Paradise Arcade JLF Silent Mod!

crap, emails dumping to spam again
Jay… I think we are good? I tested the harnesses and the install as designed I’ll post a movie tomorrow.
Don… Let me know, I asked Susan you should have yours
Roy… Officially launched an on the website today


Cool man thanks. I’ll take a look at it.

How’d you do it? I bought the Seimetsu 20g zippys and had the same issue, im kind of scared that my Sanwa mod kit will do the same. I was dropping DPs and fireballs all day with the mod

Hey Don, its in the video below around the 2 minute mark. I think the zippys are flawed unless you do this mod. Then they are perfect. I found a sticker to cut up instead of using post-it notes. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Did the mod and i could feel the difference instantly holy crap lol I havent gotten it plugged in yet so i wont be able to test it for a while, but i can def automatically feel the difference. Thanks a mill bro

You guys tell me the microswitches you want, and we’ll get them…

Actually, you can get the micros you want, we can sell the harnesses separate too… any interest?

Also, I have a lead on different springs, they aren’t cheap(May be as much as $5 retail) but I can dial in 2-5x the force of a typical Sanwa, what is ideal?

would just make a bigger actuator for around the shaft solve this problem too?

Don and Jay, any interest in testing this out with some Cherry’s too?

aw man i shouldve just waited a bit. I only wanted the harness but I ordered the set. oh well…

Testing the post-it mod?

try the Cherry’s out without the paper mod… I’m also working on getting a reed switch based micro…

i have some cherries in my SFAC, not sure if they would fit into the Sanwa tho, not too keen on microswitches but il gladly see how that turns out.

Sanwa JLF can take Cherry switches easily.

I found that the Zippy switches weren’t picking up diagonals very well, Gonna have to try that little post-it mod!

Cherry’s work well, it’s a question of the diagonals, I was testing them here without an issue, but I am also not as good a fighter as most here… So the question is, what next? I would love to have an impression of Cherry, vs. Zippy, vs modded Zippy. I can also work on getting some omrons in hand.

I have Cherry switches in my Namco, and Cherry-JLF is more-or-less the same.

Never had a problem.

More info on this, please!

so should I had buy the zippy-cherry switch mod for the jlf if there isn’t any problems

I just got in some Zippy and Cherry switches. Aside from the force it takes to actuate them, they actuate pretty much at exactly the same point as you press down the switch. I don’t see how a Cherry JLF would work but not a Zippy JLF. They’re pretty much identical in size and function.

I also tested the JLF Omron switches against the Zippy’s. They’re identical in function and form as well, and same exact point of actuation which is the red actuator being about halfway down. I also popped a few into my JLF and no matter where I move the stick it actuates them as it should.

My reasoning that people are having problems engaging is they simply aren’t used the less amount of tension. There is a major difference between the two and they feel very different. If you played on a JLF for years, then I could see why it would take time to adjust. Either that, or the actuator isn’t properly hitting the switches or is maybe worn or something, but I can’t see any mechanical reason of the JLF not hitting diagonals with the Zippy’s installed. If people are getting the click sound but the diagonal isn’t coming out then it would have to be a user error or something electrical with the PCB/wiring.

I’m really surprised that the Zippy’s are a higher quality than I was expecting. They seem just as good as the Cherry’s, and if Cherry wasn’t readily available I don’t think I’d have a problem getting some Zippy switches instead if they were the same 75 gram force as the Cherry switches used in iL buttons. Plus, they’re cheaper to buy.

Aside from the force difference between the D44x and the 20 gram Zippy, I can’t see much of a difference. They seem to perform relatively the same. I took both types apart and they’re pretty similar in build with a few minor differences, one being how easy it is to open a Zippy up compared to a Cherry.

I think it simply will come down to there being less tension in the joystick. If people are going to use a JLF with the Zippy mod, then I think they’re going to need a tighter spring. Bryan, you may want to offer a spring in the kit in the future. I think it would be a minimal rise in the cost of the item and I doubt people would be opposed to it.

Diagonals hit fine, but you need extra pressure to do so, pressure that isnt easy when executing a proper srk motion or qcf. Youre trying to do the motions as fast as possible and so you need actuation at less pressure to ensure you get it right, adding the post it note addresses that issue perfectly.

That’s the same experience I had with the zippy’s. For me, they didn’t work properly without modification…