Edit 7/9/2012: As you guys should have heard by now they are working on a patch for OE. Details can be found here.
After a day of playing OE (on PSN) I found some issues that I thought might be helpful to address… Hopefully they already have patches in the works.
Interface Issues
[]I noticed Ryu’s P2 portrait is 1-2 pixels off and you can see through. Minor but makes me think “lazy”
[]Could we move the names above the health bars? Looks so lazy down below.
[]I had 10+ game win streak going in a Lobby, and it never said more than 1 win.
[]I’ve seen some people with 79,000 % disconnects. That seems a little off.
[]When a host disconnects (I think) a big box covers the screen during the match. Could this be a bit more subtle?
[]My OE session ended with the game freezing my PS3 when a ranked match got to zero. Not the actual fight, but the little countdown before you pick your character. Had to reboot the PS3
[]In a Lobby and/or Tournament mode, I was unable to spectate any game. Players chose a character, then it would load the intro/stage and freeze until the match finished.
[]Have yet to find a Green Bar connection. In all honesty, I don’t think the color reflects the connection at all.
[]These things look like sh*t. Is it possible to get a little higher quality?
[]Could you please put the players names on the replays?
[]You can check a box to save your password, but you can’t save my YouTube account info? Seems lazy…
[]The only tags added are “KEY1 KEY2 KEY3”.
So, just some notes (rant) I wanted to point out. I’m hoping some of these things are improved.
Update - Day 2 - PSN version
[]I now have 1% disconnect rate. Maybe from that freeze last night.
[]Ranked searches are taking forever. 4-5 minutes*…*
[]“Join Failed. The Session no longer exists.” I see that more than finding a player.
[]The few players found were all orange or red. Could barely find any Yellow bars. (Maybe everyone quit already?)
[]The Player Match lobbies are all full regardless of what it says. I assume this is because of private slot allocation? In which case, why show me the room?
[]Why can’t ranked matchmaking generate a list of players like AE? Would be so much easier…
It took so long to find any match I just gave up. Can’t get a ranked match or join a lobby. Anyways, I’d like 3S on GGPO back please.
My Last Update - 9/10/2011
I tried playing this evening for a while. Still no mythical green bar. Thought we would have a patch by now but apparently not. I’m not surprised people are still finding problems. Wonder if Capcom even reads this stuff…?
The most important note I have is that it froze on me twice and I had to restart the PS3 twice. I’ve always enjoyed playing this game on GGPO, but it is stressful playing OE. 70% of the time is spent just trying to find a match, then join the game, character select…then it freezes the PS3. Granted, lobbies are not that bad, assuming you’re playing 1 person and the connection is great. It’s a fun time then.
It’ll probably be a while til a fix is released; IF a fix is released. IF it even fixes things. Anyways, I don’t wanna bitch about it anymore. So I’m just moving on from this one and sticking with ggpo.