Some notes.
Fillia: j.HP, j.HP JUMPING HEAVY PUNCH. That thing is huge, it basically beats your air normals clean unless you are above her and it is really fast as well. Absolutely do not let Fillia get in on you, fly high and protect yourself with j.HK, hopefully you have an assist to keep her out of your airspace. Once you are up there, you have her 0 frame DP super to worry about, Fillia can be a real problem and you will really to space well to defend against her. Yeah, I’d really say this is a defensive matchup, but once you land a hit, mix her up until she’s dead, just make sure to not leave any gaps, because you will get eaten by wolf hair.
Ms. Fortune: Haven’t had too much experience against her, but her uppercut doesn’t seem as annoying as Fillia’s and her best air normals seem to mostly hit below her. You shouldn’t have too much trouble getting above her and giving her trouble. Just be careful because she can deal a LOT of damage if she lands a hit (at least until the potential patch haha).
Peacock: On her own, she isn’t TOO much of a problem, you can fly right over the airplane, the items are annoying but can be avoided if predicted. Once you get in, she really doesn’t have any options, mix up and kill her.
Doublecock: Gets its own section for obvious reasons. THIS is an annoying matchup. Don’t rely on fly because from certain ranges the butt will scoop you up and Peacock can land the hurt. What you want to do is superjump the double assist, but then the item drops happen… This is really quite difficult and you need patience. What I do is slowly advance, dodging shadows, watching for the assist. Once the assist is called I superjump forward and then fly. You then have a brief window to get in and mix her up before the double butt is ready again and you don’t want to be too offensive while it is up obviously.
Parasoul: Cannot fly carelessly whenever she has meter. Also be careful of the Napalm Pillar and angled Napalm Shot M. Don’t rush in because you will get swatted by j.HP or c.HP. Best to use an assist to cover your approach. Pretty difficult matchup but entirely manageable, mostly about being safe and just landing a hit. When you land that hit, go into a reset frenzy, crossup resets are good because they mess with her charging, but watch out for the pillar.
Valentine: Fought this matchup a fair bit, doesn’t seem to be too much of a problem, if you are above her, her best tool is her s.HK as most of her aerial normals are angled downwards. Try to spend as little time on the ground as possible; opponents assist allowing and rain death on her.
Double: While you are in the air, you mostly need to watch out for her jumping normals. Her j.HP is a pain, it is pretty much your best approaching normal, but faster so it can be very irritating. As with Parasoul, don’t stay in the air long when she has meter. Her guns aren’t really angled to be too annoying in this matchup, but be careful of the butt, it is as much a factor solo as it is as an assist. Grounded approaches can actually work as she is very slow.
Cerebella: You mostly want to watch out for her anti air throw. A lot of her game revolves around controlling the ground so you can avoid that almost entirely as long as you stay away from her. Her j.HP is HUGE, so either stab her while she’s gliding or get away with your superior mobility.Once you get in you can be very annoying, always keep that air grab in mind and don’t forget the EXCELLENT either, as long as you space yourself though, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Try to opt for aerial resets over grounded ones, unless you know your opponent doesn’t churn butter.