Ottawa September Thread

I wake up at 6 but I stumble into the showers.

CB, mid-day => 2nite what’s good dawg?

6 am doesnt exist for me. I’m never awake at this time, since I haven’t pulled an all nighter in ages.

lol, if you have a good view of the city you see something like this:

All taken this morning around 6:30am

What location were these shot at?

my place.

oh yeah Ramadan Mubarak Robleh…
I think you can eat anytime before ahmed…

Ehsan… you have to check out the latest Ranbat uploaded by TheShend in the video forum… you will absolutely love it…

Alright thanks… Im guessing Urien shit + Rx?

Edit: oOOHH…Rx and Senaka, the best uriens around

Robleh, let’s do some 3s sometime soon. You too Ryad.

yo ehsan, sorry about today but it was getting around 1:30 and my bus was going to get to rideau so i just went out instead.

i’ll give you bioshock on friday if you want.

GGs Narith and Ehsan.
In old news, the button spacing at the cave is still ghey.
In new news, holy shit, mofuckas can actually MOVE in 3S now! Well, pretty much…

3s is finally kinda fixed? And did they fix 2P side on CvS2 does anyone know?

yo man… after watching that… I really wanted to learn to partition…
so I practiced… a lot…
and now I can…
dash headbut for the win

Arun, that would be cool man

I dunno if 3s is fixed, on 2p side I was holding up-right and jumping straight up. I couldn’t parry right either. And CvS2 my friend was complaining about not being able to roll right on 2p side. This is on Sunday.

Dave i read your comment about Dee in marvel about him getting better.

Do we have to do the Race to 10 again?

Man havent played REAL 3s in AWHILE!!!

Same goes for MARVEL!!!


Ramadan Karim.U forgot about me Ryad?lol.
Ahmed,does the lier lie about everything or only shit relative to the path?(ie can i ask him what color the sky is and shit?)

I work 8-5 mon-fri and im back home to break …um fast(…?..) by 7.So pick a time after 8 anyday u like.

Nice show me…I was thinking…We should have a URIEN ONLY tournment/ranbat.

Bring it on Ahmed,Ryad and CB.

Atleast 1 more character.

You better start learning Urien fast caz I dont think you understand when I said, “URIEN ONLY.”

ehsan you should learn urien too so you can stop me from beasting on you with your character


The phrase “atleast 1 more character” clearly indicates that I fully understand but disagree w/ your statement.

Anyway, I need a movie where one of the themes is a mental disorder. For instance: Forest Gump.

Know any movies of the like?