Orlando Thread: CEO De Mayo May 5th, CEO 2012 June 15-17 ceogaming.org

haha what?

you guys probably just had too much sodium in your diet.

The remedy is for people to take a bath.

Lol at the jokes, but either way I hope you guys feel better!

On another note I asked this on the Orlando FB Group, but I’ll post it here too:
I want your thoughts on an idea I had yesterday. I’m thinking about picking up a Phoenix team for the sole purpose of having our Community get used to the match up. I think that the biggest problem is that there really aren’t that many Phoenixes in Orlando.

So should I pick up Jean Gray?

i vote the thread should say. MK was fun…till i lost and got salty and went out side for 20 minutes to clear my tears.

hahahaha, this was the best tourney ever. i watched the whole thing on the stream on my phone. thanks to the commentators i now have alex on my contacts under jeblownup/jeFREEly,jeblowjob… lol im messing dude. good tourney i wish i would of made it. it would of been two Feis in the finals and no random selects ;b

lol@ ur phoenix teaching us stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Better than No Phoenix and us getting blown up at our own major! :stuck_out_tongue:

i play phoenix, just havent against you cause well… shes dangerously cheezy

Jeez giving up mk9 already?

Rafy…no offense, but there is a world of difference between learning how to fight a Phoenix that somebody picked up more or less to be a community training dummy and learning how to fight a Phoenix that somebody has legitimately learned how to play intelligently and creatively in order to WIN (well, within the limited domain of Phoenix strategy, anyway) a la Jo Gray. You don’t learn shit from snapping in a Phoenix you already know how to beat that you couldn’t learn already just from going into the lab with a programmed Phoenix dummy (which is everyone’s responsibility as basic matchup research/practice anyway).

Case in point, I, Mr. Chokeout, ran into and beat a Dark Phoenix in losers yesterday, 2-0. Am I ready to beat real Phoenix players like Jo Gray? Fuck no. The guy I beat was quite obviously either nervous, or out of practice, or both, and couldn’t do shit with DP except ghetto lockdown with DP’s jab feathers. I killed him the first time just by X-Factoring through DP activation with Sentinel and immediately firing Plasma Storm, which I’m almost certain wasn’t timed for a real punish. I killed him the second time a little sloppier; I had to block a bunch of feathers with Sentinel, but he screwed up a bunch of times during his approach, and I eventually kicked him in the head with Sent j. H and frying panned him out of his misery.

The moral of that long paragraph is that since the guy I fought was not of Jo Gray caliber (no offense to the dude), I learned pretty much nothing from fighting his Phoenix that I couldn’t have learned just going to the lab with a Phoenix dummy (which I should be doing anyway). Orlando’s main problem with Phoenix seems mostly to be execution in the clutch (exacerbated by nerves), to which the primary remedy is always drill, drill, drill. Go to the lab, open a few browser tabs to various anti-Phoenix topics/videos (or even pro-Phoenix topics/videos, to learn exactly how they play their character), and beat/block that bitch’s bullshit until you’re literally doing it in your dreams.

We do not and should not need a dedicated community training dummy to learn this matchup, when the vast majority of drills can be easily constructed in the lab on our own individual time. Anybody in this thread can and should be able to perform and record Phoenix/DP patterns themselves; the execution barrier in this game is blissfully low. If you drill on the right stuff (not just blocking teleport mixup and punishing DP activation, but also how to dodge homing fireballs, what counters feathers, how to avoid/counter panicky masher reactions by lesser players), I think people will learn a lot more in the lab than they will fighting somebody’s week-old Phoenix, who exists only to (eventually) lose.

tl;dr Pretty much all of Orlando’s Phoenix problems can be mostly solved in the lab. Nobody should have to go out of their way to pick up a character simply to teach the community the matchup. We have these things called “the Internet” and “practice mode” now…it’s our responsibility to use them.

Good old Chester and his delicious cheese-like corn snack product.


Props to the winners. Wish I could’ve made it, CrappyPatty’s wedding was incredible. So hungover lol :confused:

You could have watched from your phone QQ!

Jebailey what happend to taking first in mk9? not as gdlk as you thought???



towards end is what you have to look forward to in your near future(not from me mind you :P). Trying to help a fellow bison player out is all :S.

1 thing to note from that video is to try and not punish a blocked ex lunge punch. That shit is gay and is +1 on block. YOu won’t beat it, just keep on blockin mang.

High five for catching on to that

So when’s some MK casuals? GG’s yesterday but I’m a tad bit salty I lost to what I did at the tourney cause I figured I’d at least get top three, so its time for more casuals and match up knowledge. Everything I know works in theory til I’m actually fighting against it in person. lol My reactions were way off. I need to make all punishment more muscle memory. Just watching people play, I can tell that everyone’s coming at it like street fighter by spamming special moves. NOT SMART in MK. Kung Lao dive and wake up Spin is not solid. If we cut out bad habits now and gimmicks and put in some solid perfect practice, then FL can fair very well at CEO in MK. Just my two cents.

lol mk, you guys are silly…

I’m really sorry I haven’t been able to make it out to Marvel Tourney’s. I’d really like to see what the hell this Phoenix shit is all about…

I can pick her up if you guys really need experience like that. I’d also like to get a better understanding with her in the meantime.

People need to listen to this guy

The problem with Phoenix is that it takes a team geared to defeating phoenix or the phoenix player to make a huuuuge mistake in order to beat a SKILLED phoenix player. If played properly she nullifies 75% of the cast because they can’t do shit to her even in normal mode.

Tbh 90% of the problems that people have with mk9 is that it plays nothing like the other popular fighting games. Where as you get used to poking and footises in SF or hell even a game that claims to be as “offensively orriented” as mk9 does(marvel), you will lose. It’s a new avenue for a lot of us. sure we can get th combos down but playing the game how it’s SUPPOSED to be played is new to everyone. I can tell you personally that i and most of the people i know don’t come at it by spamming special moves, but the random factor of ahving to hold block inhibits a lot of us that aren’t used to it quite yet. Honestly the biggest issue that i think people have atm with MK9 is everything feels extremely sluggish and unsafe. It may be resloved in time but although this may be the best MK that has ever been made, being the Best MK in the series still doesn’t hold a lot of weight.

@Isaac. It’s not that simple, ther are things wrong with this game on a competitive level that are due to the systems mechanics, coming from a street fighter perspective. I love the game, but there are things that don’t make any sense what-so-ever. Such as me doing a basic bnb(magic series into levitate with Ermac for instance) where randomly(without negative edging the button) i won’t get the special move that i inputted.

i obviously need to put more time into the game personally but there are things that happen when “playing to win” where i go “srsy…really…wtf…”

BUT i guess time will tell.

Isn’t that the Pot calling the kettle Black Mr Blazblue ;).

Nah I’ll still push MK, Not salty over losing, I just played not a single casual all day cause I was running everything so I really wasn’t prepared to hold black 80% of every match and just rushed in there and was properly punished on everything.

I have to say Ian’s explanation is really spot on, I could never of worded it like him and explain the game mechanics so well in comparison to what the majority of us are used to. Although there is no denying the game’s 2v2 Mode is extremely fun and still deserves more time and credit given to it.

Still I will push it, and No Torrin I won’t make CEO all about MK, I push what’s most popular and look how much I push Marvel even though I’ve chosen not to really play it competitively.

On another note, After CEO 2011 I really need to start looking into BIGGER Venues for monthly events without obviously breaking the bank and going overboard. Yesterday was overwhelming with the turnout and could of even been bigger if some of you didn’t have other stuff yesterday like Tony, Ian, Jose and others. So I have to think smart but also reasonably into finding something with a capacity of 200-300 people comfortably. So I’m open to legit suggestions, No Bars anymore, (Still waiting on New Rocky’s to open up but haven’t heard any new news on that).
And now with NOS on our side, this just leads into potentially special things down the road and I need to run with it and keep things going.

I’ll be at Powerup next weekend in OHIO. So I actually would like to play some games including Marvel since I mine as well enter(I will be playing PS3 all week to prepare properly). Since my AC is broke I can’t host so anyone hosting before Thursday night let me know and I’ll be glad to come out and play some games.

PS DR I’m down to play with you and agree as well. MK will have a big showing at CEO whether some want to think so or not so if you care at all to do well I definitely suggest heeding his advice.

I like this.

Yesterday you did a phenomenal job with everything. The only con to the entire event was just the venue limitations and that wasn’t in anyone’s control. It’s really exciting to see the huge amount of people willing to show up for a local monthly; its so fantastic. Will the new Rocky’s be bigger/as big as their previous venue? Despite the lack of space for set-ups, the amount of space for people to move around was without equal my favorite.

I’m looking forward to the new series of monthlies after CEO. I wonder how significant of a change there will be in attendance and popularity after such a huge major.