Patch coming for the lag

Just my two cents on the xbox/ps3 thing (no hate on either console - I just can’t justify getting another console to the missus, lol):

I do think the less-than-arcade-perfect ports were entirely Namco’s idea/fault. Anyone who does graphics knows that higher-res graphics require more space (textures, etc.). Imagine how much of the space that should have gone to graphics on the 360 version went to SC instead…

Just my guess. But I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. The FMV’s on my friend’s 360 T6 is definitely at a lower res than the PS3’s after all, so it really did seem that space was an issue.

PSP it is, sir. :confused:

Thanks for the info.

What the hell is it with these companies and their end of the month crap. I don’t mind if they announced the date a while a go, at least we will be prepared, but they seem to do it at the last minute.

That online patch better be awesome as hell if they are making us wait for a month after its release.

sigh… goes back to playing alone…

I know when it’s coming out :wink:

Space was already said/confirmed by namco when it came to trying to get T6 on a 360 disc. That was one of the big complaints they stated when they were working on the console ports.

not like it matters in the end as it still looks decent (at least with Motion blur on.). Only time I really down the graphics is SC mode as it’s PS2 T5 graphics. But when you port it to 2 systems and 1 of the 2’s disc data is clearly not enough compared to the other, downgrades will happen.

Graphics though are still just an extention when it comes to fighters. We all here know that though.

Your torturing us:razzy:

I hope they fix “underwater mode.”

If you know- you should say something

If you can’t say- you shouldn’t even hint at it.

Space issues or no, there is something Namco could have done, especially with MS being more lax with hard drives now than before. Forza 3 has a second disk with extra cars/tracks that’s not mandatory…Tekken 6 for the 360 could have had a second disk with all the customizations on it, or better yet, second disk devoted to Scenario Campaign with the first disk being the real game.

Surely with the space they devoted to SC mode they could have afforded higher resolution textures or whatever. Or better yet, scrap SC altogether and put in some REAL extras like Tekken Ball or Bowling, or even more console customs.

slightly agree

Where is your evidence for this?

But the Scenario Campaign was JUST SOOO IMPORTANT - WEHADTOHAVEIT!! :lol::rolleyes:

Anyway… knowing when the patch is coming out really is moot. Its not like we can benefit from it until it actually does come out.

agreed, i still hate waiting like a fucking bitch though.

The graphics wasn’t downgraded because of space constraints… If that was the case, then when you turn motion blur off on the x360 it wouldn’t be able to go above 720p(note that the PS3 doesn’t go up in resolution in this condition), when motion blur is a shader, and shaders don’t take much physical disc space.

The disc space issue was strictly for the cgi, which is notably better on the PS3 due to this reason.

He is the evidence foolio

Nothing wrong with asking for a source.


I do agree. i’m sure all of us would be better off with SC mod being not there and a simple extra like Tekken bowl or a completely new minigame. I know I definitely would love more customizations as it’s seriously lacking on 1p/2p only outfits. But some of the ingame items (mainly the color palettes) could easily be swapped for actual customization items.

I can feel the million swear words said under this breath. :lol: