This can definitely help PS4 sales in Japan (and should be brought to the west too, Playstation hasn’t
had Onechanbara since the PS2 era. Sure, Xbox360 was easier to code, but now with PS4 they won’t
have that issue with Sony console.)
UPDATE release date set
**July 21, 2015 ** $40 digital, $50 physical.
UPDATE:** E3 2015 **
Looking great (if the graphics were any higher, it would be set to only 30 fps)
Z Kagura did raise the standards with better gameplay systems and combos than Bikini Samurai Squad
here’s an example of some great skillful combos from Z Kagura, it is levels above Bikini Samurai Squad and Bikini Zombie Slayers:
Skilled timing and knowledge of the movesets and tag team system really rewards hardcore players
with more advanced combos. And the system has a wide selection of flexible actions.
The characters have great personalities too.
And great news that Z2 Chaos is not only a direct story sequel, but Aya and Saki are also included
as playable characters (not DLC). So along with Kagura and Saaya, there are at least 4 playable characters.
D3 Publisher should definitely localize this. Z Kagura was held back by dated hardware
(the graphics upgraded from BSS to Z Kagura, hurt it’s splitscreen windows,
and the PS3 version had to remove co-op entirely. but PS4 should be able to handle splitscreen
co-op that fills the screen, and perhaps this could support 2-4 players co-op online in at least one of the modes.
At least the trailer hints there might be 4 characters fighting at once, or perhaps 2 tag teams at the sametime.)
Well tiny games like Lollipop Chainsaw sold over $1,000,000 internationally, so bigger games like Onechanbara Z2 Chaos
can definitely be successful worldwide, especially in a starving PS4 market. the Onechanbara series
does have more enemies, bosses, blood, gore and co-op than most action games, with better a.i. and combat depth than
Dynasty Warriors. Overall if people enjoy other action games, they can enjoy this.
Though it remains to be seen if D3 Publisher in the west will take action. Maybe the gaming community has to
convince them this is a worthwhile localization investment, this isn’t like the X360 days where the right game was
developed for the wrong platforms (Japanese games don’t sell as much on Xbox compared to Playstation.
and Wii is for kiddies too sensitive towards graphic violence and sexual themes, plus the wiimote sucks for gaming),
so D3 Publisher gotta get out of that paranoid attitude. There is a demand for Onechanbara in the west, but
they gotta give it a chance on PS4, especially considering there’s practically no AAA action games coming out
anytime soon on PS4, and Bayonetta jumped ship to Wii U, so there’s really little to no competition on PS4.
The timing really is perfect, especially Z2 Chaos raising the franchise to higher standards and most Playstation fans
missing out on the series, Onechanbara Z2 Chaos would be a very refreshing action game for the PS4 community
and growing fanbase.