So here we are sitting in the aftermath of the patch many are saying has actually killed this game. There are a lot of things wrong with this game but I want to gather information on just how common some of these things are. I would love to get more peoples help to get a broader view outside of just what I am able to get in.
I am trying to get actual numbers here. So please don’t make a post saying “I fought an assist gem user every other match!” Also keep in mind this is RANKED only. So starting off
Time played : 1 Hour. From 7-8 PM PST.
Games played : 15.
Number of “co op” teams fought. 2
Number of Ryu Ken teams fought. 4
Number of Assist Gem users fought. 2
Number of Neon skin teams fought. 1.
Number of times playing against someone with way more BP than me. 2
Number of times playing against someone with way less BP than me. 3.
If the next time you play you can keep track of these stats and then post them here it would be a great help in finding out just how common some of these “annoyances” are. And when they seem to happen to most. If you also think of something else you feel should be kept track of go ahead and post it as well. Maybe things like "number of rage quits/disconnects (i had 0) should be kept track of as well.
Lets see if the game is actually ruined or if it is still mostly playable there are just a few bad apples in the bunch.
Time played: 1 Hour. From 2:30-3:30 PM PST.
Games Played: 11.
Co op teams fought: 1
Ryu Ken teams fought: 0
Assist gem users fought: 4 (2 autoblock/tech, 2"other")
Annoying skin teams fought: 0
BP much higher than me: 1
BP much lower than me: 2
I have decided to just merge all annoying colored players into a single category. So people who just make their character completely black and such fit in here too. I am also going to divide up the “assist gems” category in future posts. As while this time I had 4 assist gem users, only 2 of them used an autoblock/tech gem. I have no idea what the other two used, for all I know it was pandora extension because they never happened during the match.
I’ll definitely play a bit after work tonight and give you guys a consensus, what better way to measure it than within the community right? FYI you may want to say which console you are on just for thoroughness sake. Might explain which console has the “scrubbier” players on it
Time played: 16:40~17:25
Games Played: 8
Co op teams fought: 0
Ryu Ken teams fought: 1
Assist gem users fought: 0
Annoying skin teams fought: 0
BP much higher than me: 5
BP much lower than me: 2
Played a very good Xiaoyu, my last match was a semi-close one against a Ryu/Guile team that’s B ranked… 6k+ points… Really, Capcom? Pretty sure I said “Same” skill level. Granted, I came within 10 HP of beating him, but stopped paying attention to his meter and ate an EX Shoryuken as I tried to EX Northern Lights Suplex…
I broke the golden rule: Never try to out reverse a desperate shoto. I knew he was going to Shoryuken and didn’t block xx Gator Slam like I should have. #overzealous.
Time played: 1 hour 30 minutes
Games played: 19 (all ranked Xbox)
Co-op teams fought: 1
Shoto teams fought: 4
Assist gem users: 1 (old Auto tech)
Annoying neon skin teams: 11
BP much higher than me: 4
BP much lower than me: 1
Next batch of games. Also note, all my games are on Xbox live.
Time Played: 1 hour 20 minutes. From 10:10 AM to 11:30 PM.
Games played 16
Co op teams fought: 2
Shoto teams fought: 1
Assist gem users: 1 (auto tech)
Annoying colors: 3
BP much higher than me: 6
BP much lower than me: 1
Time Played: 30 minutes.
Games played 5
Co op teams fought: 0
Shoto teams fought: 4 (all teams had either a Ryu or an Akuma except one which was Kaz/Jin)
Assist gem users: 2 (auto block)
Annoying colors: 1
BP much higher than me: 0
BP much lower than me: 0
Time Played: 30-45 minutes. From 11:00 PM to 11:45 PM.
Games played 3
Co op teams fought: 1
Shoto teams fought: 2
Assist gem users: 0
Annoying colors: 0
BP much higher than me: 2
BP much lower than me: 1
For reference, I’m at 2,700BP, played a 6,500+ (2v1 against me) and a 11,000BP that curb-stomped me with a Bison/Chun team my first match of the night. XD
Didn’t get too many in (passing out between matches lol), will try to get more tonight.
Hmm… I generally don’t play ranked, usually set up an endless with friends and one or two open slots… I kinda’ set goals to reach in ranked, reach that, then go back to training more/playing against friends and trying to learn matchups.
I may try to power through a bunch of ranked matches tonight and see how it goes. Eventually I’m at least hitting that B rank if only to se if I can actually maintain a good enough W/L percentage under pressure.
And yeah, I just decided on my main team this weekend. I’ll toy around with the rest of the cast but at this point I’m now Juri/Julia for life. :-p
Time Played: 40 minutes. From 7:50 AM to 8:30 AM.
Games played 9
Co op teams fought: 0
Shoto teams fought: 1
Assist gem users: 1
Annoying colors: 2
BP much higher than me: 3
BP much lower than me: 4
The Assist Gem user was using the old auto-throw gem, which I eventually reverse abused to make sure his meter was low.
Oddly enough, one gentlemen had no gems equipped in both our matches. Caught me by surprise and I kinda felt like an ass afterwards (I mean it’s fair… just felt bad). Good matches though.
I usually forget to change that, it’s been set to “Any” for me for a good while… but it really doesn’t make that much of a difference lol. I set it to “Same” thi smorning, then got matched up against someone with 900BP (granted I lost this match because I R DUM AND NO TAG), and someone with 6600+BP two matches later (which I won… wait wtf I won something?!).
Skill search must take in a few more parameters than just raw points and W/L, or something.
How many of the 4 shoto teams had both characters as a shoto however? I mean a single ryu or akuma is fine. I honestly don’t mind fighting ryu+ken teams either. Just including it for reference since it does bother some people. So only include the matches both of your opponents characters are shotos. (Honestly fighting runaway akuma/Raven is more annoying. for me)
Time Played: 1 hour. 4:30 PM -5:30 PM Pacific.
Games played: 11
co op teams fought: 0
Shoto teams fought: 0
Assist gems: 1 (Vitality gems)
Colors: 1
BP higher: 1
BP lower: 2
On Wednesday this thread will be 1 week old. I will gather all the data when I get home from work that night, total it up and post some percentages. So if you want to contribute post your games before wednesday night.
Ruhh Rohh… Bad morning of matches before work, lol.
Time Played: 30 minutes. 7:45 AM -8:15 AM (AZ).
Games played: 4
co op teams fought: 0
Shoto teams fought: 0
Assist gems: 3 (All Auto-block gems)
Colors: 0
BP higher: 1
BP lower: 3
So yeah, the first and second match were dealing with auto-block I do believe. Had to be the newer one since it took up two slots but he lost a lot less meter. Won both.
Ran into an A rank with the newer auto block and a really bad connection (accidentally accepted, argh). Teleporting + Auto-block = NO BUENO. Got beat but I never felt like it was against someone I couldn’t beat in optimal conditions. I just couldn’t do… anything. Bleh, whatever.
I definently think I’ll do this! Bp means nothing in this game. I fought some dudes 9000bp and won by just grabbing every time they rolled on wake up! And by the way…my gems never activate. Not once! I forgot they were even there. I also get kinda freaked out when people use the crazy sound effects! I’ll be back!..with results!