Trying to tick throw Honda is a seriously bad idea.
There is nothing to conclude, I beat him with both Sagat and Ryu. The first round is always lag free, the following is when shit starts going matrix and he’ll just appear infront of me with a tiger knee, all of a sudden im in the air being thrown. Regardless I still beat him, and he rage quitted. Sent me a message saying don’t get mad its just a game, and that he’s drunk and he’ll beat me the next day when he’s sober. We fought again and I destroyed him with Ryu and he RQ’d a player match.
Subpar Sagat, lyghts out was good, but hardly see that guy online…my sagat is decent, but in reality there are hardly if any tournament level sagats online.
I am not buddies with nappynightmares. Let me say that first. I dont know if he has a turbo controller or lag switch. His sagat though is very good in regards to zoning. You can say what you want about him but he knows his matchups. Also there are many good tournament level sagat players on-line. You just dont play them as they are a minority unlike all the boring a$$ ryu players. It takes more skill to win with Sagat than it does Ryu. Sorry but its the truth.
Okay. Bye now.
I was hoping I could get one of those Xbox controllers with built in Tirbo.
I’ll check the trading outlet…
Aint that the truth. lol
U mad, B? Why you gotta name-drop a 'G?
I’m not gonna accuse NappyNightmares but a couple of us played him last night and the lag seemed appropriate at times, especially when you’re at the other end of the screen. Decent sagat and I’d like to say it’s good but we’ll never know when the connections unbearable. I’d love to play him again.
NappyNightmares does use lag to cheat, he’s got the device to do it the fucking pig he is. Yes he has a decent sagat but is using a turbo pad cheating? I cant beat that bastard sagat of his because he is good player, but if things are going bad for him he will use lag to a point where he thinks its not noticable, bitch aint fooling no one.
Just remember you are no1 world class bitch lol
Look I understand a lot of us will never realy play outside of online games. Between all the stuff that goes in our lives we are fortunate just to play. With that I can understand that you take your on-line play seriously. But know there will always be cheaters. It’s a sad fact of life and some people will do whatever it takes to be above someone else. I even try now not to get mad. You have to work harder which can seem even tougher when the odds are already against you. But even if that fails just find another room and play with people at least you think are honest. It’s not worth getting mad over.
i havent read all the posts in this thread yet just the first one.
i just wanted to add that its rediculous the amount of ppl who rage quit on me then send me msg’s on Live that i “use lag to cheat”
haha. most often when i have them corner trapped with my Ken.
sometimes i wont even have lag on my end when this happens. this prompts me to think its just an excuse to be a rage quitter.
Just gonna chime in and say if you’re looking for a good Sagat then try adding LOOSECHANGE to your friends list. He’s a great player and definitely plays a tourney level sagat.
So is est 1991, like tony says, itsssss great!
So I better post here before someone tries to call me out. I’m sure there are a few people think I lag cheat. I don’t. I’ve just gotten in the habit of downloading…erm…movies. I keep forgetting that it interferes with my internet connection.
I just switched mine from medium to off and what a difference it made. I don’t even know how I was playing this game at times with the smoothing set to medium.