Pacific Northwest Majors: Please Check: Important - June 28th at UW

Not to mention that I know for a fact that there are a few more coming.

gotta respect that!

I challange!!!

you shall be the 1st victim then

man I should really practice my GG:AC then. I need a new pair of shoes.

MM for shoes; what’s your size?

people underestimate the fanbase of this game.

I wear 12 or 11.5. I don’t think people would wanna wear my fruity ass shoes though

I wasn’t really planning on going to this, but I would want to see Super Joe vs Jetay.

lol 10… But I don’t want your shoes.

I want these shoes.

Can someone tell me the default arcade stick layout for GGAC. At Random Selectz, I played GGAC with two different button layouts. If someone could let me know I would appreciate it.


on pad, x = k, box = p, t = s, O = hs, r1 = dust
if you played on my pad settings, p / k are reversed, allowing it to be more like the arcade layout

Mark’s got it right, but the actual button setup (if you need this for putting presets on memory cards) is:

P: X
K: []
S: /
H: R1
D: R2
Taunt/Respect: Some people turn it off, some people set it to L1 or Select, but most commonly, O

i always swap the P and the K because for some reason i like punch on top.

Damn my first post on SRK in years. Someone tonight at Gameworks clued me in on this tourney. I will be there. I’ve got two really nice 360 sticks but sounds like it will all be ps2/dc.

Oh balls. I was going to do it today…

Oh well, I’ll pay the price. I’m planning on showing up for GG:AC.


Damn pre-registration is over.

VF5 will be on 360.

so anybody got a laptop so that Ben could a do a show live from this tourney…!!! it would get more recognition.

I do… I can bring it if we can get internet access. But if it gets broken the person responsible owes me Retail price on a replacement.

Koo, Brent says there is plenty internet there so we can make this show happen