Hello everyone. There seems to still be quite a few people as well as many newcomers who still play this game. I thought it might be a good idea to start up another league and to get many of us back together playing again.
Currently I am in a league for SSF4 AE and it’s really awesome how it is being ran. I thought we could probably do the same or something simlilar with how it is being ran. You can check it out if you are curious. http://sfccl.weebly.com/index.html#/
Before I go any further I just want to say this in on-line play and not off-line. This is not to promote or say if you do well you here you will do well off-line. This is going to be for but with a competitive vibe. Yes I know that lag will affect some matches which is why this will be strictly for those living in North America and for those geographically challenge that also includes Canada and the U.S territories. Everyone is not going to be on the same level. The joy of leagues though is it allows you to face different opponents and hopefully get something out of it which in the end I hope makes you better.
The one issue that any league has be it on-line or off-line or even a sports league of any kind are no shows. This unfortunately makes things tough and frustrating and sometimes happens no matter what. I understand people have lives outside of gaming. But while that is being said though if playing a few matches is not something you can commit to then unfortunately dont sign up. With that being said to accomodate everyone’s busy schedule we would make it so that you had a week to play your matches. This way you can contact your opponent and setup when you could play. Trying to tell everyone to play at a certain time just isn’t realistic. This should make it much easier for everyone.
To add a little flavor to the league and to not make is so discouraging for members who are not say as gifted as player X, we will have little tourneys during certain weeks where you would team up with another player based on ranks. We also would include some classic mode tourney stuff as well.
I’m currently talking with Geneijin and he already has a site which would make this official sort of what you saw with the SSF4 league. I think it will be fun, get people together, talking and playing the game. One other thing I want to consider is making everyone play with a main and a secondary character. Depending on how many are interested and how it would work we’ll have to see. The point to that is I think it forces you to learn more about the game etc.
Anyways if interested please sign with your gamertag and the state you live in. And put a Y or N for the idea of 2 characters. Also put the system you would be willing to play on. You can put both xbox and ps3 if you like.
- Sweet Poison - Nebraska - Y
- mr x64 - Oregon - Y;
- Kisaris -Alabama - Y
- BTC - California - N
- Voltech
- Mayor McJustin - N
- etkelley - AL - Y
- baklakiller - WA
- jigglynorris - IL
- crimson Vg - Y - NE
- Hector Garfria - Y - OR
- Angelow88
- Biiig OOO
- Ace K01
- naka187
- MrDrOfficer
- slyry56
- renoMD
- pncntigger
- Redlove011507
- mad possum
- howmuchkeefe
- Mongolorobokop- Ca-Y X360
- Langis Langley
- RoyalPhlush - IL - Y
- Tinyb0ss - IA - 360 - Y
- blitzfu - NEC - Y
- Geneijin87
PS3 - welcome2troyland
- Cauldrath
- deadpool_zero
- dragonlibrarian`
- underscoreblank
- thiediev
- Voltech
- mayormcjustin
- rcaido
- Angeloww
- Rashid-O
- renoMD
- awsomeO
- rice247
- kaospider
- madpossum
- geoSRK
- SLEZv1
- enforcer04
- had0-king
- sliphole79