(old thread, delete)

@SmokeMaxX lol life gets in the way, I was making a compilation video but some other stuff took my attention away from the game for a few months. Still, seems like you did alright in the tourny considering, and at least you’re actually competing. I stopped playing Marvel when they shut down the venue we had locals. Though they’ve started up somewhere else which I migght go to. But it’s in the other end of London. And an hour on public transport is long. Although I’ve had American friends say 300 miles is a 'short ( :open_mouth: ) journey so I can’t really complain

I’m gonna split the rest of this up into spoilers as it’s quite long.


I use Cap on point in the shell, but I wanted to know if you did differently. I guess Magneto has the infinite and I discovered the OTG shield-slash=>hyper S & S cross-under anyway. Though I’ve found that as Magneto is the better character, there are more match-ups I’ve managed with him on point. And as he corner carries and builds a bar, you could kill off the DHC. But really, I use Cap on point unless i’m doing something like playing point Strider, *hashtag Chou’s influence.

But anyway, I’ve had arguments about whether Cap and Magneto are good together, and although I appreciate all insight into the pair as it helps me show how they’ll work together, it’s good to hear from someone else who actually uses the pair too.

I’ve mained Cap/Magneto/Doom since Vanilla and competed in tournaments in Ultimate with some variant of that team.


I used Magneto (Disruptor)/Captain America (CS)/Doom (Missiles) but switched to Captain America (CS)/Magneto (Disruptor)/Doom (Plasma Beam). Though I dislike to use two similar characters on the same team (the tri-dashers), as, to simplify it to add clarity to my point, I feel that they will have the same weakness or bad match ups *Deadpool, Vajra assist. I’d like to have versatility in my team to adapt to more matches. My ‘serious’ Captain America team is Captain America (CS)/Doctor Doom (Plasma Beam)/Strider (Vajra). But I’d rather use characters and tech that I like, so I’ll often team Cap, Dante, Magneto, Frank West and Doctor Doom together in some form.

Cap/Haggar/Magneto sounds fun lol. I used to use Cap/Strange/Magneto, but then I fought a MorriDoom. Really though, another problem is that a lot of characters like Vergil, Wesker, Morrigan, Wolverine can just duck underneath the Bolts (like they can Thor’s beam), so I’ve often found it useless at neutral.

But yo… I was messing around with your :h: Magnetic Shockwave=> whiffed Hyper Charging Star tech. I went into that off of both ROM, and the Hypergrav loops, and how I get it to work is that, if you leave them high enough for the dhc, they bounce off of the Hyper Charging Star into the hard knockdown, off which I was able to OTG shield slash after. The techs really impractical because of the waste of meter, but you can still have fun with it e.g. relaunch with another assist and attempt TAC into Magneto’s infinites. I’m going to record it and add it to my clips from which I will compile a video.

Haha oh yeah, super impractical. My execution is already trash and the lack of time to practice definitely doesn’t help that. I’m excited to see what you come up with! The problem with Cap/Magneto is that Cap has a lot of weaknesses that Magneto can’t fill alone so you need another godlike assist to cover those. Cap needs a way to get in, he needs a good mixup assist, he needs combo extension, he needs cover, he needs to be able to reach certain parts of the screen, etc. Unfortunately that means that Cap/Mags will just have to go into the match with certain weaknesses. That automatically makes Mags/Cap better since Mags has fewer weaknesses and so Cap has fewer problems to fill in. However that means if Mags dies (which is pretty much guaranteed if the opponent gets a hit) then Cap is SOL lol.

I’ve actually tried a lot of different characters/teams over my last few play sessions, but everytime I pick up a new one, I’m like “wow this would go great with Mags or Captain” and then would end up testing out Mags/Cap/X or Cap/Mags/X or some variant of that lol. Most of the stuff I find is pretty impractical and definitely not optimized but I figure if I throw it out there, maybe someone who’s better than me can do something with it.

If you’re playing frank west on point and have tempest/hyper charging star THC, you can launch after the THC and then bring them back down for level 3/4. Not sure if you can do this with long combos or if the hitstun deterioration gets in the way; I just did magic series to set it up.

If you’re playing Phoenix Wright, you can do maya super DHC gravity squeeze and by the time gravity squeeze is done, Maya is still hitting them. Not useful at all (no damage), but maybe you could raw tag in Frank and level him up or something; didn’t try that out.

If you do DHC glitch (hypergrav xx tempest then dhc before tempest hits), you can DHC into fast power ups (arthur armor, wolverine berzerker charge) and have time to raw tag and OTG. When I tried with Doom, I could hit them with st. m, but couldn’t forward H. Don’t know if I tried st. m, S since my Doom is ass. With Sent and hypergrav assist, you can do Mags high damage combo, “DHC glitch” into arthur armor, then raw tag Sent, rocket punch + hypergrav assist, cr. m xx rocket punch xx plasma storm. This is kinda a waste because of all that meter and doesn’t do a super high amount of damage, but if your team needs a certain powerup, it’s a way to get it. I think I tried it with HsienKo gold armor and it was too slow though.

Anyway, a whole bunch of useless stuff, but I figure if I throw out 10 things, maybe at least 1 will be useful for somebody out there. It’s better than the way the Marvel forums are now where every sub-forum’s last post was 3 months ago. I’ll let you know if I find anymore Cap/Mags stuff. Most of it is so second nature that I don’t think about it which makes it hard to tell others what I do haha.

yo ibpwnstar and HvE,

how do I follow up the swords DHC with vergil in the corner against heavy characters (tron, hulk, sentinel)

I’m referring to hyper charging star dhc into spiral swords… i try the SH orb L, release but i actually never get them on the swords… they always drop out immediately

I think for them i just do dpf+:m: x2. Not optimal, but i just want it to work and I know i’ll get the wall bounce pick up with RT after. Pretty much anytime I don’t trust a hit box and i know they arent weird like wolverine or cap with failing to side switch, i just do that.


I have finally transferred all the the OP and some new details to the new thread, please no longer post in this one and move to the other. Due to the shift to vanilla, the OP on this was pretty much rendered uneditable. The new link is here:

[Ultimate Guide to Cap : Combos/Tech/Resets/Set Ups/Videos/etc…](Ultimate Guide to Cap: Combos/Tech/Resets/Set Ups/Videos/etc