I’m not a Cammy player, but I feel your pain man.
I refuse to play any of the “easy” characters to win with, my highest tier chars that I play are either Chun or Dhalsim, which some may argue are still good in comparison of tiers, but are nowhere near the top - especially in online play. With these 2 chars, I definately know how it feels to have to “work harder then your opponents to win”. Especially considering those 2 characters have some of the lowest health in the game - even lower then Cammys. Plus neither of them are “big hitters” - so that means we have to work hard.
I know how discouraging it is when your working hard, and have done more then enough work that you should have the match won, and then an easy-mode character catches you with something that finishes you off, even though you for sure deserve a win.
I dont think it’s necessarily our characters that are the issue though - its just that some of the high tier characters are entirely too easy to win with. Aside from some of the S tier chars, I’ve found that most of the characters have to work hard to win.
One time I went against a Zangief that seemed like one of the worst I faced - an easy win. He literally spammed Lariats non stop and did piledriver when close - NO other moves. Messed up part - the match ended and he was something around 3200 rating. I know ratings dont mean much, but there is no way anyone should have that much with the pathetic skills he showed in that fight.
I know it could be argued whether he is OP or not, and that you just need to know how to fight him with your char, but that’s not really what I’m saying. I’m not saying he is OP, because that would mean he would be too powerful in the hands of a master, and while hes strong in the hands of a master, I would not say he is OP.
All I’m saying is if he is so easy to play, that should be considered a problem as well. Balance should not just mean how good a character can be in the hands of a master… it should also mean that a crappy player should not be able to reguarly defeat more skilled players due to “fluke wins”.
I believe that type of thing is what is responsible for our issues - the few characters that are too easy to play in comparison to the rest of the cast. That makes it so luck means more then skill at times when going against them.