i feel asleep yesterday, how was it?
Rachel said the music was good.
i feel asleep yesterday, how was it?
Rachel said the music was good.
BBB + USB sticks that don’t have delay = beasting
makes me wish i didn’t give away my laptop to my mother so i could bring it to the cave.
why have i not been ordering books off from the beginning… god i can get rpg’s from here… Amazon is the best store ever.
o ya phuck chapters.
3S today?
What’s goin on peoples?
Dan this is for you.
PR - Show Dogs Be On My Jock Like They Bone Fed… says:
and dj premier is on thursday
Rach says:
oh cool.
Rach says:
oh is that kanye’s dj?
PR - Show Dogs Be On My Jock Like They Bone Fed… says:
idk. what is going on today?
that’s what i wanted to know heh
That huge console/PC 3S sesh we had earlier this week was so ill.
We should repeat that.
Yeah that was really fun. Just see whens the next time Narith is free. I have 3s on console.
me and arun and dee are getting drunk and playing 3s here at my crib around five. if you bring booze you are welcome to come.
sold. How does one get to your crib?
take the 95 to iris station. walk away from woodroofe, take you first right, walk all the way down to the street, follow the curve left, 2084 kingsley road.
613 265 7421
One follows Arun.
random post:
lol. srk sends you an email when it’s your birthday xD (even though mines tomorrow they sent me one today) i think that’s cool.
steve, do you have the sellswords III?
Happy birthday.
wow 3 is out? I haven’t even read the second one, thanks for reminding me.
Primo is soon man, Primo is soon.
Good shit 3rd strikers.
I never got an email.
that quote makes no sense.
You were pretty high when you said it. That’s fuckin wierd. I’ll take it off untill you clarify what you ment.
Edit: Nah, I like it. I’m going to keep it.
random for the day:
how many of you wake up at 6am and have atleast some sort of view of ottawa and see the clouds engulfing the city?