On-Line HDR League; Anyone Interested look inside

Philadelphia, PA
Main and secondary: Cammy

Trust me guys I think you should all be able to do this. No one will be forced to play on a certain day. This makes it too hard for everyone as everyone does not work the same schedule and as Possum says have a life which involves family, school, work etc. Trust me I get it.

By giving everyone a week to play a limited amount of games, theorectically there should be a time when you are able to play your opponents.

I should be posting something pretty quick here stating everything and if after looking at it you dont think it will work for you then no problem.

I need a break from AE and i miss HDRemix :frowning: im in

Mongolorobokop- Ca-Y X360

What’s the policy, if there is one, on voice chat? I ask because, long story short, I can’t use an XB headset (neither wireless nor wired) with my stick.

Okay Sunday will be the last day for signups. Max entrants per Xbox and PS3 is 30. There is still quite a few room available for PSN and a few more slots on xbox. The reason for 30 is so that you wouldn’t have to play more than 5 opponents in a week. And each opponent you wil play 3 matches. So for those mathematically challenged lol, that would be 15 matches a week and a grand total of 84 matches for the whole season. 2 more than a basketball schedule which is what we were going for. Again that is if we hit the max of 30 entrants.

Voice chat is not necessary. Yes the league is going to be a fun atmosphere but I can tell you right now when I am playing competitively I dont want to talk to my opponent. Even when playing off-line I might be cordial before the match, but once it starts, I am all business during the match. I will be posting rules and what not once the site and everything else is ready to be unvieled. Shouldn’t be long.

Thanks for the super quick reply!

I’m in.

XBL: Langis Langley
(if anyone does want to chat during games, I can do Skype)

“Yes” to the character question.


I’m playing DEE JAY for both primary and secondary.

Wow where the hell are all these people comin from?? Haha wish this many would show up offline for HDR… I never woulda known about this if my SSF4 disc didnt break either. Im in!

RoyalPhlush - IL - Y

OVC stand up!

Fuck this, RoyalPhlush is playing. I remember him at the Wisconsin Focus Fire tournament. Don’t want. Haha. Troy, you gotta teach me tactics for this game whenever I come over.


Main: Timothy Hawk
Alt: Raul

edit for the Y thing.

Yeah, after looking at this, it sounds like a lot of fun. Unfortunately, my schedule is so varied from week to week that I can’t commit at this time. There are a lot of people signing up though, including some big names (Phlush? Mongolorobokop?), so I’m hoping there will be future seasons as well as hoping that my schedule will become more stable.

Best of luck, and I hope folks manage to get a lot of these recorded. I’d really like to see how these matches go.

I posted above, but I don’t see myself in the list. Maybe I didn’t follow the format carefully enough?

Tinyb0ss - IA - 360 - Y

(It’s a digit zero, not letter O, in my gamertag)

yo sweet, No for me…People need to stick to one character!

Now are people w/ PSN & 360 are they in for both?

XBL blitzfu - NEC - Y (Ryu/Ken LOL)

Many props and thanks to Poison and Geneijin for getting this started.

wtf no one likes you mike GTFO and bring me a 50 piece nuggets!!

I’ll be using Hawk/Fei btw Sweet Poison.

cammy/ryu here. i fully expect to be last, but it should be fun anyway

UPDATE: Okay one more slot left for XBOX. GeneiJin and I are putting the finishing touches on rules and format on how this will work. One thing is for sure you will not have to play more than 5 opponents in one week. That is 5 sessions. Most if not all of us play this pretty regularly and you would have to agree unless something goes haywire connection wise, then you play 5 people as a minimum any given week.

Geneijn and I will also do our best to make these brackets seem as fair as we can. The problem with having many good players though is how do you do that. We may have to look at matchups and maybe go from there. Speaking of matchups, most people didnt mind having to state a secondary. Again you do not have to state a different second character. This could prove advantageous for some since they are able to play multiple characters. I was thinking of doing it just so people wouldnt get frustrated if they truly felt they had a very, very bad matchup and needed to switch to make it even in their eyes. I will converse with Geneijin on his final thoughts regarding this but I think we will keep it that you can have 2 characters during the season but when we do the NCAA tournament style for the finale you will have to stick with your main only. So it’s either take a few losses and figure something out or hope the draw works in your favor for the tournament.

With that being said I want to thank everyone who has signed up and look forward to leveling up no matter the outcome for myself.

Sunday is the last day for all sign-ups and from there we will be rolling out the layout for everyone to read. I’m really hoping the psn league will be fine. I think with 2 man rooms though everything should be okay (crosses fingers.) regarding game play.

Yoga teleport.

I wanna sign up, but i am Ass. Is there still room?

Dude says there’s room for one more in 360 and plenty left in PSN. I’m not good at all either, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying to get better at this game.