What does everyone think of the online ranking system? Working as intended? I seem to get matched with people who are either hopeless or strides ahead of me almost as much as I get matched with decent players.
Now until recently I was hovering about the 2100 mark for ranking, but after a string of really bad nights I have dropped to 2400’ish… Now my goal was to claw my way (I main Vega.) into the sub 2000 marks. Now I’m starting to think I am actually, despite having a good working knowledge of the game, fairly rubbish…
Yes, I think sometimes I get effected by lag badly, but I think sometimes it actually helps rather than hurts… I don’t know, how many actually active players are ranked? On my friends list, most of them are in the 2000 - 3000 list? I mean I must be reasonable - I’ve chocked up over 100 perfects, but I still meet the odd player who I simply can’t get in on.
I did think 0 - 500 = Top players
501 - 1000 = Very good players
1001 - 2000 = Pretty good, but not going to be winning prizes
2001 - 2500 = Not bad, but still has a long way to go
2501 onwards = Pretty awful, has either only just started playing or is genuinely rubbish and probably won’t get significantly better.
Now the worrying thing is I’m drawing dangerously close to falling into a category I don’t think I’d feel comfortable with… I don’t know if it makes sense - I’ve chocked up more wins and perfects than some of my freinds, but they have a high ranking? Even my win:loss ratio is significantly better than my higher ranked friends - how does that work?!
Your looking too much into it. The online rankings are nice to get a good feel for how the competition reflects, but in end there are too many variable factors for an online ranking to be considered a true testament of a players skill. Lag, disconnections, ragequitters, all these factors compromise the online ranking system.
I have rank of… what 4000 something, but I certainly don’t consider myself to be a garbage player. I’m definitely not a top player, but I feel like I can play pretty much play anyone, and put up some sort of fight. In the tournaments I’ve played in, I’ve been able to do relatively well.
If you want to really want a more accurate reading on how you are as a player, you’ll compete in live tournaments, rank battles, and other competitive outlets. How you perform offline against opponents will matter more than how you do online.
Finally, for the most part, I think every player is better offline than they are online, even if they don’t know it.
Hmmm, maybe I don’t know if I want to compete offline though - given the verbal abuse, trash talk, smack talk and general petulance I’ve encountered online… i daren’t plug my headset mic in, unless I’m doing a player match with someone I know.
I don’t think I could play well offline anyway - I’m so used to hacking out specials on a D-Pad, all the way back through the PS1 to the Snes I’ve been better on a pad… I suppose I could buy a stick and try to get used to it but…
Just hit a local tournament, RanBat etc. Make some friends there. If it’s anything like the SoCal scene, people are more likely to help you get better than trash talk you.
And you don’t have to play using a stick to compete. Take your pad with you, you can use that.
That. More than anything, that ruins it, since you don’t get the win, and they don’t get the loss towards their rank. The so-called ‘Top-Players’ tend to be experts at ragequitting.
I played reasonable Sagat last night, narrowly, narrowly lost. Didn’t particularly bait me, it was a good match and all that. So I rejoin a ranked, and meet the same person straight away. He counter-picks Blanka vs my Vega - which is fine by me, then I narrowly beat him 3-2 another decent tight game. Instead of losing graciously he quits before the winning pose…
I mean it’s bloody petulant, and irritating. I shall be leaving quit early bad feedback and avoiding playing this numpty again. i am getting quite disillusioned with online play at the moment, with quitter, people sending smack talk when they win or lose, people swearing at me down the mic…
It’s getting to a point where I feel I’m ready to quit.
Actually you do get the win and the dropper does get the loss when they rage quite, it just doesn’t always work out that way.
Also while it is true for the most part online rankings don’t mean anything, that’s a little unfair to say the top ranked players are just rage quitters. Most of the people ranked high got there legitimately.
Check out the top 10 for XBL:
Mute Chimu Kuri - Never played him but heard he was really good.
Haru Tejyo - aka Jodim, aka the best Geif player you will ever see.
fithnsomebud - One of the best players I’ve played online.
Bruce Askew - I fancy myself a pretty good player.
EMP Sabin - Top east coast player and maybe the best sim in the US.
Mr Jangera - Really good japanese player.
xxxTONO767xxx - Another good japanese player.
TO13GO13 - Yet another good japanese player.
Thelothegreat - Haven’t played him but I heard he’s a real good honda player.
BlueTallCans - The best blanka player I’ve played and maybe best in the US.
Not a single rage quitter/lag abuser/punk bitch among them, just top notch quality players.
The top 10 on Live really is full of killers. (Bruce Askew included)
The problem is that when you play on ranked, its a real crapshoot as to who you’re going to run in to. The amount of Akuma air FB spammers and straight up rage quitters you find is ridiculous.
That’s because PSN is inferior. I don’t remember the details but someone from Capcom posted a blog about how because of how XBL worked they were able to put systems in place to not only detect droppers but also various other advantages that I don’t remember.
and few lag switcher that use Ken with spam shoryuken all day.
But sasaki-01 (spelling?) is for real tho (currently rank #1 I think) as I played him few times already on/off the scoreboard. His Bison is almost mistake free and never miss a combo. BTW, I’m current rank around 300~350 thanks to numbers of lag switchers on PSN :bluu:
I don’t mind but unfortunately my friends list is full (stupid bullshit 100 cap!), but if you have the SSF2HDR List on your friends list I am on there so if you see me on just send me an invite.