I’ll have to test when i get home from work but it seems you can add more in the earlier part. Anytime you can fit in ‘S, j.M, j.M, j.H, dj.M, j.H j.S’ usually means you can do more earlier and eventually have to replace this with S, j.M, j.H, d.H, S. Also make sure the intro is either j.S, s.MMH or j.S, c.Ms.H. Also I don’t know the assists by a, b, y off the top of my head, helps to post a brief description or it’s name instead. My guess is this combo can fit in one shield slash, and that’s where we’ll find your 19k. I’ll get back to you later on it.
I would try maybe:
j.S, land, s.MMH w/A1, qcf.H, qcb.L, S, j.d.H, qcf.L (land,) qcb.L, S, j.M, j.H, u.H j.S (land) A2 (thor assist a,) qcf.L, S, TK.qcb.L, qcb.H, qcb.ATKATK (mash.)
another trick may be after the final air combo j.S, do qcf.L(TK), then call thor and run up and see if you can sneak in 1 more hit:
s.H, S, TK.qcb.L, qcb.H, qcb.ATKATK (mash.) or qcb.L, qcb.L, qcb.H, qcb.ATKATK (mash.)
So all just theory till i can test.