I would not do it. Unless of course the monetary rewards were worth it. I think there will be enough stuff to worry about and could do without distractions.
I agree. I would do it, but I am more interested in just running a good tourney. Figuring out games, equipment, time-tables and someone to run it is just more work.
I know only 1 person who owns SC3, and he doesn’t even really play it.
It would be great if someone could take charge of this, because it would really help.
Anyone think they can do this?
I also updated the main post with Financial Info.
I just sent an email to everyone who registered for the Random Select Tourney who gave their SRK name. It was around 41 people.
Most of them were you guys :lol:, but hopefully some Oregon players who don’t check the forums often will get the message and pre-register.
Sorry, I haven’t bothered registering yet…
Actually, I was wondering, what speed does Marvel get run at for the Dreamcast?
Turbo 1.
I registered yesterday. :rolleyes: Mostly do to the lack of my own paypal, but still, I should have registered earlier. Your not behind. Your ahead of most.
I was at Office Max yesterday about to drop about 30 dollars for 100 color prints of our flyers. Thank god the computer couldn’t bring up the PDFs.
I talked to Jose (the owner of Kicks) and he told me that clubs at the UW get a shit load of free printing each year.
We can print out 500 color flyers for free, and a huge flyers that can fit on sandwich boards (36"x24").
I get off of school at 10:30 tommorw and I will be printing and cutting out flyers for as long as I can. Anyone who has some free time, it would be awesome if you could come help me out. The club resource office is right under the UW Arcade.
Good News!
I’m posting some flyers up in Bellingham. I highly doubt anyone will come because of it, but I’ll do it anyways.
No tekken? We have vf5 but no tekken? Somebody needs to put tekken in there, i know almost no one gonna enter vf5.
Can’t change it now. There can be Tekken side tournies for sure if Tekken players want to bring the PS3’s, but the core games can’t be changed.
hey wassup yall…
umm im tryin to get down on this me and kenny and ryan so wassup…
You know… Edmonds Community College is like 50% asian, I bet at least some of them can hold their own in street fighter. I should post some there.
Yea! I need more people to smoke blunts with between matches.
i miss smokin and clownin on everyone…
as Kenny says, “Outside is the Spot!!”
Any chance of a John Mayfield sighting at this tourney? Lee Mastermind mb mb?
Alright guys! I’ma start working out hardcore and find some blueish green bodypaint and cosplay Urien! If you’re lucky I’ll cosplay him pre-match with the suit.
Fuck… YES! That would be tight.
Already answered that, yo.
Pacific Northwest Majors Update 04/25/08
This is just a general update on what we still need to do and how everyone can pitch in to help out. Sorry I write so damn much, but just glancing over it and seeing what you can help with would be great. We have almost two months exactly until the day of the tournament. This is the time when we need everyone helping out the most! All the things that need to get done in the next two months are going to take a lot of people to do well.
Things that still need to happen-
Map for Tournament Website- If someone could find a map or two that is easy to follow and send it to Axel, he can get it up on the site.
Gaming Night on Friday Before Tourney (Optional)- Preppy came up with a good point that having a get together the night before might make it more worthwhile for people coming from out of town. If anyone wants to work on this, even if it is something small, that could be cool. It is not a necessity though.
Pre-registration- People need to Pre-register for the Tournament!
Advertising- This is huge. The goal for attendance is 150-200 people. We should be shooting for that. We have 2 months, which is still a lot of time, but this is by far one of the most important things we need to do and it can?t wait. I have put up some flyers around UW, but not nearly enough. I can print out 450 more color flyers and I am going to make some handbills, along with one big poster document.
People can-
Post in their area
Print out flyers
Handout Handbills
Post Online to websites we haven?t hit yet- Maybe a Japanese site if anyone speaks Japanese?
Tell friends
Email Video Game Groups
Post on their blogs
Send out bulletins on Myspace with the flyer embedded
Start groups on Facebook
Any other ideas?
Fund-Raising- This is also very important, because there is no reason anyone should have to pay for this out of pocket. The payment is due in one month, but we can fundraise for as long as we want, even after the tournament.
Any ideas about this are welcome. There are no bad ideas! If you think we could make good money selling our dicks on Ebay, I want to hear about it!
These are the ones I came up with and will be doing at UW and help would be great.
#1. I talked to someone selling cookies on the HUB lawn. This is second quarter that I have asked these same guys about how they fundraise. They spend one week a quarter selling cookies on the HUB lawn, 2 for a dollar, and raise consistently 500-600 dollars in one week, selling from 9-3. That is a long time, but if you split it up between a few people, that is not much work to raise 600 dollars in one week, which would pay for the whole tournament. They spend 70 dollars making the cookies, so the income greatly outweighs the cost of ingredients.
We can check out a table any day, from 9-5, and I have a banner made for PNWMajors to put on the front (extra advertising). If you can spare anytime, to table or make cookies, this should really help us out with paying for the tournament.
#2. Get a sponsor. There are few businesses that I think we have a real chance of getting a sponsorship from, or at least a donation. They don?t have to be video game businesses or anything even game related. We are a non-profit community event being held for the benefit and enrichment of the Pacific Northwest Community. There are plenty of businesses that donate to community events and if we go about asking them right, and explaining to them why we want their help specifically, I think we have a good shot of getting even small donation from multiple sources. I don?t know anything about tax right-offs, but any money donated to charity can be written off by businesses, so I know that could be an incentive. I would prefer to try to raise the money ourselves before asking for it, but I am not that picky.
Quick Update on Equipment- You can always check the Loan Thread too for more info.
- Dreamcasts- We have 9 loaned!
- PS2s- We have 10!
- 360s- We have 1.
- TVs- We have 11 loaned. We want to have 5 more at the very, very least.
- Converters- We have 5 loaned. People should bring their own converters.
- Sticks- We have all we need.
- Rented Equipment from UW- We can rent as much as we need.
- 3rd Strike Discs- We have 7 discs. That is good, but we probably want on more.
- Guilty Gear: AC Discs- We have 8 loaned! That?s enough but more are welcome
- VF5 Discs- We have 2. That?s more then the number of 360s.
- CVS2 Discs- We have 1.
- Other- Things we need like extension cords and camera’s and anything else without a category. Big list in the donation thread.
So we are set for the big games. VF5 and CVS2 still need some donations, but if worse comes to worse and we only get 1 360, we can just have the Tekken players bring their systems and use the other 7 TV?s, and use the Dreamcast CVS2 version. Too bad for those that like to paint the fence.
That is basically where we are right now. If there are any questions, post up. :wgrin: