These type of leagues always level people up who are dedicated…
Sign me up then.
XBL GT:Kayroh. SoCal. DeeJay. N
Sign me up
PSN: DaThreats
Sign me up please!
Xurkey on XBL. NH Y
Hope to see many of you old timers there!
I994supratt, vega, alabama, n, xbox or psn
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Troy, I went back to using my old GT that I bought a 1 year for it is Steve The Hawk
Instead of Crimson vG
Is this still happening?
Sorry for the delay everybody. Ran into some bumps along the way and have got my plate full for the last week and a half. We’re just finalizing the last details and organizing the player base, should be up and running soon.
I also want to say I drop the ball in I should have stayed up to date with updates. With that being said I will ask everyone please edit your post with the character you will use and your secondary. Your secondary can be the same character as your main by the way. Also once the final matches are over the tournament will require you to use your main character only. There will not be any swtiching since it will be single elimination. So you can techincally counter pick during the season but it wont help you for the tourney.
Thank you everyone for being patient.
Hello Sweet Poison and Remixed,
I just found this thread – I haven’t really played HDR in almost a year, but I came across GeneiJin’s website and I thought it was really nicely done. I’d love to join this league if there is still space. I’m a terrible scrub now and totally out of practice but if you have room in the elderly wing of the bracket I could play a few games while washing out my dentures and hitting on the nursing staff.
Toom-tip-tip-TAP-TAP whoo whoo whoo Toom-tip-tip-tip-FWOOOOSH KO!
Hey Sweet put Zass in, we need more great players in our league to level up!
lol, I have no idea how this game works even. I don’t even play this game. how am I getting wins? I’m just spinning the stick and mashing buttons fast and somehow things happen.
Add me :).
Lets Do PS3
PSN ID : Angeloww
Gonna have to drop out of this!
I’m out, too.
I apologize on behalf of Sweet Poison and myself for the lack of updates that were promised two weeks ago. I also apologize to all those who have been patiently waiting and have had their time wasted. With that said, I would like to say that the majority of the league (90%) is completed, and would like to ask anyone who is still potentially interested to sign up again by making a reply after this post with:
-Preferred console and gamer tag/ID for chosen console
-State and City
-Two characters that will be using exclusively during league games and final tournaments.
Sign ups are due next Friday by midnight EST, pools and divisions will be finalized over the weekend and the league will commence immediately after.
XBox 360
Langis Langley
Edmonton AB (is Canada allowed?)
Dee Jay and Dee Jay
Yes, the league is currently only open to North America.
Hector Garfria
Beaverton, Oregon
Ken and Ken