Otakon 2007

Its thursday why u leavin so early?

Yeah…for anyone that’s already in the MD area I dont think there’s anything going on Thursday. If you got a hotel already that’s cool but there’s no Otakon today.

People pick up pre-registration packets today, about to leave as soon as our ride arrives.

Ill be there playing necro(Pink Feirce Necro) in 3S using a pad because im too damn cheap to purchase a stick, but my freind will be using Ibuki;/
Ill try to play naruto tournament also, see if i can get some practice in.


Rofl, is that supposed to mean something? Yes, youll probably auto-assume me as a scrub, and you have every right to since the only other players I can play is Ibuki and Ken.I refuse to use ken/yun/chun even though i can(well, if chuns lmk> super counts :rolleyes:). you know the story.

EDIT: Btw, im not much for these forums, but if you live in the randallstown area, you should know me if you play video games.



erik kim for the random :smiley:
the only thing goning on today are games at peoples houses before otakon

mm for the color? necro mirror:cool:


I honostly thought i would be the only necro there, expecting a shitload of ryu/kens/chuns, and the only reason for Ryu is because hes like…scrubmagnet 1.1, and they had a Chun-Li picture for the registration card WTF?

i just got back from pre-registration, met people there and it wasnt even the first day.:sweat:

Look at for me:

Im a semi-tall kid with an offbeat fro, look pretty young :rofl: I’m going to have on a peachy colored shirt and I’m gonna have my shades on in some shape or form.

I’ll be playing my Gouki and the occasional Urien.

Fat Asian kid with Kollej stoodent shirt

Good Idea…

White, skinny, Wearing a Flash shirt, with a black cap on, regular height

I’m going to be a black guy…that is all. Oh yeah I will be playing Ryu. And Eric Kim…CLEANSE YOUR SOUL!!! :rofl::rofl:

Necro is Ramza’s secondary character. Hence the “hmmms”.

Hmmm…I guess we’ll see some Makoto goodness at Otakon.

Look for me, I’m, uhh… well, several of you have seen me before on many different occasions, you’ll know who I am and I’ll know who you are.

Most of you know me but, i suppose ill White Guy who is botherin you. Ill be wearing my nice shirts. Ill be rollin with the gangstas like Gimpy!

Srk We will be runnin this shit! If you hear me scream “SRK assholes or something” just come to me

I’ll be there too, maybe I’ll sign up for the 3s torny and get destroyed this year.

Ill be doing so

I still need a ride cause everyone left thursday and i had to stay for this job i just got… may accept…

If not expect there in a few hours.