(old thread, delete)

TAC Infinite or change team order so Vergil is second to DHC into swords. I think that Vergil with Plasma beam works better against Dorm/Doom than Doom with Rapid Slash anyway (plus if you have 2 stock you can Charging Star>Hyper Charging Star>DHC Swords for full combo).

@3DPK I get what you mean, that Cap player was basically holding up forward the whole time and barely moved on the ground (not to mention combos weren’t very optimised most of the time).

Sadly there’s not a lot of good cap footage, I’ve been trying, but haven’t had much success in streams lately. All the top tech is in this thread unless people are sandbagging till EVO.

As much as I love my team, I’m starting to find holes in certain match ups. I thinks I’ll be running 3 teams for EVO:

Cap(SS)/Vergil(rapid)/Doom(missile) - standard team
Cap(SS)/Vergil(rapid)/Doom(beam) - deal with teams i can’t safely use rapidslash to approach (fuckin haggar) and anti-rushdown
Task(h arrow)/Doom(missile)/Vergil(rapid) - counter teams that can’t beat zoning

Thing is there aren’t really many notable Cap players that do well in majors and the ones I can think of (Hi I’m Nasty and Frutsy are the only ones that come to mind) don’t really post on the Cap forums. It could just be that not as many people are playing the game/sticking with Cap rather than sandbagging till EVO.

ehehe I found this video today for Cap/Vergil/Doom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVVXt1qEyDY

the player applies most of the team synergy teach we mentioned in the cap boards and even uses the SH starter for Vergil’s DHC. Really needs to work on his vergil tho, but his doom’s not bad. I wonder if he reads this thread.

Also, look out for a Canadian player called Rebelo at Toryuken 2 in a couple of weeks. He’s probably one of the best if not the best Captain America player right now. He plays Cap/Task/Doom, and Wolverine/Cap/Doom.

That would be Kensanity in the vid which probably is why he applies most of the stuff shown here. I thought he was using Modok?

ya its gotta be him, since he uses modok in his other vids

hey that’s me! yeah bro i have no idea how to play vergil but i’m gonna try :slight_smile:

actually since the day we shot these sets i haven’t played vergil lol. But man, its such a fucking strong team. I am super shitty at vergil and I could only imagine how much more damage i could do if i could actually play this character. I’m an old man, i suck at this game. And i love modok way more than i love vergil lol

I feel there needs to be more incoming tech with Cap. I’m already getting annoyed at this game devolving to opening gambit > TOD > ambiguous incoming > TOD > ambiguous incoming > TOD = skill! Cap has TOD potential but he lacks the vortex that makes him such a ‘fair’ character that keeps him down on the tier list. Anyone got good incoming tech to add Cap?

Just a couple of things I’ve found through playing this team. Sorry I’m too lazy to edit, cut, etc.

I’m gonna make additions to the Cap/Vergil/Doom Missiles video playlist with a few more practical ToD combos, 3dpk/ifbp do u guys mind if I put in the charging star + rapid slash combo combo u guys came up with?

I have no problems. Use any combos you find in this thread. I’d rather see good Caps at EVO than claim credit on a character who hasn’t accomplished much.

I like the 2nd mix up a lot. The 1st one is tricky but very risky, seems a lot of air to ground will beat it, but if layered with an assist is amazing.

So far I’ve been doing j.qcf+:m:, dash, :s:. It’s pretty ambiguous and hard to beat out.

Both setups are gimmicky in its own way (where the second one can be push blocked or simply someone could just be holding uf) so I’d recommend using them sparingly in a set. Then again, more options are always nice to have for incoming.

Tested that set up…it’s actually very legit. Shield keeps them in block stun.

I think this is why log trap is gonna be his best assist going forward. Gives him that cheap incoming

I’m honored that you would even ask for my permission. Use it, everyone I pull that combo off on has to pick their jaw up off the floor after their character dies and I look at them and say, yeah, that’s all me. Feels nice to have come up with some stuff for once.

As far as incoming the best setup I have found is using Sent drones. Call Sent, j.qcf+:m: to keep them in block stun and then backflip through as they are coming down on the drones. If you can time it just right you get the 50/50 of passing through them at the gap in the drones…too bad Sent isn’t a better anchor. As for now I just j.qcf+:h: and then dash under as they are landing…has been working so far, but that’s only because the people I play aren’t used to me doing stuff like that. I’m actually starting to win some sets now that I’ve put Vergil second. DHC into SS loops then they have to deal with Vergil with the Cap shield assist. Mad mixups with that. Call Cap, teleport, shield hits, teleport, shield hits, rapid slash…it just goes on and on. Need to work out a round trip glitch string using the shield assist too. Been playing too much Injustice the last few weeks and now I’m dealing with finals. Can’t wait to see how Cap shows at EVO this year. Having someone make it to top 32 would make me happy at this point.

SS assist with vergil teleports is super dirty. That’s probably my favorite reason for using vergil 2nd. Even though I hate doom anchor, I’ve been finding I either tag doom out at some point, or simply go into XF2 with vergil.

hey man honestly as much as i hate vergil, the cap/vergil/doom team is so strong, its so top heavy, gets me crazy results i love it. the cap combos are pretty spectacular too. i really need help on the vergil execution and jsut mindset of playing a character like that but man, the potential!

I’ve been experimenting with Cap (charging star)/Vergil (rapid slashes)/Doom (plasma beam) and it completely changes the dynamic of the team. for now, beam seems to give cap and vergil more freedom to move around having it to cover them nicely. With Vergil + Beam, the dmg gets scaled a lot but using stinger + qcb.L corner carries really well to lead me into a corner TAC combo for the kill. Also, vergil/beam relaunch combo is really easy to do (after helm breaker, activate swords, call doom, high time and teleport back down asap)

I really need to get to recording more videos, but there’s a big tournament this weekend (Toryuken 2 in Toronto, Canada) that I’ve been just practicing for. If you’ve got nothing to do this weekend, tune into the stream. Check out the player called Rebelo. his Cap is really sick.

Please do. Going into EVO I’m going with those 3 teams I posted previously and I barely have any Doom beam tech. That helmbreak conversion helps a lot (though SS is still a better option, although hard to time). I’ll be recording stuff too, I want to see 1 Cap do well this year (I don’t count last year since MODOK pretty much carried the weight in that team)