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<blockquote class=“Quote” style=“font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal;”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/65019/YawDan">YawDan</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/58878/ifbpwnstar">ifbpwnstar</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I’m having a bitch of a time getting the MMH xx double jump Md+HS ender. I know it works, but I’m wondering if it’s character specific deep into combos. I can land it easily in short combos, but this one always whiffs the :s:.<br><br>What I have is adding 1 simple change which is doing: j.:s:, land, s.:m::m::h::s:, qcj.:u:+:h: instead of :d:+:h: for the first rep. It’s easier to do, and does slightly more damage. I will post the mmh x md+hs ender, but typically I don’t because that means there’s more histun to work with. I’m curious if we can sneak in a cs L or another j.H in there and go with the more consistent j.MMHd+HS and j. MHu+HS enders<br><br>[edit] - sweet, i was able to expand upon it.<br><ul><li>j.s:, land ,s.:m::m::h::s:, sjc.:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :s:, sjc.:d:+:h:, :qcf:+:l, land, :s:, sjc.:m::h::u:+:h::s:, land, j.:qcf:+:l:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - 868,700 || +0.4 meter gain!</li></ul>with doom missiles:<br><ul><li>j.s:, land ,s.:m::m::h::s:, sjc.:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:,
:s:, sjc.:d:+:h:, :qcf:+:l, land, :s:, sjc.:m::h::u:+:h::s:, land, dash, :a1:, :qcf:+:l:, :qcb:+:atk::atk:, **missiles hit, :s:, :qcb:+:l: (TK with :u:), :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk: - 1,124,100 || -0.5 meter gain!!!</li></ul>Imma keep experimenting and I’ll update the OP soon. But getting that magical 900k may be possible. I’m also awaiting how SRK will handle notations before I do an overhaul. This changes everything on my layout since now we have a triple launch.<br></div>

<br>Solo 868k? Vergil’s dead  =D>  I’d be amazed if we could get a more damaging combo than that. Is the combo practical from mid-screen or is it full screen only? <br><br><div>It’s cool that people have found ways for Cap to hit between 850k-to 870k.</div></div>

<font face=“Arial, Verdana”><span style=“font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal;”>868k no assist one bar is GODLIKE!..im practicing the combo and Im having major </span><span style=“font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;”>difficulties</span><span style=“font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal;”> …after the charging launch dh l shield they just drop out :(…anyway try and break 900k i’ll be so fucking happy lol… btw i had a super confirm with cap that i posted on the GAFGC facebook group awhile back</span></font><div><font face=“Arial, Verdana”><span style=“font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal;”> my inputs were m,m,h double jump m,h,s, l shield slash, (land) jh,s,l shield slash, s, jm,jm,jh,s, land tk l shield slash, dash, l charging star, h charging star,HCS…damage is about 790k-805k</span></font></div>

off topic but how do you guys feel about cap(charging star) dante(jam session) RR(spitfire) this is the team im gonna run at Final Round this year

Yeah it took me a bit to get the :s:, sjc.:d:+:h:, :qcf:+:l: going. You have to do the :d:+:h: ASAP and then slightly delay the :qcf:+:l:. I’m using a Hitbox so it’s probably a bit more accurate than stick for that motion even though Hitboxes really don’t like doing :u: to :d: (:u: wins if both get pressed…for now). I have 900k ideas, but so far they look like they’re gonna be super tight on timing. I think I can sneak in 1 more :qcb:+:l: but have to omit the last :m:, which means the TK SS ender will have to be the extremely tough one while falling.<br><br>I would highly suggest Cap(SS)/RR(spit)/Dante(jam) instead or Cap(CS)/RR(log)/Dante(weasel). Dante is a stronger anchor and RR needs an assist. Each has distinct advantages, but I like log and weasel shot a LOT with Cap. Also RR has a lot of synergy 2nd: Safe DHC + free set up, good DHC to minigun, THC w/ mini gun can be fully combod and is a great free mix up on block, RR 2nd allows Dante devil trigger dhc to extend combo for better damage.<br><br><br>

Can’t do a sjc… is there a video or something that shows what it looks like on cap?

sjc. is just holding up after launching with :s: attack. They call it a super jump cancel because it is canceling the move into a super jump. It’s not anythign technical, the name is just throwing you off, you do it all the time.<br>

/one thing that may help is turning off the automatic jump after a launch, in the option menu (I’ve forgotten where exactly). In Ultimate, the game is set to automatic jump by default, though as I found out about it before hand I immediately turned it off so I’m not sure if it actually is affecting your ability to super jump.

omfg LOL. Thanks guys. I’m retarded. Thank you

Now only if we can get 850k off of a cr. L. . … then Cap will be zhe best!!!

Updated the OP now that we got char length back. <br><ul><li>Fixed broken youtube links (although I lost Ken’s cap/spender tech. Ken post the links of vids you wanted added, I remember me having an outdated video of something you have more up to date.)</li><li>Added More set ups including some useful Stars and Stripes tech (something that is very valuable to anti-rushdown that I need to practice)</li><li>Added new combos and extensions</li></ul><p>I’m still using the ’ :atk: ’ style notation in hopes this returns to the forums (I NEED them back!), sorry if it makes it hard to read for now. Going forward I will expand this guide to really cover all of Cap beyond matchups and teams(you can post team tech though, just not ordering and shell tiers, etc…). So write ups on use of moves outside of combos, pressure strings, more resets, TACs, and confirms will be added. Feel free to submit anything you feel belongs within that category.</p><p>[edit] <br></p><ul><li>Added section on move analysis. Most of this is obvious stuff to most Caps, but has some rather technical things you may still not know or have thought of using in a match. Things such as kara rolls, double crossups, insta over heads, and better options for certain scenarios.<br></li></ul>

<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/19441/ken123103">ken123103</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Now only if we can get 850k off of a cr. L. . … then Cap will be zhe best!!!  </div>

 <div>I GOT 863K OFF cr. L just go straight into cr. H after cr. L check out my video <a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJNteDFqXvE&feature=youtu.be”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJNteDFqXvE&feature=youtu.be</a></div>


Somethings gotta be wrong with your damage settings I’m following you excat combo and getting way less. I gauged the first 3 hits damage and yours is:<br><br>33k, 83k, 171k<br><br>mine:<br>30k, 93k, 166k<br><br>I’m really confused by this, can you check your settings and see what might be out of place here. I think we would be doing of 1mil with the other combos if this were the case.<br><br>

So the way to make Cap hit 860k was to miss the medium in his magic series… I feel like I got flight-overheaded by Dr. Strange

Did you get it to work? I was in training mode for an hour trying to replicate his damage output. On default settings it doesn’t give that damage, but I couldn’t even tweek it in settings to be the same. What’s going on here O.o?<br>

Yeah so like I actually tried the exact combo and got about 788k… I might need to bust out the ‘Big Phat Phoney’ meme lol. Or I suck.

<span style=“font-weight: normal;”>You got 788k because that’s what the combo does, unless of course you turn the dmg up to</span><b> high</b> then it does what he posted.

Talking with Team Hitbox, I maybe converting a lot of this info into a video tutorial. Any requests on what should be included? My idea for now is to mostly emulate the OP, but preassemble key BnBs rather than go over all the segments.


just thought id pop in and say im 19k away from 1 mil for one meter with assists!

dont really know what to do to up the damage further since i suck at double jumping in the middle of combos!

Post the combo? Maybe we can offer help on where to get more?