(old thread, delete)

pretty much the same combo i posted on the first page but ill repost it with the differences…

from round start…j.S, M, H w/A1 (viper assst y,) qcb.L, S, j.d.H, qcf.L (land,) qcb.L, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, dj.M, j.H j.S (land) A2 (thor assist a,) qcf.L, S, TK.qcb.L, qcb.H, qcb.ATKATK (mash.)

im guessing i can get more out of the double jump portion but cant seem to land anything else.

thanks for the help!

I’ll have to test when i get home from work but it seems you can add more in the earlier part. Anytime you can fit in ‘S, j.M, j.M, j.H, dj.M, j.H j.S’ usually means you can do more earlier and eventually have to replace this with S, j.M, j.H, d.H, S. Also make sure the intro is either j.S, s.MMH or j.S, c.Ms.H. Also I don’t know the assists by a, b, y off the top of my head, helps to post a brief description or it’s name instead. My guess is this combo can fit in one shield slash, and that’s where we’ll find your 19k. I’ll get back to you later on it.

I would try maybe:
j.S, land, s.MMH w/A1, qcf.H, qcb.L, S, j.d.H, qcf.L (land,) qcb.L, S, j.M, j.H, u.H j.S (land) A2 (thor assist a,) qcf.L, S, TK.qcb.L, qcb.H, qcb.ATKATK (mash.)

another trick may be after the final air combo j.S, do qcf.L(TK), then call thor and run up and see if you can sneak in 1 more hit:
s.H, S, TK.qcb.L, qcb.H, qcb.ATKATK (mash.) or qcb.L, qcb.L, qcb.H, qcb.ATKATK (mash.)

So all just theory till i can test.

I do have to say, that is a crazy team. I’m really curious how it works. Thor anchor? Though Thor (beam) is not bad with Cap.

i use thor to maximize damage…cant really use him per se!

in other news ive managed 994k even now!

thanks for the suggestions but i actually couldnt get any of them to land!

TESTING for notation ignore:

:m: :m:

<duplicate post>

I was working on Captain America/Magneto pairing and I ‘discovered’ [1] some things regarding OTG Light Shield-Slash->Hyper Stars and Stripes in the corner:

NB: Captain America’s Hyper Stars and Stripes consists of him performing three reps of his ‘stars and stripes’ combined. In this post when referencing the Hyper Stars and Stripes, I may break down the hyper stars and stripes’ animation into the individual reps of stars and stripes he performs during the hyper.

-If you Dhc when Cap is coming down during the first ‘stars and stripes’ rep of the hyper stars and stripes into Magnet Tempest, Magneto Tempest drags them in and fully hits. However, this will not occur if you DHC during any other instance of the Hyper Stars and Stripes.

-If you otg shield slash into hyper stars and stripes and let the full hyper hit i.e. let the third rep of stars and stripes of the hyper connect, Captain America will cross under the opponent and thus place himself in the corner. Therefore if you DHC after this point, your dhc’d character will also perform its hyper from the corner. So hypers like the Magneto’s Magnetic Shockwave will not only move your opponent away from the corner, but it will fully connect too.

I’ve only tested this with Captain America and Magneto. There may be other characters that may benefit this.

1= This may have been discovered, realized or common knowledge already, though I just found this out and am sharing the info.

For 1 Mil with one bar and assists use this.

Combo starts near one corner and goes to the other.

j.S, s.MMHS, j.H j.d.H, qcf.L, j.u.H, qcf.L, s.HS, j.MMH d.HS, tk.qcf.L, dash, Dormammu Liberation Assist (1 D Power, 2 C Power), qcb.L, qcb.M, Thor Mighty Smash Assist, qcf.L, qcb.H, qcb.ATKATK (MASH)

I know most of this has probably been posted before, but haven’t seen this exact combo. Figured I’d throw it out there since it kills everyone minus maybe thor. Assisted cap combo using hawkeye(poison) and doom(missiles). Started with cr.L, because lets be honest, if you are trying to start all your combos with j.S you’re probably already losing.

cr.L, s.MHS, sj.u.H, qcf.L, j.u.H, qcf.M, hold forward with hawkeye call, qcb.L, S, MHd.HS, doom 2x HCS ender

I don’t remember the exact damage, but its somewhere around 1.1 without factoring the 90k for hawkeye. Obviously if you do the training mode opener of j.S, MMHS you’ll get another 40k or so. If you are trying to do it in the corner just remember you have to go up back on the jumps.

At the same time I just full on switched my anchor to vergil and am having trouble with midscreen air throw extensions. Does anyone have a decent one that gets more than cs>hcs off? I feel like wave dashing into a tk l.ss after the assist would work; my execution is ass so that may just be the issue. I apologize if the information has already been posted and I missed it.

Few adjustments for:
cr.L, s.MHS, sj.u.H, qcf.L, j.u.H, qcf.M, hold forward with hawkeye call, qcb.L, S, MHd.HS, doom 2x HCS ender

c.LM, s.HS, sj.u.H, qcf.L, j.u.H, qcf.M, hold forward with hawkeye call, qcb.L, S, MHu.HS, doom 2x HCS ender (qcf+L, qcb+ATK+ATK, **missiles, S (or s.H), qcb+L(TK cancel), qcb+H, QCB+ATK+ATK right?)

also the doom missiles can be slightly even more optimized by doing:
(not in corner yet) j.S, land, j.qcf+L, doom, qcb+H, qcb+ATK+ATK, **missiles, S (or s.H), qcb+L(TK cancel), qcb+H, QCB+ATK+ATK

It’s just sneaking in an extra qcb+H before the hyper.

His st.M does more damage than his cr.M

On a single hit? Hmmmmmm I’ll need to look that up.
[edit] totally does…how the hell did i miss that.

cr.M is still the safer option, since on block, doing st.M solo/after cr.L will go over the head of raccoon+other puny characters

Test :m:

[edit] so notations and updates to SRK work on everything except the 3 OPs… -_-

Here’s my video showing how how connect a full hitting Magnetic Shockwave from a DHC with Cap. COrner only, OTG Shield Slash into Hyper Stars and Stripes

And my other video, showing how to DHC into Magnetic Tempest from Cap, although you miss out on damage of Cap’s Hyper Stars and Stripes:


Anyone know of some Cap match vids? I can theory all day, but I need to see things put in to play.

not much out there, but check out: http://www.twitch.tv/mtlsf/b/354326789
at the 3 hours and 44 mins mark

Not bad against someone like Joker. It was even my team, though I use missiles, cuz I’m a scrub and need them. Maybe this is just me, but I swear I have better Cap tech than anyone I see in videos. I guess my fundamentals are just that bad. blarg, thanks for the vid anyway, always nice to have some more references about how to deal with mag-fuckin-neto.

aight, since we got all these cap/doom players in here, I need some help.

Against dormammu + missiles teams, I would like to change my team ordering to Cap/Doom (plasma beam)/Vergil (rapid slashes).

Starting from 1 bar, the most damage I can pull off is around 900k and that is when using the raw tag combo (LMHS down.H, qcf.L, hard tag, L, fwd.H, sjc, MM, fwd.H, S, addf, land, HS, MM, fwd.H, S, addf, jump qcf.H, finger lasers, DHC hyper charging star). I tried to use vergil’s rapid slash extension ( call vergil, jump, qcf.L, fwd.H, S ) but it’s not hitting consistently (if you know a better method plz let me know).

Anyone know a way I’d be able to pull off at least 950 K dmg?