’t seen it.
This first one featured some amazing blocking and evading from 1:30-1:40 that I am still amazed I was even able to pull it off under pressure.
This one, however, was more fun because I was able to do my 50/50 in the corner game 1. A lot.
Even though this thread seems dead… I just found something completely awesome about peacock… I have yet to test other characters… But low/throw is my main mixup in skullgirls… I thought painwheel was the best/one of the best characters to use it as a reset mixup since she can stagger into st.lp> throw or st.lp,delayed chain into cr.lk… Both go into full combo and both are completely unreactable to as far as seeing the mixup… You have a bunch of options for defense but the 2 way mixup covers many of them 3-1 so this mixup is stupid hard to defend against… Anywho id go over the ramifications of possible defenses… But thats another post.
Anywho i just found out that peacock and i think ANY character that can chain there jab or short into one another can karacancel that jab or short into throw… This basically means EXTREMELY FAST TICK THROW RESETS. Previously i was mad at peacocks low short not hitting low (it doesnt does it?) which meant that i couldnt use painwheel style mixups with peacock… Reason being that peacock has a double jab so if you try and tick with it fast you will just get the second jab out… So you have to go slow and combine that with peacocks slow throw and you get a very slow easy to jump out of tick.
I first realized that i could just do 2 jabs then throw… Nice, now i CAN do painwheel style reset mixups. But then i found that kara tick throw and YO… that shit is bugged… The throw basically hits if you have perfect timing 1 frame after they come out of hitstun… It very fast yet since its a chained kara throw it can EASILY be done to quickly and made to wiff cause the opponent is still in blockstun. So yes we now have easy access to her lvl3 as well as regular throws… And as far as her lows go, her cr.mk is chainable from her jabs… So you can chain into throw or chain into cr.mk while calling an assist and go into full combo.
I dont know if this was already known but its ridiculously powerful… I havent used it yet but knowing how utterly stupid it is with painwheel i can tell you guys that this shit is nutty good.
This chain kara throw works with painwheel also but not with parasoul so my thinking is that its sort of a bug that may or may not be intended. For instance parasoul cant chain into her mk and then cancel it into a throw… Im thinking its because karas are only available on the light buttons to make sure that you dont have to do 1 frame inputs to geta throw command…
So yeah abuse this shit… Any standing jab in from neutral or in her bnb will be a low/throw opportunity… From neutral i always go for throw… They always work for pw… In resets i mix it up. Anywho sorry if this is known but im gong to copy paste this into the gameplay thread for those that dont know.
Peacock throw isn’t that great outside of the corner though. So, assuming this does allow you to tick like Painwheel, the most you’ll get off of it without having three bar is an un-techable knockdown or two Argus Agony max. And while Painwheel’s throw is basically the same as her landing a hit, the same isn’t really true for Peacock. Best to start looking at a damaging punish for when people just start holding up to avoid the level 3 completely, imo.
yes this is true… but, off the low option she gets a free bnb and off the throw option you atleast get an unscaled argus ender rather than a scaled one… thats an extra 2k damage at least… not bad when you consider how low peacocks damage is and how ridiculous the actual mixup is.
as far as them holding up to beat it… doesnt work if she goes for the low option and with my team, i just call painwheel cr.mp assist while hittng cr.mk and it will combo then peacock gets a full dash in bnb into argus ender or THE SAME EXACT MIXUP minus the ability to to call an assist so cr.mk,st.hp xx special xx argus will have to do.
remember that even though it isnt the greatest of damage, it is a viable way to put that mixup on peoples asses and it is a viable way to increase peacocks overall damage output so who cares if in the end its only doing on average +2 or 3 k… it still puts the fear in the heart of the opponent and realistically makes peacock a one opening to kill, character.
and last but not least, it makes her neutral game MUCH more powerful as she can just pound out the throw ticks into 50/50 mixups… which is alot better than just going for a hitconfirm that will just get pushblocked.
case in point my pw used to have a really big problem getting pushblocked… and that sucks cause it can be hard for her to get in… only to just get pushblocked out again… so i just started to tick throw like a madman with her. everytime i get in on a blocked jumpin its always either a immediate throw or a bnb that starts with low short… i keep my jumpins from being pushblocked alot by alternating whether i jump in with her hk whcih hits multiple times and has to be pushblocked very late to be effective, or i jump in with j.lk which has to be pushblocked early… so i have a mixup on my jumpin and a mixup on my immediately landed option… which is why when i get in with pw… i generally rape face.
peacock while she doesnt have the tools that pw does, CAN also make use of these strategies while also of course making use of peacock specific strategies like jumpin with lk then call assist then teleport, or jumpin with lk then st.lp> chain throw, call out george, 50/50 mixup etc etc etc
the whole point of games like this is to always run a block beater when close as much as possible… ie an overhead, a low, a left/right, a throw. if all anyone is doing is going for chain hitconfirms then you will just get pushblocked into oblivion.
Peacock’s throw might not lead to a full combo, unless you have an item charging, but it does what it needs her to do. It gives her space and allows her to set things up. And keep in mind that post-patch throw combos will be scaled 50%, so other characters’ throws will have effectively gotten worse. Peacock’s post-throw chip damage setups will also be better, because of both the increased chip damage she gets and the added variety from chaining bombs.
Peacock’s throw gives you an untechable okizeme opportunity, which most characters have trouble getting. You can do ridiculous mixups off it midstage by throwing out a walking George to cover their wakeup.
And I dunno if the kara thing was known by the community but it was known by the creator (^.^) I use it a lot in aircombos since you can do j.LP, j.LK~throw for an excellent tick.
this is why you need to be banned from all tournaments
also, we are calling them chain throws, mike… cause its cool and sounds technical and i like it :tup:
this is all sarcasm btw
If Bella can do that with her j.lp chain, I am going to be a very happy man.
I think every character can do it in the air. They can all chain from lp to lk afaik and thats all thats needed.
Good news, then!
I’ll post what I’m currently doing for Peacock post-throw pressure just to keep this thread momentum going. See if we can get some more ideas for it.
Just thought I’d put this here. Dealing with the Double assist is a pain, but I do alright. Way too many twitch supers, though.
So, since I’m too lazy to post my Peacock combos with reset points, I figured I can just post about the tools that initiate the reset. Add these into your game where applicable, especially in the corner.
vs airborne opponent; j.lk, adc , air throw - you can adc on any hit and go for the throw; mix-up with j.lp and chain into re-stand for tech traps.
vs standing opponent; j.mk, j.hk, air throw - j.mk is one of those normals that is generally difficult/unnecessary for Peacock combos, so using it for a reset vs a standing opponent is a good option; mix-up with c.lk, s.mp, s.hk xx GDO for tech traps.
burst bait; after using all applicable standing normals, last legal s.hk xx H Shadow (Hold), c.lp, s.mp, c.mk, s.hk; fake teleport at any point of the chain and on successful bait, drop item into Fake Teleport bomb and combo; corner only, safe on a failed bait attempt due to Item drop + Fake Teleport. The more normals you can fit in before the s.hk vs an opponent who isn’t just mashing on the burst, the better and the longer the combo lasts, the greater the damage a successful bait will cause (lvl 2 vs lvl 3 item).
during corner loops, reset after s.hk xx GDO into s.lp or grab xx H Shadow (Hold) xx Argus Agony - a decent reset to add in during the corner loop, especially if you started it off of an air throw. s.lp stops jumps, counters non-invincible mashing and tech attempts, while throw and follow-up is basically an un-scaled corner combo starting with Argus and minus the OTG. Two meter plus a throw on hit in the corner with Peacock is basically death (potential three Argus Agony supers in one combo, plus everything in between).
Alright, I’m ready to try Peacock again. I’m not gonna use Cerebella at all for the next week or two. Any useful beginner reading? Or some restands i could try?
Check the neutral game thread. That focuses on Peacock mid and long range.
k. any short range reading?
May have to come up with that yourself. Would post, but motivation to keep posting here is about done. =/
im feeing the same unfortunately… my character got changed to a place i dont like, and it seems like less people are playing/posting as well, plus i just havent had time… also, i feel as if most things peacock have been said in here in this thread.
after all that its like “why post?”
this game seriously needs a top player or 2 to play… otherwise there is little theoretical incentive to get better… i mean getting better to beat the homies is some incentive… but this game being as small as it is, even if one were the best n the world at it… there is little prestige to be gained from being the best at something no one does.
Pretty much the lack of activity in the character forums plus the (still) very small player base and additional wait for the xbla patch has killed any remaining motivation I had to contribute. Thinking about just dropping it until 360 patch is ready, tbh.