Parasoul Thread: Target Down

Right now my team is Parasoul Egret Charge (Egret on bike that grabs assist…yes I am real life) and Filia Updo H (Psylocke assist hard knockdown and all)

The Egret Charge I use almost like drones if I have to for some reason get Filia in early off a DHC or what have you. You can run directly behind it and be safe on the way in, and it’ll grab Peacock out of beam super, and it stopped about 3 or so other supers I cant remember, but yeah it’ll just grab them out of what they are doing and slam them against the wall and bring them to you. Goes through anything on the screen as well as far as tear shots and bombs and what have you.

yeah i was going to say tear drop shot but even then i don’t think it’s that good unless in th corner for lockdown because it doesn’t stop them from moving backwards

**wow so many para/fil teams maybe i’m doing it wrong o.O

Just saw your post. Here’s a simple combo involving it.


Quite sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant tear drop, her 214K, not tear shot.

Ah nifty. So notation would be:

j.HP, s.LK, s.LK, s.MK, s.MK, s.FP, s.FP, :b::f::lp:, cr.LP, cr.MP (tear explodes), cr.LK, cr.MK, s.FP, s.FP, :d::u::hk: Napalm Pillar, Silent Scope

Nice been looking for something simple to get me started on linking those tears today. Let the day begin, TO THE LAB!

I’ll upload that double j.hp starting combo tomorrow.

alright boys, can you make me some tear drop combos i think it would be so cool if we could have them bouncing off a drop here then a drop there :slight_smile:

this is easily one of my fav char designs ever

Can someone give a list of things that can be cancelled into lk soldier call and give an advantage? I’ve been experimenting with cancelling, the only thing I noticed that was interesting was soldier call can only cancel from st hp before it hits, and if done after it doesn’t seem to give an advantage. Everything else I’ve tried also seems to have worse or same recovery after the call. (haven’t tried throw yet, but I did see it in a few posts just now so i’ll try that)…

Be careful though, once people find out you can destroy egret charge with normals I don’t know how viable this will be. It’ll still be a good tool to get in with though, since they have to take time out to deal with it.

Just played around with the game. I would like to say holy crap, I think Parasoul may be one of my favorite fighting game characters. I know this isn’t adding much to the discussion (that restand combo posted earlier helped me like hell even though I couldn’t land it reliably, though, so that’s on-topic), but damn. Parasoul gets me hype as hell.

I’m also figuring out Double, so I think I’m gonna do Parasoul (Napalm Pillar/Egret Charge/Napalm Shot, haven’t decided which) and Double (Hornet Bomber) for now.

Corner; j.HP, cr.LK, cr.MK, s.HK, cr.MK, cr.HP, sj, j.LK, j.MK (parachute float not Chun stomp), land, st.Hx2, Napalm Pillar HK, QCF+PP or QCF+KK

I was trying so hard to work in double tear drop bounces, still working on it. Almost had 2 Silent Scopes off of them but that didnt pan out :frowning:

someone wanna improve this for me :3

[x] > c.hp > > land > > land s.lp > j.lp-mk-hk > land xx 46mp xx 236pp -> w/e extension

mainly I wanna see if I can get another restand in there squeeze out more dmg


Here’s a random “barely legal” combo (18hits). The only way I can get all hits of the Motor Brigade Super (which does more than Sniper Scope) is post Egret Charge. I also tried to fit as many heavy attacks possible.

It’s definitely not a bnb by any means, but I believe certain things can be taken out of the combo. Also, I’m trying to stay away from multi hits as much as possible, that shit scales hard in this game. And considering restand loops, they don’t seem worth it. j.:hk: scales the combo down and for me at least, it’s hard to connect any ground follow up.

Here is the updated one with Sniper Scope tacked on at the end.

Anybody figured out how to unlock her Kneesocks Alt? I got the first two but haven’t figured out on the other 2.

can you elaborate on that?

You unlock the different alt colors by playing that character in story mode, playing her in arcade mode, unlocking her character specific achievement, and playing her a certain number of times online (I think I saw 100 but don’t quote me on that).

Thank you for posting this basic combo up. I’ve been struggling trying to do something basic and this combo is a godsend right now. The timming for the sniper shot did give me fits.

lol I have no idea what makes a good combo in this game yet. corner combo. solo no special 4200 damage 1v1 against filia into a reset. if you end with j.fp infinite detection kicks in but that’s last hit anyway s.fp s.fp xx b, f+lp, s.lp c.fp /\ j.fp / f+mp c.fp /\ j.lp / /\ j.rh (21 hits)

midscreen, using a tear to extend your ground chain.pretty much same damage after the OTG s.fp s.fp xx b, f+lp, c.fp /\ j.lp / /\ j.fp / f+mp c.fp /\ infinite detection kicks in…

in the corner:

s.lp xx qcb + lk, f+mp c.hp j.hp (tear bounce) s.lp xx qcf+PP