Omega Vega

What kind of broken requests do you have?
Don’t restrain yourself. Remember, Blanka has a teleport. Lol.

I’d like to see:

  • cl.HP, xx ST combo possible for when you don’t have meter
  • invincible EX ST
  • more hitstun on crossup lk, like a medium move, so you don’t have to hit it as deep to connect something after
  • Regular ST adds juggle points. So the combo ST, XX ST is possible, like SFxT

That’s it for me. Go!

Baraka’s fatality.

I want EX Sky High Claw to hit like six times and work like a drill, doing a tonne of damage and just shredding the hell out of our victims.

Do people really care about Omega?

How about fix RCF start up to be like the old school games.

How about any character within x2 range of his is frozen in convulsions of admiration and sexual desire. Including the mirror match.

give izuna drop zangief lp throw range seems fair…

^That should happen above anything typed in this topic.

Fuck that. bushin flip grab range. I’m willing to bet it’s bigger.

As I’ve proposed before. Since new moves seem to be created from existing animations, let’s have the Scarlet Mirage from SFA3. That could replace EX ST and would HAVE to have SOME i-frames. As a bonus, having it be Focus Attack cancelable would be fun. Can you imagine SM xx FADC / FA2 / RFA -> cl.HP / CH / UC1 / UC2? An invincible move that leads to heavy damage? Cool stuff.

Maybe Red Impact too? Although we don’t have Red Impact’s finishing stab as an animation in USFIV, maybe they’ll replace that with a cr.HP instead?

I was thinking … u2 is basically red impact, now with rfc. They look similar and you can just walk up and do it now from a lot of buttons.

U2 is kind of like SM and RI mixed together. Kinda.

I would still like to see a legitimate RI in the game, with it being a command grab super or even a normal command grab. I mean why not?

I’m looking forward to it myself. I want to wreak havoc as much as possible. I’m with General_Awesomo for bringing back Scarlet Mirage and Red Impact.

I’m not sure if this would count, but…are we going to get the cage back?

Ok, so I had no idea Omega was a Capcom mode being added but thought it was a PC mod. Yes I am out of the loop I have been super busy.

Here are my request in no particular order:

[] walk speed changed from .055 to .05775 (5% increase)
] total jump frames 35 (4+31 roughly 10% faster)
[*] blocking no longer loses mask, it’s now our choice to give up the defense in favor of offense

[] RCF changed to Alpha 3 / Super Turbo speed, start up, and hitboxes for all versions of RCF
] EX RCF invincible on frames 1 to 5 (allows reversal against low meaty)
[] ST all versions start up changed to 3 frames from 7 or 4 depending on version (allows offense in tight defense situations)
] ST juggles twice like Super Turbo
[] ST changed from charge to SRK command
] ST FADC ability (allows launcher into Ultra2)
[] EX ST invincible on frames 1 to 5
] SHC safe on hit (I’m pretty sure I was eating fireball on recovery after hitting E.Ryu)
[] EX SHC knee hit to the opponent’s wall
] EX SHC knee hit armor breaking, launches opponent, from wall hits opponent on way back in the direction you land(can combo into ST juggle)
[] FBA hurt box shortened to underlap the hit box (allows for AA trading instead of being beat clean)
] FBA claw strike hits twice (allows armor breaking, avoids easy opponent dashing out on wake up)
[] Remove claw changed to throw claw
] Throw claw deals 70 damage
[] Throw claw retains no claw damage and range nerf
] Remove mask changed to throw mask
[] Throw mask deals 10 damage
] Throw mask retains no mask damage bonus

[*] air throw grab box extended to top of his head

[] cl.LP +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
] cl.MP +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
[] cl.HP activates farther away and hit box extended forward a little
] cl.HP +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
[] cl.LK special and super cancel
] cl.LK recovery 7 frames
[] cl.LK +2 on block (no true block string, but safe on block)
] cl.LK +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
[] cl.MK +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
] cl.HK 0 on hit
[] st.LP active for 4 frames instead of 2
] st.LP hit box extended to the tip of the claw
[] st.MP active for 4 frames instead of 2
] st.MP hit box extended to the tip of the claw
[] st.HP active for 4 frames instead of 3
] st.HP hit box extended to the tip of the claw
[] st.LK active for 4 frames instead of 2
] st.LK hit box extended to the top of his knee
[] st.LK special and super cancel
] st.LK +4 on block (allow for true block string to cr.LP)
[] st.LK +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
] st.MK active for 4 frames instead of 2
[] st.MK special and super cancel
] st.MK +2 on block
[] st.HK 0 on hit
] cr.LP active for 4 frames instead of 2
[] cr.LP +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
] cr.LP +3 on block (allow for better frame traps)
[] cr.LP hit box extended to the tip of the claw
] cr.MP active for 4 frames instead of 2
[] cr.MP -2 on block
] cr.MP 0 on hit
[] cr.MP hit box extended to the tip of the claw
] cr.HP hit box extended higher to the tip of his claw and back towards Vega’s head
[] cr.HP active for 6 frames
] cr.LK +2 on block
[] cr.LK +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
] cr.LK hit box extended to the tip of the foot
[] cr.MK active for 4 frames
] cr.MK +6 on hit (allow for 2 frame link to cl.LP, cr.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
[] cr.HK movement speed increased by 5%
] cr.HK hit box extended to tip of his foot
[] PoM damage decreased to 50
] PoM active for 2 frames instead of 3
[] PoM -6 on block
] PoM +5 on block (allow for 1 frame link to cl.LP, cl.LK, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.LK)
[] CH airborne earlier
] CH hit box extended upwards covering the height of his foot
[*] CH 0 on block

[] n.MP active for 4 frames instead of 3
] n.MP startup 4 frames instead of 5
[] n.HP active for 6 frames instead of 2
] n.HP hit box extended to the top of his head
[] n.LK hit box extended downwards more
] n.MK changed to j.MK animation
[] n.MK hit box extended lower to his knee and back towards his calf (allows him to hit an opponent walking under him on the way down)
] n.HK active for 10 frames instead of 5 (allows the flip animation to have more attack)
[] j.MP hit box extended to the tip of the claw
] j.HP active for 7 frames instead of 4
[] j.MK changed to n.MK animation
] j.MK hit box shifted lower to tip of his foot and extended to his knee
[*] j.HK hit box extended to tip of his heel

That’s all I can think of for now. It’s supposed to feel “fresh” right? Well, this would give us many new link possibilities, such as more standing options to crouching options and a low attack to crouching punch attacks and other high/low or low/high potential. Special attacks that are useful. Some block strings and frame traps and a few new air tools. Less risk when throwing out a poke if the opponent blocks. Stronger pokes with more range and more active frames allowing a bit more time to hit opponents during jump start. A bit more mix up game and much more reliable combos as well. A great AA move while still remaining mobile and not having to charge down back once an opponent jumps. PoM was buffed to allow a 1 frame link at the cost of damage (if it links you’d get a lot more damage anyway, just don’t drop it) and more risk on block.
I think this Vega would be a lot of fun to play.

I don’t agree with changing motions, but this:
"blocking no longer loses mask, it’s now our choice to give up the defense in favor of offense"
should be standard even for Ultra.

  1. Claw normals do chip dmg
    2) disarm claw can be thrown forward + projectile properties…lol claw throw setups
  2. sexier taunts

Guys, all these changes just seem standard. We all know Omega is going to be crazy, I mean Ken is using his feet for hadoukens.

I propose:
Claw projectile
His sky high claw and FBA turns into a teleport and he reappears ninja style for a sneaky strike.
EX Fba is now equivalent to his super though not in damage.
EX SHC is like U1.
His slide is a special which can be comboed after into a Splendid Claw type move.
EX ST is repeated 5 times like Seths EX DP.
He can throw a rose.
He has a rapid pressing attack like Wolverine’s swiss cheese but looks more like his cl.hp.
His Piece of Mercury overhead causes a ground bounce that allows for juggles.

OR: One slash kills you with his claw.

I like all the suggestions you made, but for the one slash kills you thing. The only way that would work is if they made far st.hp a charge move. And if you charge it to like 1200f or something and then hit, it just shreds whoever It’s hit by. Or something. I dunno.

^Supposed to be a joke, lol cause realism hah

It could definitely work, though. It’d be like a fully charged TAP, but with a shitty hit/hurtbox.

The Closest thing to a upward red impact stab is taunt 8 , the best taunt