Alien vs Predator: you have a buncha mentals trying to act. Maybe AvP2 will be better.
I am Sam was a pretty good movie…of a mentally disabled person fighting for custody of his 7 year old daughter. <- I’m not joking in this sentence.
Alien vs Predator: you have a buncha mentals trying to act. Maybe AvP2 will be better.
I am Sam was a pretty good movie…of a mentally disabled person fighting for custody of his 7 year old daughter. <- I’m not joking in this sentence.
Rainman is about autism.
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s nest is about a mental institution.
I’ll still win.
Heh maybe, maybe not. This should get set up. Maybe on the same day Ryad sets up the random team ranbat.
Side bets ? Side bets?
Aww shiiit, someone better learn dash headbut
3s is finally fixed.
tournament is on friday.
can i get my booklet back, Dan?
can i get my cell phone back, David??
Armored Core 4 is at the arcade, Nevers. i wanted to let you know cuz i wont be there on friday to give it to you. again thanks alot for this awesome game…anyways, back to ps2 armored core where theres no quick boost, no stabilizers, and no free tune ups.:sad:
SF tip from the early 90’s: start with a late fierce…
ps. whatever Pat…whatever
edit: im looking for a movie like that too. the one that im looking for has robin williams playing as a doctor and robert deniro as his patient. i really want to see this. does anyone know the name of this movie?
Matchstick Men… relatively new (2003)
main char is an obsessive-compulsive agoraphobe
I hate Nicolas Cage… but he played that part pretty well…
Good shit; I think it’s Patch Adams but don’t quote me on that.
Did you ever get that game I gave you working?
Appreciate it. Those out will be checked out.
where are you? when do you work? i can never find u these days lol
what time on friday? i’m done school at 6pm, can be there for 7pm.
Arun, games at 6 today?
Eastern Promises will be amazing i’m sure.
Dan next week is the last parliment pub night. Last night was nice.
gfb has some sick ggxxac matches between ogawa and Kaqn, those are like, the top 2 players in japan.
and, the vampire savior matches are ridiculous as usual! go sasquatch!
Fuck… Me n Dee were just chillin, lazy assed bastards… Shoulda went, but I was tired as fuck.
the cell was good, i think it’s the only watchable jlo movie.
is the tetris side tournament happening too? alternatively we can play puzzle fighter.
You mean Billy Crystal is the Psych. It’s called Analyze This.
Yes you can have your booklet back. I also might have Analyze This somewhere as well.
Just finished work dawg. I’m down, I’ll call you in abit.
That sounds like an excellent idea. If its one or the other, I vote Tetris.
I got xbox 360 hd puzzle fighter:wgrin: May bring it on thursday or friday
Edit: heh aaron said dawg…
what time is the tournament friday
its not patch adams or analyze this. i remember seeing this movie on bravo while i was randomly surfing the channel. in this movie you see robin williams treating these patients that have this kind of mental disorder where they’re inert. and robert deniro plays that role among those who suffer the same condition, but later on becomes the first patient to show signs of activity when robin increased the usual dosage despite the fact that the board of directors refused him to administer this operation, in fear that it could prove fatal. anyways, i watched a chunk of this movie in the middle and it was so compelling. so i decided to stop watching just so i can see the whole thing. i hope somebody out there knows what movie im talking about.
dont be ridiculous, Nevers. i work everyday except mondays and sundays. only this time i wont be there this friday…im trying to remember…why…?
i forgot to try the game Rene. i’ll keep you posted.
actually, hold on to the booklet Dan. i just wanted to get this series from it the next time i see you.
edit: puzzle side tournament is a very success idea. im in 100 and 10 %. i dont care if its tetris or puzzle fighter or both. hell, lets throw in Galaxy Fight!
edit2: i strongly believe that im the greatest super mario kart player in ottawa. somebody plz prove me wrong.