PDX Weekly Tourney / Casuals

I am in favor of this round robin type set up you came up with, this way if there is an odd number of people it will still work out.
We can figure out the point system for it as the time passes but I am excited for this new type of tournament.
GS tsunamiken!

a good length is 2~3 mo’s then we can start the summer league

i will never participate in a RR with more than 6 people. on the grounds that they take FAR too long to finish out unless you did 1 game

I’m with Mackinzie on this. 3 months sounds good. Unless we have 2 stations doing round robin, it’d be ridiculous with more than 6 people, ESPECIALLY with the win-by-2 system. I wish I could stick around for 6 hour benders at Jeromie’s but I can’t.

Man I don’t think I got a chance to play either robot or ronnicle while you were down here for the ranbats.


Well technically they were “up there” because portland is north of salem…Just sayin

I wasn’t going to be able to make it out this Saturday but there’s a chance of me coming now after all. I’m hoping to get some good matches in if I can come.

New system will fix that.

Be there this Saturday and compete, I’ll be there, Holy Robot might make it.

wooo tomorrow! i havent played in awhile, cant wait to get some real practice.

There’s no casulas on friday anymore iirc.

just talked to Jeromie yesterday.

Ah ok. He made a post and/or said something about a class on friday, so I can’t really say I know what the deal is.

Shows what I know.

I had a class scheduled on Friday but was able to move it, people are still welcome on Fridays.

just gotta visit the bank then ill be heading over, probably around 2ish

Are you up Jeromie? I’m supposed to be at a class and need to not be home when people get here -_-.

Yes in fact I am.

lol im callin your dad

Where you getting all these phone numbers?

chase just turned 2 o’clock into 4 o’clock but ill be over soon.

Looking forward to tomorrow.
I’ll be showing up around 12ish I think?

I’ll call and let you know when I’m close by.
My friend that is driving has a friend that wants to come out and play,
just wondering if that would be cool or not.

People don’t usually show up until 3 at the earliest.