I’ll chill until 10 but then i gotta go party.
marvel was besting today, even though i only played three games. so, ya, I’m playing until midnight or 1 tonight. come and test your might!
Ahmed the movie is called :Awakenings.
You’ll have the movie tomorrow
Tomorrow: Puzzle Fighter on 360!
there will be no drug operation/activity taking place in the office, the school is on us. lately the arcade have been experiencing an increasing of security and the UO newspaper larotande have been bad mouthing us in their latest article that could of lead to the increase, probably had an insider come in to investigate.
so i’d advise the following to have your joints pre-wrapped before planning on coming. thank you.
What?! you found it. how did you know? i’ve been looking for this movie for a while but i never knew the name. as if you have this movie, SUCCESS!. what are the chances.
double SUCCESS, i’ll get to see puzzle fighter for the 360. thanks Ehsan.
Ahmed do you think it’s safe to drop a game for Ehsan down at the cave around noon/afternoon tomorrow so you can give it to him in the evening?? i can’t get it to him otherwise but i also don’t want to lose a $80 game either.
PS: Who’s organizing this Tetris tourney?
Yeah, they’ve done it more than once if I recall correctly… Trolling in print in this newspaper much? The Fulcrum isn’t too much better.
And, if the Tetris tourney is a Friday night I can’t show up, prior obligations and shit. Actually, every Friday night is bad for me.
omg so much to read o_o… ahmed you post so much >< cant you summerize it into something a little shorter? xD
in addition: kicked a couple for rep and decided to post
Thanks for the rep for my monthly posts in the Ottawa threads
How are we going to do this tetris side tournament thing? what console/handheld(lol) is it on?
And for those wondering when the tournament is taking place… read post no.179 of this thread…
Save the article…
Well if we do a puzzle fighter one, I can always bring the 360. For tetris…Robles xbox?
i would’ve brought my mac laptop + 360 sticks (they work on it) but i’m not gonna be there friday.
unless it’s been moved to saturday? then i can make it.
I dunno how many of you read French, I’ll summarize it if need be.
The excerpt in question: * […] Je reconnais, au mme titre que la Fdration tudiante, que la salle de jeux tait un cas problmatique; on y a entre autres rapport des problmes de chicane, de bruit excessif et de vandalisme? a affirm Duval en entrevue avec La Rotonde. Anciennement installs proximit de cette salle, les employs de La Rotonde peuvent galement tmoigner de la consommation abusive de drogue qui s?y dveloppait de mme que de la prsence sporadique et inhabituelle de plusieurs jeunes adolescents flneurs.*
Translation: I recognize, along with the Student Federation, that the games room is a problem: we have receivec complaints of confrontation, excessive noise and vandalism" Duval stated in an interview with La Rotonde. Previously installed close to that room, the La Rotonde employees could equally witness abusive drug consumption as well as the sporadic and unusual presence of several loitering young teenagers.
very welcome.
apart from that, sorry to all those who sent me pictures and sorry it’s “taking so long”… to say the least i think my artistic capacity has gone quite far down the drain of death… (aka i cant draw anymore)… if i ever am able to draw something, i’ll be sure to do a few sketches for those people who sent me pictures.
Should lead to a pic of the guy who wrote the article.I’m at work so cant confirm if its him or not yet.He should be easy to track.
u gonna find him and break his legs now?? :looney:
I gave up my Soprano ways.It should at least help know when his ass crawls back into the cave to spy and shit.
That guy looks like he fucks squirrels.
Like all reporters he probably has some scrub scouting shit out for him.