Onechanbara Z2 Chaos will have 60 frames per second and 1080p resolution on PS4 :)

Europe release is August 28 in case anyone is wondering.

for those that care, found an unboxing video. not sure if Europe is getting something similiar. though it’s the game that counts.

You see? There are a lot of people that actually find it fun and awesome. :slight_smile: I just beat it on medium and still have tons of things to unlock, upgrade, and only beat like 3 of the challenge Missions. The campaign is actually longer than I thought, totally better than Bikini Samurai Squad’s campaign, I liked some of the nonlinearity of the world map part of the story too. :slight_smile:

Z2 Chaos really has the most enjoyable and fluid combat system in the genre. Everything from combos, to tag team combos, to evasion (+ air evasion), and the unique styles of each character really brings tons of combat options to the enemy hordes. Some of the bosses are not pushovers either, on higher settings I would definitely be using up more healing items.

I also like how when you use a speed powerup (blue glow), and attack power up (red glow), you get a purple glow. I though the color would alternate, but it’s little things like that which really add to the presentation. Other games would just put a icon next to the energy bar or something. Cross Merge Combination is one of my favorite features, all 4 can fight at the sametime, and it lasts a while, plus the Ready gauge doesn’t take too long to fill, you can actually summon all the members multiple times during a single stage, that’s how fast it fills. Really glad it’s not some “one time use” thing per stage. Between hordes you can even just stand there idle and let them all Ready up before taking on the next horde and summoning all your teammates. :slight_smile: And yes you can summon just 1 or 2 of them, or save them all until all 3 teammates are ready for cross merge combination.

The transformations are amazing too. I like having everyone’s stain gauge filled up, then when everyone is Ready, I transform, tag team next character, transform, again until all 4 are in their Dare Drive/ Xstatic form. Then when their ecstacy gauges fill, can tag team them, and as each of their ecstacy/special attack moves are performed, tag team to the next, activate special/ecstacy technique, and you can easily produce some REALLY over the top team combos with all those bodies, blood and effects flying. I normally prefer games with multiplayer, but this is one game worth keeping and playing again time and time again.

Why would they give a game multiplayer when they already know that people that purchase it will have an empty friends list…

I regret nothing.


I dont have a ps4 yet but I may buy the banana edition. Is that the only form of a physical copy?

I believe the 1st prints are all banana editions.

a month after its anniversary and it’s still epic awesome. next game should design the missions around 999 horde type modes with random bosses thrown in, and add 4 players co op. could become the Zombie Army Trilogy of stylish hack n slash action games.

I actually bought this game… You guys should make the chainsaw tilted more so it doesn’t cover the girl’s butt. Also, we could get more “camera angles and zooming” for uuuh… “research purposes”


This is the type of shit that makes happy I grabbed a Wii U instead of a PS4, on that fateful day.

Is it better on the WiiU or something?

It’s not on the Wii U.

I bought it again for pc just for the nude mods :tup: