If anyone cares, street fighter: the later years, is out with part 4.
it says everyone is a premium member, lol…
JAY WTF ??? how long do I have to wait… I need this to get hype for NEC and ECC (you know what im talking about…make an effort , do it for the people).
Random XVSF Ranbat at the Nariths!!!
- 1hitcombo
- Contra
- Middlekingpin
- OneandOnly
- aznretro
Myles put both Dee and Jon in losers.
Ehsan gets a bye
I lost to both Jon and Dee 2-1
I will have to say i did well against both of my matches.
Newells… get prepared for this:
This Friday.
Time Code.
GGs to the 3s @ Narith’s
thanks for hosting Narith
thanks for the drive Myles
So who was right when i told u guys about this when i went to my country?
1 g = 50 dollars i think it was.
Prob the shitiest g i will prob ever get
wtf contra top 3? screesbot or it didint happen
Ramadan Kareem Ahmed
random post:
is there actually a 3s ranbat happening at the u anytime soon?
fuck! im bored… I need to find a gf.
wondering if i should order a second 360 stick for ST, they’re only $80 and i still have around $500 saved up left and all my books are paid off.
whatever happened to the pic you were going to make?
or did you just want pics of us?..
Wow you take the words out of my mouth
bet it. I > you at marvel.
if you’re talking to me:
i’ve been on a semi- artist’s block for… 2 months (if not more) now. i can BARELY draw anything. it’s really hard for me ;-; if i’m going to do any kind of drawings for you guys i MAY need the pictures again and i’ll just do single pictures for the time being. i may add them all together/ colour them on photoshop afterwards though.
so that’s what’s up with that
GGs Narith, Ryad,Myles, Jon, Tak, Ehsan
That ranbat was hilarious
“Dual monitors?? Goodnight Myles!” yo, 3s online is all your sleep.
Did neone buy their premo ticket yet?
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Team Funbat, Single Elimination Format
Friday, September 28th
University of Ottawa Games Room
Registration begins 6:00pm
Funbat begins 7:00pm
Free Entry, No prize
Funbat will be held on PS2 console(s).
Teams will be selected via random draw.
Depending on the number of entrants, teams will consist of 2 to 3 players.
All members of within a team must use different characters.
All members must retain their character for the duration of the tournament.
Judgment system is allowed.
Matches will be recorded.
If anything is still vague please let me know and I will clarify.
My 2 cents:
You mind if we take a vote on that jugdment rule?