Old unnecessary thread

How much would 1 inpin to 87401 cost?
PM sent

hey… Laugh, i got the converter today… thanks, BRAHHH…:chainsaw:

Looking for 1 inPin adapter to 78750

PM sent.

received my inpin last week laugh thanks

hey laugh,

i’m new to srk so i can’t PM :frowning:
was wondering if you could confirm whether or not the inpin works with ps2 mas sticks to ps3? thanks.

Hey Laugh, are you still selling the inPin? 01545 let me know.


Laugh, I don’t mean to hinder your business deals but you two realize you’re not supposed to use the trading outlet yet right?

Sorry I’m new to the forums, is there something else I should be doing?

Also Laugh, if you get this, I’m interested in ordering 4 InPins ASAP. Let me know.

Check the big sticky on top of the forums, 09 members aren’t allowed to use the trading outlet for the first 6 months.

Once again Laugh I apologize.

Thanks for the heads up Valaris. So if I’m not supposed to be in here, how would I go about ordering an InPin from Laugh?

Is there an alternate source of InPin online?

Forgive my ignorance.

i’d like to get an inpin to 99801. thanks :smiley:

since you realize what you did I’ll let you slide, the other guy you’ve been warned.

PM sent.

Hey man, how much for a converter shipped to 33178?

PM sent. :smiley:

sent a PM

PM Sent.

Laugh, since the rule has been amended, feel free to contact the couple of guys we had previously warned.

^^ How much are these new converters?

I’d be one of those people with the PSX digital pads so I’m very interested in it.
Let me know when you’re ready to sell (I’d even take one now given the results from your tests alone).