Old unnecessary thread


Talked with laugh and paid for my plugs on Tuesday. Shipped out on wednesday, and it already arrived. Only 7 actual days (not business days)! Even faster than shipping from within canada. Beautifully packed in a cardboard box with lots of bubble wrap. Thank you for your care , consideration and professionalism even towards such a small order.

Thanks laugh!

Received my parts like last week, but just recently posted feedback. Thanks Ryan.

Hi laugh,

sorry but I can’t write PMs yet. I want to mod my 2 saulabi sticks - thats why I need the following parts:

2 x Taeyoung Fanta stick (green)

5 x Crown 203A snap-in buttons black
9 x Crown 203A snap-in buttons red
9 x Crown 203A snap-in buttons yellow

I added three additional buttons just in case I break some pins when trying to bend them.

How much will shipping to germany be? Please contact me.

Hey laugh, my inPin converter arrived just wanted to say thanks!

sent you a pm laugh

Sent another PM to ya Laugh.

korean parts

Hi laugh,

thanks for your PM.

Paypal is fine with me. Just tell me your paypal username/e-mail adress and the total amount including shipping via air mail.


Received my order today and left feedback. Thanks again laugh you’re the man!


got my inPin! thanks a bunch laugh!

sending PM about inpin

sent a pm about ordering just now.

PM sent as well

You still have more sanwa sticks/buttons in stock?

I was wondering if you carried the Crown CWL305 in black or other color schemes than green, orange and purple as stated from your first post.

Also, I would like to request a quote for ten Crown 203A and a Crown CWL305 shipped to Canada, H2E 2E8. Thanks in advance!

Oh, and how much for twenty Quick Disconnect for the Crown 203A?

Actually, I would like to have your point of view over which k-stick requires the less pressure to operate, while still being good quality and precise. I don’t like to use stiff sticks personally.

I just received my package today, an InPin adapter.

Laugh was very friendly and professionnal. Package was great, more than enough protected, and shipping was quite fast.

(On the subject, I just love the Korean postal boxes : ecological reconditonned paper with a solid and simple design, it’s a great idea.)

Looking at the whole transaction, perfect is the word which comes to my mind. Perfect transaction, and perfect seller, which I recommend to anyone.

Oh, and the InPin rocks ! :pray:

Dealed with laugh and he was a pleasure to deal with.

I purchased 8 x Dark Hai Sanwa, and 2 x Yellow Sanwa for my HRAP3.
Shipped on Monday this week, received this Friday.
laugh is friendly to deal with and very fast with responses!

Thanks laugh!

Here’s a few pics:

That stick is looking good Sky, Jealous of your Dark Hai meshtop!

I got my Inpin converter yesterday and it works great. I left you positive feedback Laugh and I’ll rep you later when I can. Thanks a lot!

i got my inpin converters today, thanks a bunch laugh! pleasure doing business with u. they work flawlessly =)