Parasoul Thread: Target Down

I’ve settled on double as well, I’ve been using her slide as an assist… Although I don’t use it much. usually just to distract my opponent. So technically I havn’t settled on a useful assist either.

but Parasoul is one hell of a battery. She can do lots of damage off of one meterless combo. and by the time double comes in. Fortune heads all day! and if you land a hit with fortune heads -> car super! if not -> throw, rinse, repeat.

I’m sure they’ll be an optimized version, but when I played this weekend past there was a guy who had come up with a few different flight loop combos. A few of them had breaks to avoid the quick recovery caused by looping the same attacks, but the breaks were so small that you got mixed up again almost instantly couldn’t escape except that one of them she remained standing long enough for you to mash grab and escape. Another one, you had time enough to back dash out if you recognized the difference, and there was a third he came up with later that was a lit tighter, but still I managed to randomly get out of the mix up loop.

Looks liek people have some ideas using her links. Here are two examples

First one the combo drops after the otg and Im not sure why… but look at the damage.

Second one is a midscreen example of using her links… This does pretty good damage and you don’t have to sniper scope there you can actually just do a launcher after the f+m… Im sure I can get a restand in here as well but its tough… haven’t practiced her restands yet.

My “haven’t read anything on the internet yet” BnB:

c.:lk:, c.:mk:, c.:hp:, very early j.:lp:, j.:mk:, j.:hp: (opponent lands standing), c.:mk:, c.:hp:, j.:lk:, j.:mk:, j.:hp:, :lk:x2, :mk:x2, :hk: xx QCF +:p::p:

works anywhere, in fact i think it’s easier midscreen

It gets a lot of her most damaging normals in the first part of the combo before scaling starts kicking in. I see a lot of people doing restands with her j.:hk: but, it adds a lot of low damage hits early on. I’ll bet I could work that into my existing combo for yet another launch after my 2nd one. I haven’t compared any damage though, maybe my combo is just straight ass.

Anyone got any tips for cancelling j.:hp: into j.:hk: so that you can keep juggling your opponent? I tend to get it more easily in the corner than midscreen, but I’ve been able to pull it off enough to know that it works.

The most damaging combo starter I can find so far is J. HP, rejump J.MP chain into J.HP, C. HP. A huge bit of damage, 3 HP’s straight up.


f:lp:/cr:lk: > :mk: > :mk: > :hp: > :hp: > :lp: shot > [:lp: > :mk: > :mk: > :hp: > :hp: > :lp: shot]x2 > cr.:lp: > :mk: > :mk: > :hp: > :hp: > :mp: shot > :qcf::PP: > f:lp: > :mk: > :mk: > cr.:hp: > j.:mp: > j.:hp: > j.:hk: > land > cr.:lk: > :mk: > :mk: > cr.:hp: > j.:lp: > j:lk: > j.d.:mk: (stomp) > j.:mk: > j.:hk: > land > :lk: > :lk: > :mk: > :mk: >

then either cr.:hp: > j.d.:mk: (stomp) > j.:hp: > j.:qcb::lk: for meterless ender, or just

:hp: > :hp: > :mp: shot > :qcf::PP: > dhc to cerebella for hilarious damage

also the cr.:hp: > j.:mp: > j.:hk: part just straight-up doesn’t work on cerebella (and probably double) because mikeZ is a cheatyface

Damn that does way too much damage

Holy crap, do you think you can record a video of this combo?

I’ll be able to tomorrow, er, later today

I didn’t realize you could do 4 napalm loops before super before you posted that, I think 8k meterless in corner is probably doable now.

Might be able to do more than 4… hmm.

Edit: getting about 7.7 no meter in corner now, good shit severin.


Basic stuff. More advanced stuff when I have more time to record.

out of curiosity, what modifications have you made?
also, are you dividing by your multiplier for that number?

I wonder if the severin ender will work off my mid screen combo?

Also I’m thinking in the corner you can do egret call super after the restand to get some extra damage. I hope that not going for sweep will get the combo I posted to work since its basically the same as severin.

Also if I saw it right the napalm tear explosion always does 450 damage no scaling making it always the best way to do damage. Let’s go tear loops.

Can’t edit on tap talk forgot to say if you can get the spacing right you can link medium attacks off tear shot as well

I’m doing it at a 1x multiplier


j.hp, rejump, j.hp mk mk hp hp xx lp shot, st.lp mk mk hp hp xx lp shot, cr.lp mk mk hp hp xx lp shot, mk mk hp hp xx lp shot, mk mk hp hp xx napalm pillar, otg

then either



hp hp xx napalm pillar

if you cancel the napalm pillar to motor brigade you can link after and continue to combo.

Sorry to double post but** tears always do 450 damage when they explode no matter how late in a combo or what the damage ratio is**, so this means that maximizing number of tears through getting additional loops is going to be how we maximize damage with her.

So doing ground loops to whatever to restand to more loops is going to be the best bet for damage for her long term IMO. If we focus on only using her normals to start loops or to start a sequence that will lead to restand she should be able to get a lot of tears in one combo thus maximizing damage.

not exactly. tears still scale damage, so you’re going to want to put more near the end of the combo to maximize damage.

Wow that’s pretty bonkers. This also possibly makes her really dangerous as a 2nd. If you can DHC into Motorcycle super you can launch into a restand combo and potentially add a shit ton of damage to your combo.

her combos are basically just doing a billion tears and restanding the opponent how do you choose to do them late? Like do you have some crazy combo that I don’t know about that doesn’t use tears till late and does anywhere near the amount of damage that her tear combos do?

It scales things an extra hit, but who cares? You max damage scaling out fairly early so you might as well just maximize number of tears used?

Yeah I think wall carry combo, super dhc to motorcycles, restand to loop = dead character for sure.