Parasoul Thread: Target Down

Severin if your here, you’ve spent quite some time with the new build, at UCR you were saying you totally had to alter your BnBs, what are you doing now in the new build with Parasoul without assists?

s.LK~LK-c.MK, j.MP-j.HP-j.HK, c.MP-s.HP~HP xx LP Tear, s.LP-s.MP xx LK Egret, dash s.LK~LK, s.MK s.HP~HP ~ ender

That’s what i usually do in the current build tbh, it just happens to work for new IPS.

Now i think about it, you should be able to do:
s.LK~LK-c.MK, j.MP-j.HP-j.HK, c.MP-s.HP~HP xx LP Tear, s.LP-s.MP xx LK Egret, dash s.MK-s.HP~HP xx LP Shot, s.LK, s.HP xx MP Shot xx Sniper

I would change that a little:

(c.LK / s.LK / f.LP)-c.MK-c.HP, (you don’t really want two LK’s cause it’ll prorate)
UF j.MP-j.HP-j.HK,
land s.MP-s.HP~HP xx LP Shot, (c.MP pushes them away a lot more than s.MP which is obviously bad midscreen)
s.LP-s.MP xx LK Egret,
dash s.MK-s.HP~HP xx LP Shot…
**… c.LK-c.MK xx Napalm Trigger, dash, (mixup) **(you should be in range for a dashing crossup Spiral Flare)
**… c.LK-c.MK xx Napalm Pillar xx Silent Scope **(this is more reliable than MP Shot and does more

  • damage. You’re out of normals at this point, so a crumple knockdown isn’t all that useful, and this is easier to DHC)*
    … c.LK-c.MK-f.HP xx Inferno Brigade

Two light kicks is used for hit confirming. I don’t want to commit to mediums unless i have to, especially since i run DD assist with Cerebella. I’ll take the options i get from two LK’s over the tiny damage you get from missing it out any day.

I’m using c.MP purely because i like to keep things consistent, and its better to use c.MP if you restand in the corner because its much easier to get the link on wider characters.

Are you sure that series does more damage? Because the s.LK, s.HP will make the tear explode. Dunno if using c.MK xx Pillar would get the explosion to hit. Also, even if you are out of normals, crumple knockdown still means they cant tech which means it gives you much better setup time for oki, which i would also take from the small increase in damage you might get from a Pillar ender.

Would you even be in range for c.LK to hit midscreen after HP HP xx LP Shot? I dunno.

Fair enough.

I guess, but in my experience s.MP is also a lot easier to link off a j.HK. But whatever works; I think c.MP even does more damage.

Napalm Pillar makes all tears on the screen explode, and I’ve tested it, so I’m sure the tear hits. I can’t really test damage at the moment due to uncooperative hands.

I forgot about that, actually. But your MP tear hits them OTG, and I’m pretty sure they can tech after that, so I think c.LK-c.MK-f.HP xx Silent Scope is still better than the MP Shot sequence.


Well you could do LP Tear xx Sniper for knockdown. I usually do MP Tear since i DHC into Cerebella 720 and go into full combo from there.

I guess this isn’t totally Parasoul-specific, but you can use Filia’s c.MK as an assist in the corner and it’ll pull them out of the corner, then you can jump over them for the crossup then immediately jump back and Spiral Flare into full corner combo. Even if they block the first crossup, they still have to deal with the ambiguous recross and high from Spiral Flare/low from French Twist. Pretty mean.

I’m having a ton of trouble with this outside the corner, don’t know why, is the timing tight or something, when do you start charging for the solider? It feels like I don’t have enough time, like as soon as the solider comes up, the opponent is already recovering from the stun from the napalm tear.

It’s pretty similar timing to double tears, I guess. You have enough time to charge during (s.LP s.MP), and then it’s a matter of knowing when you can dash after the Egret Call and when after you dash you can attack. I find that it’s definitely easier to dash with PP, as well.

Sorry if that’s too vague, but I’m not sure how else to describe it.

Hmm… Is the MP exploding the tear? That’s the most important part.
Also, after the RC Egret, you dash, the dash shouldn’t be too long. Do the dash, and almost immediately cancel it with whatever you’re linking afterwards. I think only LP and LK will work (and come the patch, LP probably won’t work, so you’re stuck with LK).

Yeah the tear is exploding, when do I start holding back for the RC Solider, it seems tough, because I can’t even start charging until after the napalm shot light.

I guess I’ll just keep practicing, I hopefully will get it, it seems like the timing is tight but you guys are saying it really isn’t?

The timing is tight, but I guess the difference is that I grinded out double tear (as in like, LP Shot xx s.LK-s.MK xx LP Shot) and so by comparison it’s about the same or easier to execute.

desperately need charcater specific help

on cerebella, you cant do fiercefierce tear, jab medium egret call. she falls out. what to do?

and crouching painwheel anywhere, tear goes over her head. also low tear into gunshot whiffs on her (and i find this often whiffs in the corner against multiple charcaters dunno why).

we need a list of characters you can and cannot connect the regular bnbs crouching. pretty sure it doesnt work on a couple other charcaters

Not sure what’s going on with Cerebella, I’ll have to look at that later.

Can’t you just restand Painwheel whether she’s crouching or not?

Lol blah I don’t want to have to so quickly launch…its easier and better to do stuff on the ground first before restanding

…just realized the grossest air reset 50/50 ever im not sure i should even disclose it its so dumb. lol

going to anyway tho. its basic but something i didnt realize. after you launch with crouch hp, you can wait and either throw or do lp, hp into otg. true air 50/50, very hard to see

How’s that a 50-50? You either throw them or continue your combo.

you delay your j.LP so that it uncombos by a frame or two

The problem lies in that it’s not actually an OTG.

? Stop saying things before you know what your talking about

Delay so hitstun fades, THEN 5050 between jab and throw.
And if you combo someone with jab into fierce as an air to air you get purple bounce instead of blue if you just hit fierce. You seriously dont know this yet?