The BnB was tested with my non-optimal corner combo (I use it when I’m unsure of hitstun scaling or for happy birthdays):
Part1 - Cap
c.:l: s.
:h::s: (neutral jump), sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), (back jump), j.
:h:, qcf+:l:, (walk back), s.:h::s:, sjc.
:h: d+:h::s: (land), :a2:, qcf+:l:, (slight pause), s.:h:, (slight pause), qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
c.:l: s.
:h::s: (neutral jump), sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), (back jump), j.
:h:, qcf+:l:, (walk back), s.:h: + :a2:, :s:, sjc.
:h: d+:h::s: (land), s.:h:, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
Part2 - Vergil
dpf+:atk::atk:, s.:s::h:, qcf+:l:, RT, (brief pause) s.:s::h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:**, dpf+:m:, c.:h: f+:h: (wall bounce), RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:m:, (walk back slightly), c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:atk::atk:, dpf+:m:, dash, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, dpf+:m:, df+:h:
1,343,000. I believe you only need 1/2 bar meter to be able to get this. Obviously liberties can be taken with the corner combo as you likely wont need the longest extensions, but this is so far optimal without use of the RT glitch. The only area of concern in execution is that s.:s::h: after RT, you have to time it so the sword returns just as you hit with :h: to save the ground bounce. I have not tested adding in a Cap assist to extend it even further (possibly doing it to fill that gap to help you delay that s.:s::h: more. It is likely if fully optimized you can get the 1.2 mil mark without the 3rd sword loop and be meter positive/neutral. If you can’t get the character to bounce over you for the RT throw, that corner sword loop is repeatable up to the ’ ** '. I am trying to find a way to make the ground bounce salvage part more consistent, any thoughts would help.
And yes that is a lot of meter, but sitting on 3 meter isn’t uncommon. Cap’s combos are meter positive as well as many other combos. Only raw hypers and safe DHCs are going to hold your meter down. But cap + vergil pressure strings build meter really well.
The OTG missile typically will only hit after a j.:s: xx ADDF. This is because they’re on the ground and you push into the body. Fatter characters have more leniency but overall this is very consistent and easy…it also looks awesomely trollish despite being more optimal than lvl 3.
[edit] Also here’s a nice cap assist combo for vergil:
:h::a1: f+:h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf:+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, s.
:h::s::h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:, c.:h:, sword loops…
(w missile assist)
Most characters (exceptt fatties and some small ones like RR, though zero works)- s.
:h::a1: f+:h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf:+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, s.
:h::s::h:~RT, c.:h: + :a2:, qcf+:l:, dpf+:m:, RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:,c.:h:, sword loops…
(fatty version) s.
:h::a1: f+:h:~RT, c.:h:, qcf:+:l:, c.:h: f+:h:, qcb+:m:, s.
:h::s::h:~RT, c.:h: + :a2:, (slight pause), dpf+:m:, RT, c.:h:, qcf+:l:,c.:h:, sword loops…