[Oni + Evil Ryu] SF4 Characters as SF3 Sprites

those are pretty epic

Really like how you did their names and their thumbnails on the life bar.

I’m really loving these sprites. Especially Rufus. Gouken looks great but, is too large.

SF4 height and weight list


Height: 6’5"

weight: 187lbs

Waist: 33 inches

Hips: 35 inches


Height: 5’10"

Weight: 176lbs

Waist: 33 inches

Hips: 34 inches


Height: 6’1"

weight: 198lbs

Waist: 37 inches

Hips: 35 inches

edit: Gouken is 3 inches taller and 22 pounds heavier then Akuma.


Height 5’10"

Weight: 124lbs

Waist: 24 inches

Hips: 35 inches

El Furete

Height: 5’5"

Weight: 154lbs

waist: 32 inches

Hips: 35 inches


Height: 6’5"

Weight: 408lbs

waist: 98 inches

Hips: 86 inches


Height: 6’5"

weight: 187lbs

Waist: 33 inches

Hips: 35 inches

I think there really needs to be a 3s style game with all the characters that weren’t in it.


It would be sexy to play as sagat or any one else.

(The actual sprite was made by a brazilian spriter, I took one sprite and created the animation.)

Thanks man, and yeah I agree Gouken is a bit too big. I tried to base the sizes off a screenshot with the character vs. Ryu in SF4, and then used the SF3 Ryu to measure. However, SF3 Ryu looks taller than SF4 Ryu, which caused me to misjudge Gouken’s size. He was the first one I did though so after that I kinda got the hang of things.

Damn, Sagatryu, that’s some detailed information on the characters’ size! waist AND hip size?

I’m a little curious on how El Fuerte is gonna turn out, since he’s so much smaller than the other characters.

MVK, thats one sick ass sagat sprite! Did that brazilian guy do any more SF3 style sprites?

Yeah he did. He did Balrog, Vega, Bison, Sakura as a Gym teacher, Dhalsim, E.Honda, Guile, Zangief. He may have done dee jay and t.hawk. Actually now that I remember, he did everyone from ST except the four that are in 3S Unfortunately he did them years ago and his site went down. I haven’t been able to find them. I’ve been looking for the last year, but to no avail.

there needs 2 be a M. Bison sprite… that’s my boy

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaymn dude! I am seriously impressed with this. Fan-freaking-tastic. If we’re in the suggesting mode, I would like to have an updated look on Guile’s sprite. And lets not forget El Fuerte too dude. He’s the last of the new kids and it would rock seeing his size compared to, oh lets say Sean or Hugo, haha. Oh dude, Zangeif vs. Hugo. hahaha, again, amazing job dude.

Hi Arnold

yeah that stuffs from the the Japanese Acarde guide book which Vasil 10 translate. Seth’s stats come from the Japanse console guide book which was also translate by Vasil 10.

Edit: yeah those are the waist and hip sizes , and yes Rufus waist has it’s own zip code.

Sakura as a GYM TEACHER!?
Sucks you cant find the site though. All that work…sigh.

Damn dude! i would kill to see those! What was the spriter’s name/ website name?

EDIT: Ok I did some digging and I found these: http://www.freewebs.com/marancv/efex.htm

this efex guy is pure awesome

Dude I feel like a dumbass, I’ve been looking for forever and you found them instantly. Those were the sprites i was talking about.

Edit: I had forgotten his name but now that you’ve reminded me i did some digging myself and i found more sprites that weren’t on that page you posted and additionally i found his website, it’s no longer down, however the pictures are acting funky and can’t be seen.

http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?PHPSESSID=468d1f9f3171124a55cf6231eca5632b&topic=89327.0 This shows the others that weren’t posted.

http://galeon.com/efex/web/page6.html This is efex’s capcom edits page.

If the pictures work for someone else please post them. Specifically that Dee Jay sprite.

Efex may also not have been brazilian but I think he is from spain.

Edit: Efex is a user on this site. http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=124595

yo “Steamboy” if that’s your real name

my friend DarkDragon from brebeuf wants to use some of your sprites as avatrs for the next T tournament. He’s black. Just thought i’d throw that in there.

MVX and steamboy33, you guys are awesome for finding those sprites!

EDIT: Hey steamboy, your link wont let me right click stuff. What should I do?

Press the Prnt Scrn button then paste it into MS Paint or any image editing program. Then edit out the one you want it’s pretty easy.

Oh, ok thanks!

WOW, those pocket fighter sprites are AWESOME. But what makes me sad, ever since my MUGEN years (like 3 years ago) is that I could NEVER find a single Pocket Blanka. Not even a sprite ;(

Efex hand draw all of the SF3 sprites for the SF2 Cast