Ottawa September Thread

If you dont allow judgement what are you going to do when it happens? Redo? :confused:

Similar to major tournaments. You re-do the last round.

Yes ----> [media=youtube]tGc4ZX_rGdc[/media]

Vote judgment off, chun li always wins it

The reason I allowed judgment is because this team funbat is as far as it gets from a major tournament.
I wanted to add more fun by allowing judgement, since people get all excited when it actually counts and the game is making its decision. Also, I wanted to make this team tournament pass more quickly.
But ofcourse, if a lot of you want to keep it major tournament style I will oblige. So whoever cares about the judgement system, vote.

I vote Judgment on.

who wanna go see pat charger game this sunday @ either locoheros or wherever

especially since the tournament is single elimination, any time added by judgment will be negligeable.

at major tournaments, judgement decides draws:

have you posted it yet in the mtl thread? or made a tournament thread for it?

totally calls for it.

I dunno khiem, seeing as how I totally pulled this out of nowhere… for fun… on a friday… with no prize money… I really dont think it warrants more publicity…
I was only really expecting locals to attend…
I’ll leave those big tournies to you, khiem

man, am I hungry…

Those who don’t have their Primo tickets yet need to cop those NOW. They will not last.

I already have mine.

As evidence by the video that Ehsan just posted, that can’t have always been true.

Ramadan Kareem Ryad and Robleh.

i vote yes to judgement.

thanks Pat.

as for the rest, i’ll leave this riddle in hopes that you can solve it.

you’re walking on a path in the middle of nowhere, then suddenly you reach a fork on the road. one will lead to you doom, the other will lead to your salvation, where there’s a village. and in the middle stands two brothers. one will lie to you, and the other must tell you the truth. now you can only ask them one question. what do you do?

note: you cant ask one or the other if they’re the liar. they’ll both say the same thing.

ps. plz have it on the 29, its more convenient. plus i thought 28 was a saturday.

edit: can i have Suhur anytime before sunrise or is there a specific time for that?

"Which path would your brother tell me to take?"
If salvation was path 1:
Truth guy: “He would tell you to take path 2.” (Liar guy would incorrectly tell you to take path 2)
Liar guy: “He would tell you to take path 2.” (Truth guy would correctly tell you to take path 1, so he lies and tells you the opposite.)
Then you just take the path they didn’t mention.

Is it right?

Also, I second the 29th, fridays are terrible for me as well.

Nice classic…I heard it in grade 4 =]. Good shit Ahmed.

that video is 4 years old…

Diago offered the rematch in this situation if im not mistaken after the judgement in rickys favor

He lost. The game wasn’t his to offer. You mean Ricky purposed a rematch?

He lost. The game wasn’t his to offer. You mean Ricky purposed a rematch?

well, he lost by judgement so they relpayed last round ricky with one win, so diago beat him, after then end of all of it daigo offered him a full rematch and daigo won again,

wow. is that completely humble or incredibly cocky?

That’s good sportsmanship

Is it? Or is it the ultimate mind game?