(old thread, delete)

I found the SS conversion to be much easier than beam. SS conversion all you need to do is trick cancel the high time as quickly as possible, while I feel that for the beam conversion you need to wait a bit and time your high time… well for SS, you just have to wait for cap to be ready to throw the shield and you high time. I uploaded 5 new videos btw: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOramt_WE9sKm3samHt7rZK_dqjnoiDt3

plasma beam conversion, the charging star + rapidslash conversion, relaunch with shield slash, charging star + rapidslash into TAC, rapid slash into captain america raw tag combo (so that u can dhc into swords)

You have no clue how happy you’ve made me. I don’t care that it’s not the exact combo, just that you’re using the tech I found. I’m still amazed that I found something new in this game. I’ve been playing fighter casually my whole life but just got into the competitive scene about a year ago. Seeing my tech in someone else’s video makes me feel like I’m finally making progress toward becoming a better player. Thank you so much for making that vid. I’ve reposted it to reddit and fb so expect a few views. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I’M SO HAPPY!!!

I added 1 more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9ua-qPfMmQ

I think it builds more bar than the Bnb but does slightly less damage.

I really hope this team becomes popular enough that more and more tech keeps being found.

I think you can get the better doom ender: s.:h:(2), dp+:l:, qcb+:atk::atk:. It’s much more damage without assist extensions. I think you can still call vergil though and get (land), :a1:, j.qcf+:l:, :s: (land), j.qcf+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: which is even better if it’ll let you DHC still.

Also the optimal vergil sword extension I think is:
dpf+:atk::atk:, s:s::h:, qcf+:l:, RT, (brief pause) s.:s::h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, c.:h:f+:h: (wall bounce), RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, sword loops…

There’s an even better one if you add in RT glitch. I like the above combo since the wall bounce is very consistent. In other combos I have issues with enemy Cap actually clearing me in time. My only issue is that slight pause is needed to make sure you avoid ground bounce so you have it for the dpf+:m: later. My Cap BnB with beam assist starting with 1 meter is 1,300,000+. This is actually better than missile relaunch, just missile relaunch is so easy an reliable.

I have been experimenting with beam for different match ups (sometimes you need an assist to lead with and missiles and RS are too slow and vulnerable). I think it’s wise to play both assist actually. BUTTT…cool thing I learned about doom missile assist, if you alpha counter him out, you can cancel into ANY special or hyper immediately. So punishing corner pressure you can go: Alpha counter, cancel missiles to dpf+:l:, dpf+:atk::atk: > Devil trigger (because now vergils second), qcb+:h:, j.:s:, combo… 3 meter, but can happy bday and is more damage than just lvl 3.

Also yet another trick. IF you have a vergil with doom on point and want to do a lvl 3, do j.S xx ADDF (in corner), b+:h:(1), :a1:+:a2:. j.:s; (land), j.qcf+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:. Vergil basically acts like a mini Ammy and you can follow up.

What bnb are you using with beam to get 1.3mil? That is nuts!

Holy crap that’s a lot of meter to get out of the corner…and you gotta make sure that you’re not going to get hit out of rocks, but great idea all the same.

Is there any trick to getting the Doom point missile OTG to hit other than be as close to them as you can?

The BnB was tested with my non-optimal corner combo (I use it when I’m unsure of hitstun scaling or for happy birthdays):

Part1 - Cap
c.:l: s.:m::h::s: (neutral jump), sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), (back jump), j.:m::h:, qcf+:l:, (walk back), s.:h::s:, sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s: (land), :a2:, qcf+:l:, (slight pause), s.:h:, (slight pause), qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:

c.:l: s.:m::h::s: (neutral jump), sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), (back jump), j.:m::h:, qcf+:l:, (walk back), s.:h: + :a2:, :s:, sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s: (land), s.:h:, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:

Part2 - Vergil
dpf+:atk::atk:, s.:s::h:, qcf+:l:, RT, (brief pause) s.:s::h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:**, dpf+:m:, c.:h: f+:h: (wall bounce), RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:m:, (walk back slightly), c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:m:, dash, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:

1,343,000. I believe you only need 1/2 bar meter to be able to get this. Obviously liberties can be taken with the corner combo as you likely wont need the longest extensions, but this is so far optimal without use of the RT glitch. The only area of concern in execution is that s.:s::h: after RT, you have to time it so the sword returns just as you hit with :h: to save the ground bounce. I have not tested adding in a Cap assist to extend it even further (possibly doing it to fill that gap to help you delay that s.:s::h: more. It is likely if fully optimized you can get the 1.2 mil mark without the 3rd sword loop and be meter positive/neutral. If you can’t get the character to bounce over you for the RT throw, that corner sword loop is repeatable up to the ’ ** '. I am trying to find a way to make the ground bounce salvage part more consistent, any thoughts would help.

And yes that is a lot of meter, but sitting on 3 meter isn’t uncommon. Cap’s combos are meter positive as well as many other combos. Only raw hypers and safe DHCs are going to hold your meter down. But cap + vergil pressure strings build meter really well.

The OTG missile typically will only hit after a j.:s: xx ADDF. This is because they’re on the ground and you push into the body. Fatter characters have more leniency but overall this is very consistent and easy…it also looks awesomely trollish despite being more optimal than lvl 3.

[edit] Also here’s a nice cap assist combo for vergil:
s.:m::h::a1: f+:h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf:+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, s.:m::h::s::h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, sword loops…

(w missile assist)
Most characters (exceptt fatties and some small ones like RR, though zero works)- s.:m::h::a1: f+:h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf:+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, s.:m::h::s::h:~RT, c.:h: + :a2:, qcf+:l:, dpf+:m:, RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:,c.:h:, sword loops…
(fatty version) s.:m::h::a1: f+:h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf:+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, s.:m::h::s::h:~RT, c.:h: + :a2:, (slight pause), dpf+:m:, RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:,c.:h:, sword loops…

I’ve been trying to get the missile extension that you’re talking about in the last part and I’ve only gotten them to hit once after the dp+:m:…I’m sure it’s a timing thing I just need to get down, but it seems super tight.

I’m usually using shield slash assist as my mixup with teleports to get my opening hit so I don’t have it for combos, but I’ll work on putting this in. I’ve almost got down the convert off of helm breaker with s.:h::a1::s: pick up as I can actually get in to sword loops from that one. I’ve got a lot of things to work on and I’m out of school for a month or so, so I’ll have some time. Thank for all the help guys.

It is really tight. I’m still tweeking it for consistency. The fatty version seems pretty easy though.

I still need to explore SS assist mix ups with vergil. People are getting really keen to mine and just advanced guard + XFC and killing them.

I haven’t really tested it, but I would think the threat of Cap assist, teleport, then either teleport again then rapid slash or just rapid slash should stop that. Maybe that mixup isn’t as good as I though.

Here is a cap combo I came up with. 4 shield slashes ftw!

Hate to say, but it’s a bit unoptimized. Currently the best combos you can do with that paring are these:

c.:l:s.:m::h::s:, sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash, qcb+:l:, :a1:+:s:, sjc.:m::h: u+:h::s: (land), missiles, s.:h:, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: > DHC
c.:l:s.:m::h::s:, sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash, qcb+:l:, :s:, sjc.:m::h: u+:h::s: (land), :a1:, qcf+:l:, qcb+:atk::atk:, missiles, s.:h:, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:

You can also replace the intro with c.:l:s.:m::h::s:, sjc.u+:h, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h::s: (land), qcf+:l:, dash, s.:h::s:…

These will get you more meter and more damage (over 1mil). There’s even possibilities to go further. I need to test …sjc.:m::h: u+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (land), dash+:a1:, qcb+:l:, qcb+:atk: (?), missiles, and then the standard missile convert or more CS’s. You can even do :s:, qcb+:l: (tigerknee), qcb+:h:, but the benefit is really not worth the risk of messing it up.

[quote=“YawDan, post:75, topic:155991”]

Here’s my video showing how how connect a full hitting Magnetic Shockwave from a DHC with Cap. COrner only, OTG Shield Slash into Hyper Stars and Stripes

And my other video, showing how to DHC into Magnetic Tempest from Cap, although you miss out on damage of Cap’s Hyper Stars and Stripes:

<removed link; thumbnail too big lol>
Lol I came in here to post the first one and got beat by two months. Haven’t been able to play a lot lately and just hit training mode for a tourney tomorrow. Not a lot of time to practice, but I’m just there to have fun. It’s Ranmasama’s tourney after all so I don’t expect to win haha. I used to run Cap/Sent/Mags (hypergrav) but I’ve recently been trying out Cap/Haggar/Mags (beam). Very fun team. You can kill any character in the game from the very beginning with one throw reset. I’m sure that’s common in almost every team, but EMD pops them up very quickly so most don’t expect to tech a throw until they’ve been hit by it a few times.

Oh yeah, it’s also a HUGE waste of meter, but there’s a funny combo you can do with Mags/Cap. It’s super unoptimized so someone can definitely improve on it (not like it matters, it’s pretty much worthless haha) but anyway-
You can start with yourself in the corner with Magneto and do magic series into his Day 1 jump loop combo (j. h, dash, mh, land, j. h, dash, mh, land) then st. h xx magnetic shockwave DHC into hyper charging star. HCS will whiff and you have enough time to recover and then do OTG shield slash xx hyper stars and stripes. This will force side switch in the corner (your first video) and you can DHC into magnetic shockwave again. When I get my plink dashing a little bit better, I’m hoping I can chase them full screen and find a way to shockwave them back to the other side of the screen. So yeah one combo with the opponent going corner to corner 3 times haha.
EDIT: Actually it does work and for lvl 1 x factor, it does like 1.22 mil using 5 meters lol. So it’s gone from completely useless to “eh, I could do it in a match I guess.”

I’m also working on a combo where Magneto disruptors them and shield slash assist brings them back to allow a full combo. From what I’ve seen so far, it doesn’t do a lot of damage, but I prefer the quirky stuff over the most efficient stuff right now lol. I’m the king of gimmicks here in Arkansas haha.

[quote=“SmokeMaxX, post:112, topic:155991”]

Ha sounds fun. I’ll try and get around to trying those out and see if I can use the whiff. Did Have you competed in the tourney yet? If so how’d it go?

Magneto’s my second favourite character in the game, but from when I last played I bought Shuma and tried to make that team work, didn’t happen lol. I might just settle on Cap/Disruptor/Rapid Slash, Cap/Mag/Doom or Cap/Mag/Strange. 2bh MorriDoom’s existence in the game influences any team I consider using now.

I’ve been away from the game for a few months, but I’m getting back into it. I got a few other clips to put together but nothing significant (e.g. throw conversions with OTG shield slash and disruptor, combo continuations of Vajra).

And the disruptor/shield slash tech sounds stylish. In your opinion, would it be better to have Captain America or Magneto on point?

And if you could get a clip of doing your triple corner-carry combo in-game that would be awesome lol

Haha everyone I showed the combo to said it looked stupid, so I’ll have to play around with it to make it better. I did play in the tournament and did okay considering the rust. Play-wise I played terribly, but I won games I should’ve won and lost games I should’ve lost. Gotta knock the rust off if I’m going to do better though, but school makes that hard.

I love using Mags and Cap, just gotta figure out how to best utilize the pair. I’d like to see the conversions with OTG shield slash and EMD. I haven’t messed around with it too much and it’d be great to be able to get full combos off of forward throw.

As for who’s on point, it depends on the team composition as well as who you’re facing. I think overall Captain is more of a point character than Mags so if you’re going to play both, you need Cap on point. Otherwise he’s kinda a sitting duck with one or no assist. I do like tri jumping with shield slash assist though, but that’s only effective assuming your opponent stays grounded.

I think I posted this several months ago, but with hypergrav assist, you get a full combo on happy birthdays in the corner. OTG shield slash hits their point, hypergrav assist puts them in capture state, and otg shield slash on the way back picks up their assist which lets you relaunch.

Not sure what other tidbits I have on the pair. It’s been several months since I’ve been in the lab with the two unfortunately.

Oh now that I think about it- I was playing around with Cap/Haggar/Mags
Cap does a corner carry combo (fairly long to build up hitstun deterioration). OTG shield slash + EMD. Immediately jump and back air throw (haven’t tested all air techs yet). OTG shield slash + lariat. Jump H xx l. shield slash off the lariat hit lets you convert into a combo. You can do this at the beginning of the match and assuming you get the air throw reset it’ll build enough meter to kill everyone in the game. Of course, the team has several other issues to deal with, but being able to kill everyone is good haha.

My general thought with Cap is if you’re going to play him, aim to use him on point. He is a decent secondary, but you’re likely not getting something so unique to him as a character to justify the fact you’re playing him. There’s better DHCs, assists, and point characters that only need 1 assist. I agree with siding him out to second on bad MUs, but the initial plan is to put him up front. He’s a character with great weakness and strengths. Giving him 2 assists to help cover those weaknesses is what validates using him. Mag, as good as he is on point…he’s good in any position. His DHC is sadly not the grand for damage, but the utility is very solid.

If I were to run Cap and Mag I would suggest another assist for neutral game as well. Mag EMD is great for space control and GTFO, but the conversion potential is very weak in many cases. Also while you DHC maximizes damage off the DHC, stars and stripes is way less damage than charging star AND you just carried them out of the corner. You’re better off doing a standard ender, a reset, or TAC. Remember cap has the SS + roll reset to catch forward tech in corner and you can use your assists to cover neural and back in some cases.

If I were to use the two i would suggest doing Cap(ss)/Mag(EGD) and for anchor:
Sent (charge)
Arthur (dagger)
RR (spitfire)
Doom (rocks…yes i said rocks)

Another options is to get another beam or quick projectile assist and use grab assist with Mag and you can create interesting incoming mix ups, resets, and some sneaky close anti air games by rolling at the last second.

Also Mags is a solid anchor, so maybe putting him there and giving cap a better DHC is not a bad idea.

I’ve always rocked Cap/Sent/Mags (hypergrav). I like it for a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons it loses is because sent drones take too long to travel and it’s too easy to stuff them. Also my sent is ass. Other than that, it’s a great team that does well except for those that have good air mobility.

along with a little more vertical range, i think it would be cool if stars & stripes had the same projectile negating properties as charging star. crouching medium should do the same like dormammu’s buttons.
maybe a ground command normal, and lowering the minimum height restriction on air shield slashes, but other than that, i don’t think there’s much you can (or should) do to captain america without designing him out of character.


I wouldn’t mind shield normals as good as sword normals and allowing air heavy shield slash to always bring the opponent back down towards Captain.

Caps S&S is invincible…so it does negate projectiles like CS. Problem is he can’t convert into anything usually. The window is super tight and risky unless you have an assist to abuse (EX: S&S + log trap = safe and coverts). I would like cap to have a qcf+:s: version of SS that simply throws a single hitting shield slash with a lot of durability to beat out projectiles. This would simply be a harass too to fight air to air.