Online lag-cheating?

so i played a quite a few matches started playing few months ago and noticed some of the opponents seem to land every possiple combo and revearsals even if the lag is terrible, it seems they can pretty much do whatever they want without me getting almost ANY hits on them i just dont fucking get it, and it pisses me off,mostly chun, zang, thawk players do it, so i ask them after the fight how the hell they do it and never replies…

am i the only one wondering about this?

im on PSN.

A now dont get me wrong here but, Could it be that “YOU” just suck.

no, without the lagshit i do fine, and how could i get you wrong? “IDIOT”

It could be a lag switch and they could be using turbo. Yes I know of a particular guy on PSN that I have like 300+ ping with, and he lands tick typhoon 100% of the time.

No maverick its not because I suck, no one’s timing is that good in that kind of lag.

People may also have adjusted to the way that the online-game works better. In many ways the game is one of anticipation, rather than reaction, so if you can time stuff blind, then a lot of the same tricks are possible.

Im just kidding about the “SUCKING” thing but, you might just be getting out tapped, there’s lots of people that can tap the hell out of the button and, it seem that there using something else but, the lag part i have began to notice with some people that i am playing that everytime i start my attack is when the lag seems to hit and, when there attacking me it seems to run just fine then.

Set your network smoothing to off. You’ll get more warping in lag but at least you won’t have any input delay. This is how I personally am able to reversal and still land combos in lag because the timing of the combo’s itself doesn’t change.

I agree with this 100%. I’ve been playing that way since the game came out.

cough nappynightmare cough some more I swear everytime i play the fool, it happens…Plus i think he has a turbo…

Yeah, but I think you missed my point. The guy and me have 300+ ping, and I don’t have smoothing on. He nails tick typhoon, 100%. I don’t care how good you are at combos, at that latency warping still occurs, and him landing that like its nothing is beyond belief. Also, I’ve never played someone good that sends hatemail like him.

I’m also fairly sure that, that guy is part of the reason some nights on PSN are horrible, and some are ok(when he’s not signed on).

Amm cough “Reading my mind” Cough

Highly consistent reversals in 300 ping situations is hard to trust but tick spds aren’t hard at all in HDR lag. In fact, they’re easier because the opponent has a more difficult time responding with an escape in lag. Chun Li’s combos are really lenient so that’s not surprising either.

That said, if some folks are ragequitting to preserve their online rank, you can bet they’re also using turbo for the same laughable goal. I always feel more comfortable playing someone that I know has proven themselves offline.

The kind of lag cheating I’ve noticed is that the 1st two rounds will be lag free. Then it’s like they turn their torrents on, cuz the 3rd, 4th, and 5th round are all uber laggy.

Use tirbo.

I LOL’d :rofl:

I’ve beaten someone with fei with no visible or felt lag. Then the next time I match up with them, it lags bad and they choose honda. I call bullshit.

The RQs in scoreboard are really bad, especially when it goes to the fifth round and you win, and they RQ. Especially if they were using akuma.

Since HDR/ggpo uses rollbacks/frame skipping to hide lag instead of input delay, you shouldn’t be able to exploit lag to make timing reversals or tick throws easier for yourself. Flipping a lag switch and using honda or any other fast projectiles seems abusable though since your opponent will miss more frames and have less reaction time when lag is high.

That’s the general idea. Like ryu’s fireballs appearing at half screen after being released from his hands.

ok, i see its plausible that people abuse it, good i thought i was the only victim here…

a quick question to Coth_X i noticed your signature “It would be nice if capcom cared about PSN HDR.” whats the difference to xbox liveversion from PSN?

I hear that people that play both find xbox is much better lag wise. Furthermore even post patch PSN still has bug that causes u to have to restart the software just so that u can connect and play with someone. It also causes rooms to break down due to that bug. Capcom isn’t going to patch it.